There is a simple cost cutting solution.
Hang his ass till his neck snaps and he s#its his pants.
Mass murder is a hanging offense.
The killer jabs have mass murdered at least tens of thousands of people.
He purposely violated the Nuremberg Code.
Thats a hanging offense.
Hang his ass and he will need no pension.
The Sheeple committed suicide in mass-
Bleating frantically to be injected in their sheep’s ass-
The herd shook in fear of an imaginary foe-
So that straight through the slaughterhouse door they did go-
They delivered their lambs up for the slaughter to save themselves-
Believing in a mythical “virus” same as they did honest government and garden elves-
They clambered to get to the front of the line for the killer jab-
Of a biological kill weapon developed in a Ratschild controlled & funded lab-
They bleated angrily at any who did not want to comply-
With the mass suicide pact, any who refused to buy-
The lies of the “Health Experts”, media and government whores-
Any who did not bow down to group think, of the mass hysteria mores-
In the end when the vaxxed sheep had left their bones bleaching in the sun-
When those guilty of the farce had been by crazed & grieving relatives run-
Into blind alleys, places with no exits, back rooms and such-
As the guilty whores pleaded their innocence and for mercy so very much-
The survivors who lost friends, lovers, children, spouses, grandparents to the lying Rats-
Beat the evil sons of bitches brains out with rusty tire irons and base ball bats!
The Ole Dog!
F#cki’s Retirement Pension Will Exceed President Biden’s Salary
This week, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), announced his retirement effective January 2025. By then, he will have turned 85 years old and served in the federal government for 59 years. Our auditors at crunched Fauci’s cash pension payout as of his anticipated retirement date.
Today, Fauci earns a federal salary of $480,654 per year. However, by 2024, Fauci will likely be making $530,000 in salary – an increase of nearly $200,000 since 2014.
Therefore, we estimate that Fauci’s first year pension payout will exceed $414,000 – more than the salary for the President of the United States ($400,000).
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