Flat Earth Nationalism

Nothing overturns the rotten apple cart of white genocide like Flat Earth.

Flat earth is beautifully subversive because it directly attacks modernist elites as such, and by extension, anti-white elites. Flat earth is a grand slam game-changer. The lack of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq destroyed the credibility of Bush, the neo-cons, and those affiliated with them. Flat earth does that to everyone else who expects to be taken seriously just because they have degrees and control. It is anti-intellectualism at its best. Flat earth is not a quest for respectability. Flat Earth is pure defiance. This fast spreading cultural backlash pulls down globalist icons with populist appeal to common sense. That is good for racialism. Both call for “back to the obvious” first principles.

White genocide depends on a certain cosmology of Jewish “secular” nihilism—in line with general nihilism that Jews feed to cattle—that we are just dust on a speck of dust floating in a meaningless cold vacuum. Nothing special about man here, especially, the white man. Everything is relative. No one has unique stature; no one has a privileged perspective. Everyone is equal and gets equal say over a share of the bounty of the privileged white race; yet everyone in the globalist herd has the same low intellectual and cosmic status before the Jews—you can’t argue with the Jews. You have no grounds to. This is the cosmology of Jewish supremacy without mentioning the Jew. Relativism is proto-multiculturalism.

Jews relished Einstein’s relativity primarily for its utility in cultural subversion. It gave moral, intellectual, and racial relativism currency. Your people, culture, and cultural history are not significant. That’s all Jews need to win culturally. Your culture is just one of many on a speck of dust, and what is dust? We shouldn’t think too highly of ourselves. There’s nothing worth fighting for. Just roll over and bite the dust.

White genocide revolves around ball-earth cosmology.

There are five levels of argument for a flat earth. They establish a preponderance of evidence for a flat earth of some kind. These are: the unexplained “illusions” of a flat earth that we all see; the problem of a constant weight on a spinning ball when centrifugal forces vary along latitudes; engineering professionals and practitioners don’t take curvature into consideration when you would think they would (and if they don’t why should we?); big flaws in Big Astronomy theories which simply violate the minimum unit law, and lastly, black box information control sits behind known science frauds and state astronomy.

#1.  Everyone knows the earth looks flat.

Ball earthers have never accounted for this “illusion.” With the stick-in-water, you can touch the stick and point to the refraction of light that creates the illusion. Why does the earth look flat? The earth looks flat from ground and elevated observations. Visit any vista that goes on for tens of miles. A flat level horizon comes to eye level. It doesn’t “fall off” due to curvature, but it is supposed to.

A second illusion is the stillness of the air. On a rotating ball earth, there should be constant hurricane force winds where the earth is spinning against stagnant air. We couldn’t survive. Why do we get the “illusion” of calm air?

A third illusion is water seeking its own level; lakes and oceans look flat. Why do they look flat on ball earth? If these are not illusions, then they are real phenomena. The earth is flat and not spinning, but at rest; which is why the air is at rest (compared to a constant hurricane), the horizon looks flat, and water seeks its level. It all adds up.

Secular means seeking natural explanations for natural phenomena. Occam’s Razor suggests Flat Earth.

#2 The Gravitational Constant demands a flat earth.

On a flat earth, there are no centrifugal forces. Gravity can stay constant. Your weight can stay constant.

On a ball earth spinning around an axis, there is a direct relation between gravity needed to keep you on the earth to counter the centrifugal force throwing you off into space. They rise and fall together to keep you a constant weight. You weigh the same at the Equator, as you do in NYC. If your weight is constant, gravity must change as centrifugal forces change. Gravity has to adjust to keep your weight constant; meaning there can’t be a gravitational constant on a ball earth.

The gravitational constant implies and requires flat earth.

This makes sense, but if it makes sense, why is it wrong?

A related issue is the constant speed of light. As this video explains, if earth is stationary, then light, you can predict, is constant. If it were moving through space, there would be a slight difference in speed between light going with and light perpendicular to a moving earth. Since no difference is detected (light is constant), we know the earth is not moving; therefore it is not moving around the sun, not moving in a galaxy, and not part of a Big Bang. This dovetails flat earth; we are on the immovable mover. The ground is the ground.

The Gravitational Constant and the constant speed of light support flat earth. This pulls Einstein’s tongue out; if you remember that photo.

#3 Big Bang astronomy has major flaws.

What Banged? Nothing is their answer.

Big Bang, singularities, and black holes make the same mistake as a Zeno Paradox. They violate the minimum unit law; which keeps mathematical physics honest. When you cross the room, your minimum unit is the step; by the step you cross the room.

Zeno said you can’t cross the room because first you have to cross half of half to infinity. This makes your minimum unit vanish to infinity, yet you still physically cross the room. Zeno’s math is disconnected from physics because his setup discards your inviolate fixed-length step to violate the minimum unit law.

You can divide a group of eight people down to groups of four, two, and one, but that’s it. If you divide more you get chopped liver. You can’t divide real things infinitely. You can divide numbers infinitely because they have no physical properties, so it’s harmless.

You cannot divide the gold atom even once and retain the physics of gold, much less, divide infinitely. What is true of man and gold is true of all atoms and molecules. Physicists admit that “the physics breaks down” at infinities, singularities, Big Bang, and Black holes. Establishment astro-theorizing is fundamentally wrong, yet unfazed by these problems.

If they had a theory of astronomy that worked there would be one theory, not dozens of unified field theories, multiple theories of Big Bang and black holes, each patching flaws in each other. Astrophysics is simply in peer-reviewed chaos and tax-funded shenanigans.

You don’t need to know Einstein to know he is wrong. If you can understand the flaw of Zeno’s Paradox, you see the flaw in the Einstein cult.

These academic astro-theorists couldn’t light a candle on ball earth.

#4 Professionals don’t seem to take the curvature of the earth into consideration.

Airplanes seek to be level with the flat horizon; even contrails are flat. Surveyors work from a flat plane. Trains, oil and natural gas pipelines, and subways are flat-earth compatible, following the natural immediate contour of the land, without extra globe curvature.  The Alaska Pipeline, CERN Collider, the Panama Canal, and the Chunnel do not take the broad curvature of the earth into consideration.

From Eric Dubay’s online book:

Engineer, W. Winckler was published in the Earth Review regarding the Earth’s supposed curvature, stating, “As an engineer of many years standing, I saw that this absurd allowance is only permitted in school books. No engineer would dream of allowing anything of the kind. I have projected many miles of railways and many more of canals and the allowance has not even been thought of, much less allowed for. This allowance for curvature means this – that it is 8” for the first mile of a canal, and increasing at the ratio by the square of the distance in miles; thus a small navigable canal for boats, say 30 miles long, will have, by the above rule an allowance for curvature of 600 feet. Think of that and then please credit engineers as not being quite such fools. Nothing of the sort is allowed. We no more think of allowing 600 feet for a line of 30 miles of railway or canal, than of wasting our time trying to square the circle.”

Where is the curvature?

Summing up so far, our eyes tell us earth is flat. Logic tells us that if gravity and our weight are constant, the earth is flat. The minimum unit law tells us Big Bang Big Government Astronomy is bunk. Engineers ignore the ball earth convention and work, as if, on a flat earth. Levels from the big picture to the little picture are telling us the same thing.

Everything is not relative. Something is fixed. The earth is fixed.

This does not pose any philosophic problems and solves a few. The earth is the starting point because something has to be the starting point. We know it exists. We don’t know its bounds, but we didn’t know the bounds of the Big Bang universe. At least, on a flat earth, we have a chance to know by exploring a domain which is accessible here on earth. What is the earth sitting on? The earth is what all else sits on. This averts the infinite regress. You have to start from somewhere. The ground. The flat earth. That’s better than sitting on Big Bang’s black hole of nothing. 

You can be completely secular, logical, skeptical, scientific, and be flat earth. If the earth is flat, it wouldn’t be a surprise to see that reflected in various religions claiming the truth.

Initially, secularism was meant to tame and marginalize Christianity to prevent more religious wars over Semitic religion, and that a ball-earth was part of that effort to undermine Christian temporal power, but in the long run, secularism was hijacked by the Jews to drive it into the ground with relativist absurdities for a new anti-white establishment. To reclaim the establishment, we need flat earth.

#5 The moon landing has a context and explanation in terms of asymmetric post-MAD “peaceful” Cold War competition for hearts and minds.

Just as inflatable tanks are used by the military to present strength where there is none, just as the CIA funded modern art to show intellectuals that the West had “culture” to gain cultural advantage over the Soviet Union, NASA’s inflatable tank was the grand spectacle moon landing to show the US was technically superior to the Soviets to sway the masses.

Soft power creates the perception of power to gain influence and allegiance. Some call propaganda or good advertising mind control or psy-ops. Mickey Mouse brings millions of people to visit Disney. People like it. People like that America landed on the moon. The moon landing was meant to bring those on the communist fence to the West. Once it achieved its point, we never visited the moon again, especially, after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

You would think the digitization of technology would make it easier and cheaper to do it again. Somehow, we just can’t, even on NASA’s $17 billion annual budget. We can spend $700 billion to bailout banks, but nothing to fly to the moon. Either it can’t be done or there’s no will to do it. Why is there no will to do it? Because it can’t be done.

46 years is two generations! We’re not the only country that could do it, if it could be done. How much cheaper could China do it with it’s rice fed work force? How much did Russia or China spend on their Olympics and what would it cost to reach the moon today? Almost comparable to staging the Olympics. Stop Waiting For Godot. The propaganda piece of landing on the moon achieved its purpose.

Couple this mysterious lack of moon colonization with “artist renderings,” no live earth webcam with dynamic clouds forming and dissipating, permed hair on astronauts to give the effect of zero-gravity, astronauts on wires, stage light reflections in helmets, no stars on the moon, no machine shop on the International Space Station to maintain operations, sudden gravitation and loss of gravitation among astronauts, escaping water bubbles, near-drowning in space, it starts to look bad for NASA as a legit outfit.

What’s more is that Polaroid shots would be impossible from space presumably from radiation, and never attempted. Digital camera signals come in 1’s and 0’s. With signal processing, they can be made to look like anything, in artist renderings. They use artist renderings to tell you what Neanderthals looked like, too.

We know this: you can’t get a picture of satellites flying by moons without another satellite; yet they give us the impression with a picture. You can’t get a picture of earth from outside the Milky Way; yet they sell one. How would you get a picture from outside the Milky Way? This is all “real in our imagination,” i.e., there is plenty of power of suggestion. Where’s the real stuff? Instead of admitting its Cold War propaganda purpose, NASA persists with it. It’s become a hoax and a joke. Why would Obama make NASA reach out to Islam? Propaganda.

Whereas a stickup involves a gun in your face, every fraud you can think of depends on a black box deception where the magician controls what you get to see or know. Bernie Madoff controlled his black box. This is commonly expressed in Stalin’s dictum, it doesn’t matter how people vote; what matters is who counts the votes in the box. Big science has many black holes to dump the truth.

The USG takes control over situations, including access to space, telescopes, global temperature data, Antarctica, and bin Laden’s corpse.  You know what they want to let you know. When evidence is not open for inspection, you are intellectually dependent and forced into a servile mindset. There is only one answer to this; don’t believe anything they say, as a matter of principle. Believe your eyes, not their lies.

What NASA claims is what NASA claims.

Climategate showed that global warming was a black box ruse where Jews controlled the data. Global warming is designed to de-industrialize white nations and tax them by trillions to support non-whites who are exempt from its globalist strictures. Can Jews be trusted to tell us the truth about this data?

If there is no globe, there is no global warming. Heat just dissipates along a flat earth plane of unknown extent. No problem.  No worries. No taxes. No scam. Jews want you to worry about the temperature of the earth and pay taxes to ZOG to shut yourself down and spend thousands on Jewish solar power scams. Since global warming failed to capture the public imagination, elites open the borders to the globe!

What’s more important: to worry about your race, or the temperature of the earth?

We should be spending billions cultivating our race, esteem for our racial purity and its health, our borders, and concern ourselves with our ancient European values and culture. Yet what is pushed? Anti-white temperature hysteria to white students in public schools of the privileged white West.

With ball-earth globalism, whites literally lost the ground under their feet. Today, with greased feet, we have no leverage to push back against the Jews. Yet they must be toppled by mobilizing millions against them. Flat earth can do it. It’s a cultural curve ball elites can’t handle.

What do you do in race war? Get your opponent off his feet, off center, so he looses balance. Our most important consideration must be how to get our leverage back. Once we do, if we do in time, we win.

In this regard, ball-earth is the key vulnerability of the Jewish Death Star. It’s part of the Enlightenment Cathedral, globalism, unlimited mass migrations, the cultural gate-keeping, and the elites on their pedestals. Overturn ball earth, and you overturn relativism and egalitarianism and its economic incentives. Since Jews are the intellectual elite, the first shall be last when the flat earthers come to town and take over.

Flat earth is a gateway to racialism.

Flat earth connects you to your ancestors and posterity through reincarnation and ancestor worship generating a de facto-racial consciousness. India is known as the most race conscious society in the world and has a sophisticated Hindu cosmology that involves flat earth and reincarnation. East Asians nations, like Japan and Korea, have a racial consciousness, ancestor worship, and Buddhism has its own cosmology of Flat Earth. Aryan or Indo-European cultures either shared or originated this. East Asian religions are their legacy which would account for their underground popularity among Westerners.

Flat earth and racial consciousness connect; globalism and white genocide connect.

In Christianity, you are saved or not, if you accept Jesus. If your family doesn’t, they burn in hell. You’re an atom. Per Christianity, our ancient ancestors are burning in hell. Christians have no real use for the flat earth, which among the Norse and Hindu, functions as a part of a larger organic picture of our life cycle. We need it for reincarnation. We can’t go to other planets; we need to be here. Blood and soil can’t be severed. You must remember the past to have a future. If you lose your past, you lose your future. There is a perspective of continuity from ancestors to the present to posterity that must survive the Jews.

Ancestor-worship is rare or impossible to Christians (although Mormons retroactively or posthumously baptize people to get around this) which means genuine racialism is rare or impossible to them.

If for no other reason than to save the white race, you should consider Flat Earth as a useful myth that serves to subvert the powers that be and provides a solid foundation for a new age.

Flat Earth is an attitude that overturns everyone who gets their thinking based on inherited and existing elite authority, the type that created the incomprehensible social world (and its ridiculous mathematical physics) we live in now. Everything about white genocide is about a top-down elite driven “knows better than you, doing what’s good for you” mentality.  The collective psychology of the Jews and their Merkel-type elites is pathological authoritarianism.

Flat Earth subverts it by getting under the skin of the elites. It turns their degrees and titles to dust. It rips their high horse out from under them. Who are they to run our societies, if they don’t know the earth is flat? Flat!

Flat Earth is intuitive. It is populist and empowers the people. Both race and flat earth stand on the obvious. They depend on the concretes available to everyone. You don’t have to be an anthropologist or geneticist. You just know blacks and whites are different and belong in different neighborhoods. Who knows why and who cares. Just keep them out of our neighborhoods. Jews are no friends of ours and shouldn’t be running our society because they run it into the ground. Just keep them out of our governments. Ayn Rand despised this brute simplicity verve-in-action as the “concrete-bound” mentality. Concrete!

Round earth intellectualism is a lot like libertarianism. To get it, you have to read a 1,000 pages of astronomy or take 30 years of observations or get a prestigious ride on a rocket to convince yourself the earth is round. Ball earth is just elitism masking as science.

“Where is the curvature?”

Cosmology has ramifications. What kind of world do we see ourselves living in? This is not a scientific question. It’s a cultural question.  Should we look to Jews or our ancestors for wisdom?  Flat earth brings us back, way back, to our ancestors who, we can say lived in a pre-Semitic Golden Age. Flat earth will take us to a post-Semitic Golden Age.

Flat earth connects us to the past and to posterity, to blood and to soil.

Very few things can leave the elites naked like Flat Earth.  Flat Earth is a giant F.U. to their intellectual pretense, social rank, and social control. It is revolutionary.

Only if you despise the elites can you destroy them.

They have no answer to “flat earth!” than to call us crazy. They are surrounded. Flat Earth is kyptonite, holy water, and a silver bullet all in one. They are exposed. Flat earth is the tip of the spear. Fans of the flat earth also have a strong crossover with Holohoax-denial, so there is no doubt that the same sense of intellectual defiance goes a long way to fight the Jews.

The Copernican Revolution was a social and cultural revolution. Both Copernicus (d. 1543) and Luther (d. 1546) were contemporaries, as were Einstein (d.1959) and Freud (d. 1939). Globalism is just recycled Jew-run collectivism. Flat earth reverses all of it.

Our power comes from the earth. Blood and soil. Flat earth is our leverage to push Jews into the sea.

Thanks to a hint to read up on flat earth from Renegade in August, I can’t find any serious problems with the flat earth. Thanks to all the people in the flat earth world for their videos and articles that may have contributed to this article. 

Source Article from http://renegadetribune.com/flat-earth-nationalism/

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