By Phillip Marlowe (continued from “Figuring Out The Big Scam…“)
Let me state right off the bat: This is a real life “existential” matter for the White race. What they are doing is stealing our lands right out from under us, while at the same time silently winnowing our numbers down by promoting race mixing, immigration of Third Worlders, immorality of various sorts to destroy the family unit — all of which happens to distracts us from them as they continue on with the rest.
For decades, they have been steadily working to turn Whites into some ugly as sin, dumbed-down, moronic mud race. A race far less dangerous to Jewry’s ambitions of World control — more easily managed and policed once the “Chosen Ones” finally gain “full spectrum” globalism. Call it “just in time” racial engineering, if you like.
Unfortunately, way too many White people hide their heads to this now glaringly obvious agenda, simply because they can’t believe how anyone could get away with all this. Somehow they think there must be people out there who can put a stop to such lefty brainwashing and lying (like the holocaust) in the public sphere. Guess what? There isn’t any.
We don’t have any big, well-funded organizations who can speak out publicly in defense of the White race without being vehemently slandered and infiltrated by the FBI and self-elected Jew thought police like the SPLC and ADL. And once the media was bought out by big international Jew money and staffed through-out with lefty Jews, they could put a stop to any worrisome modes of thinking among the Goyim. Meanwhile, other Jews in the educational arena worked steadily among the young to install “PC” social taboos so we would soon fear even talking about it with each other. Hell, everyone knows just how insanely psycho liberals have become.
The Jew is getting away with all this crap, simply because they can. Yep, there’s nothing out there to expose their lying BS. They can’t allow White people to say anything and for other Whites to hear those things unfiltered by Jew word-twisting and editing. Say JACK about the subversive, Marxist Jews, Zionist Israel or the violent day-to-day criminality of the homies, and everyone is programmed to scream bloody murder about racism and anti-Semitism.
They got the game fully-rigged to keep America snowed and us Whites cowed.
You can pick out this liberal PC bias easily just by watching mainstream news and all their cable channels. Fortunately, people are starting to see it. If you pay attention, you can pick out the head games they use all the time. On the surface, FOX news might seem to cater to the White conservative, but still adheres to the DIVERSITY BS destroying our race, once you extrapolate from the way things are going. They, too, are part of the scam — merely different window dressing to keep us confused.
These people were clearly using the “herd instinct” against us. You can see it today. Notice how they use the least attractive, goofiest White who might say the wrong things politically for “man on the street” interviews. The news media has worked for decades to plant the black victimhood “narrative” and guilt over evil Whitey “oppression and racism” in our brains.
I soon realized something as a young man fresh out of college: Most people believed everything printed in a book must be true. This stupidity could also be seen when it came to mass media. If the TV news anchor said something, then it had to be true. The talking head’s demeanor and delivery were just as important, if not more so.
Around this time, I went to work for a relatively small book publisher. A Jewish owned publisher. Yep, sure did. At least for a few years.
I remember once when we were going to publish a book on “ghost photography.” It was written by an Austrian Jew named Hans Holzer (German Ashkanazi Jewish last name). Holzer was the Jew actually behind the big “Amityville Horror” supposedly real story that so many people believed back in the ’80’s. Jew written word lying goes hand-in-hand with Jew film-making lying in Hollywood. His daughter Alexandra is now carrying on with daddykins paranormal scams.
When the typewritten copy for Holzer’s ghost photography book came in, it was along with photos keyed in with captions to use as illustrations. These were large 8″ x 10″ continuous tone darkroom prints. This was the time long before digital photography. When you see a photo in a book or magazine, they were “half-toned” and reduced, so one could never see the details you could pick out from the larger original. Actually, photos in printed materials are still halftoned today, albeit during the plate making stage.
These were shots of “paranormal researchers” and “spiritual mediums.” They had smoke coming out of their mouths that was supposed to be a “Ectoplasm” or some such ridiculous BS. In the originals, you could easily see it was crudely-staged using cotton balls and tape, or the more sophisticated double exposure work in the darkroom using cigarette smoke. Hell, I knew exactly how to do it all myself.
I distinctly remember this one shot where they showed a séance medium, deep in a trance, as the supposed ghost of Abraham Lincoln looked down upon her from out of the dark. Yet you could see a big halftone dot pattern in Lincoln’s face — sure evidence the shot was stolen from a printed book or magazine, since they had no access to the original negative (a portrait by the famous early photog, Matthew Brady). It was so obvious. But once reduced to fit in the book, one would hardly see the halftone dots without careful examination and knowledge of such matters.
Later in life, I discovered similar techniques were being used in the “holocaust industry.” Crude Soviet WWII propaganda fakery was being recycled by the Zionist Jews in the West to brainwash White America into supporting Israel. I still see these fake shots used in current WWII TV documentaries, even though many have long been debunked.
I was floored. Why were we publishing such lying crap as true? You could easily see it was all a big fat lie. I remember other peons in my department were also noticeably confused and wondering the same thing, but kept their mouths shut just like myself — sorry to admit. Paychecks are just like little bribes when it comes to Jew media. For real.
Unfortunately, it took me awhile to connect the dots as to who and why. That, I will admit. And to think the answer was always right in front of my nose.
Nevertheless, I am hoping and praying that I reach whatever Whites out there who read my words to spread the news to other Whites. Each of us must do our part to alert other Whites to this insidious, diabolical plot against our race.
These dirty rats sense us “waking up” too fast (it was bound to happen sooner or later) and have dialed up the brainwashing and social upheavals in the attempt to “get it done.” You can see this now happening in real time. Once you get “the big picture” on who-what-why, everything fits together perfectly. All the Israel-loving, all the pro-immigration of Third Worlders, all the black militancy, all the non-White criminal behavior protection, all the homo-loving and faggoty transgenderism, all the “Whitey be bad” crap promoted everywhere in the media.
The PC BS on TV and in the movies suddenly becomes quite obvious and understandable — it’s all been a big continuous lefty Jew scam meant to brainwash the White race.*
The saying “the truth will set you free” is indeed true. You will feel much less daily angst and confusion and know exactly who are the real culprits most responsible.
Now get out there and spread the news!
*National Geographic has been running this big multi-part series called “Genius,” about Albert Einstein (Jews act like he’s a God). The thing was bursting at the seams with PC brainwashing: Hyped-up, evil Nazis running amok, feminism, red baiting right-wingers, angry closet homo J. Edger Hoover breaking the law to harass innocent minorities — all the usual PC narratives — plus the long-running Jew cover-up of Einstein’s theft of David Hilbert’s equations to make General Relativity work. Jews have tens of millions to finance such propaganda efforts — you can tell by all the high-priced actors, sets, locations, extras and period costumes. Folks, this is big time International Jew programing for the small screen. Even the advertising is now geared to brainwash our White race with multiculturalism.
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Wow what a freakin moron