Finding Martin! Julia Cross’s friends launch hunt for her mystery Ibiza holiday love

Andrew Levy

Last updated at 10:54 PM on 6th January 2012

It was the perfect end to a perfect
night. After meeting the man of her dreams, Julia Cross left him with a
single kiss and her phone number.

But since that balmy evening on the holiday island of Ibiza, she hasn’t heard from the chap, who gave his name as Martin.

Convinced she must have given him the
wrong number, the missed opportunity became a regular topic of
conversation with friends – who took matters into their own hands.

Julia Cross who is trying to find lost holiday romance boyfriend

Julia Cross who is trying to find her holiday romance boyfriend. Ms Cross, from Clapham, said: ‘It was a really brilliant holiday and I can’t believe it but am hugely flattered that my friends are going to such extreme measures with this campaign.’


An email entitled Finding Martin, which describes the quest, has now gone viral backed up by a Facebook group and a Twitter campaign.

An email entitled Finding Martin, which describes the quest, has now gone viral backed up by a Facebook group and a Twitter campaign

They sent out an email, titled
Finding Martin, which has been circulated nationally and is backed up by
a Facebook and Twitter campaign.

The email lists everything Miss Cross, 33, remembers about him.

Unfortunately, that’s limited to the
fact he’s a software developer who lives in Tooting, south London, and
was wearing a cycling helmet with glow sticks attached to it.

A slightly embarrassed Miss Cross
yesterday made it clear the idea to try to track Martin down was not
hers, but admitted she would be ‘delighted’ if he got in contact.

The PR consultant, of Clapham, south
London, added: ‘He seemed like a really considerate guy and his friends
were a lovely bunch.’

Miss Cross, a New Zealander who came
to Britain ten years ago, met Martin – who she described as tall with
‘quite a posh accent’ – on September 18 at the Space nightclub.

The night ended with the couple watching the sun rise over the sea.

Their chances of meeting are not as slim as some might think given that Facebook announced last year that there were only four degrees of separation between people.

Prior to that it used to be that we were all just six degrees of separation apart – ie you could ‘connect’ anyone to anyone else via finding a friend who knew someone else, who knew someone else and so on.

The figure has gone down from 5.28 in 2008 to 4.74 and has been caused by the rise in social networking and sharing websites.

Ms Cross, from Clapham, said: ‘It was a really brilliant holiday and I can’t believe it but am hugely flattered that my friends are going to such extreme measures with this campaign.’

Ms Cross met Martin in this Ibiza club. He had gone partying wearing a cycle helmet with glow sticks

Ms Cross met Martin in this Ibiza club. He had gone partying wearing a cycle helmet with glow sticks

Leading the search for Martin is Julia’s colleague Samina Deen. She said: ‘For the last three months Julia has been regaling us with this story of how she met Martin, and all the “what ifs?”

‘It started off as a bit of a joke. We Googled him, searched LinkedIn and even started drinking in pubs in Tooting hoping to spot him. But then we began talking about the fact that it is a small world and friends may be connected to other friends.

‘We decided that if we really put our minds to it we could probably track him down.’

She added: ‘She was pretty sure he would call so when the text didn’t come through she was convinced she had given him the wrong number. Obviously it could be that Martin just didn’t want to call her but if there is even a chance it might all work out, it would be a crime for us not to try.’

The viral email, which lists all the things Julia can remember about Martin, including the fact that he is originally from Maidenhead, and was wearing a cycling helmet with glow sticks attached to it, has already reached thousands.

It says: ‘Help reunite JC and Martin. Stick this on your Twitter Feed, flag it up on Facebook. Spread the word.’

If you can help find Martin, please email: [email protected]

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Good luck!! Hope you find Martin and it turns out well for you.

Beware the holiday romance.

Martin probably wasn’t interested….

So, she received his phone number which had some wrong digits……Hmmmmm, I wonder ?. Isn’t that a ploy used by chaps (and some girls) who when asked for their phone number give the wrong one, as they are not interested in the other person. But I must admit, she is good looking.

Look love, accept that the bloke just isn’t interested, stalking him like this just stinks of desperation. Leave him be.

i wish i was martin!! she’s a lovely looking lady!!

Stop being so desperate – he’s probably married anyway.

I see – she gave him the WRONG phone number!!!! It’s not that maybe, just maybe, he doesn’t actually want to call!!

Ibiza is an amazing place to meet people – I met my current Girlfriend there whilst on holiday 6 years ago!! She tracked me down via facebook and although we spoke on and off over the years, we eventually got together about 5months ago after dating for a couple of months beforehand. All I can say is good luck to them both in finding each other again, and believe me..there is no reason this can’t turn out for the best! Personally, I have never been so happy!!

Must be love if he was wearing a cycle helmet with glow sticks coming out of it!

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