Looking for a place to live? Zillow Rentals is a useful app which might shorten your time to shelter. For rental properties, it acts like a smart real estate agent in your pocket.
When launched, the app first asks about the type of rental you seek including how many bedrooms and bathrooms, monthly budget, whether or not you require a single family home or apartment. Then comes one of the app’s best features, location. You can enter the areas you’re interested in using the typical methods – zip code, town name, etc. – or you can draw right on a map with your finger as the pen. The map starts at your current location but you can navigate to any. Your drawing can be circular or wiggly or any shape and you can encircle more than one area on the map to include different neighborhoods. This feature is both clever and useful and matches people’s desire to look for rentals in certain sections of a town but not others.
When finished with the search parameters the app displays listings in the areas you chose matching your specs. It showed several for the town in which I live, complete with photos. With a couple of taps you can call or email the landlord, or compare two listings side-by-side to decide between them. If your roommate or spouse needs to weigh in, share the info via email or text.
I’m not currently looking to rent but if I were, this app would be top of the list of helper apps.
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