Ferguson Considers Removing Ridiculous Michael Brown Shrine Located in Middle of Road

Daily Slave
May 8, 2015

Anyone who wants to remove this obviously hates Black people.

The confused Negroes of Ferguson, Missouri have maintained a ridiculous shrine to the violent criminal Michael Brown in the middle of the road where he was killed.  It has become a road hazard so now there is a push to remove it.

It was his own fault that he died.  This is a fact even admitted to by the Negro run Injustice Department.  He should have never violently attacked anyone, let alone someone with a gun.  I don’t care who he attacked was a police officer or not.  Such a shrine even existing is insane.

Hopefully someone will just take it upon themselves to plow their car through it.


To some, a makeshift shrine in the middle of the Ferguson street where Michael Brown was killed last summer is a hallowed symbol of a new civil rights movement over race and policing. To others, it has served its purpose and is now more of an eyesore and a road hazard.

Within hours of Brown’s Aug. 9 shooting death by a white police officer, people began placing stuffed animals, candles and other tributes in the middle of Canfield Drive, where the unarmed black 18-year-old’s body lay for about four hours before it was removed.

The shrine stretches several yards down the center of the two-lane road that bisects a housing complex, and city leaders are grappling with the thorny question of whether to remove or replace it and risk further inflaming racial tensions in the 21,000-resident St. Louis suburb, which is two-thirds black. Another section of the shrine sits along the curb a few yards away.

Source Article from http://www.dailystormer.com/ferguson-considers-removing-ridiculous-michael-brown-shrine-located-in-middle-of-road/

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