In preparing your response to this National Security Letter, you should determine whether your company maintains the following types of information which may be considered by you to be an electronic communications transactional record in accordance with Title 18 United States Code § 2709.
Subscriber name and related subscriber information
Account number(s)
Date the account opened or closed
Physical and or postal addresses associated with the account
Subscriber day/evening telephone numbers
Screen names or other on-line names associated with the account
All billing and method of payment related to the account including alternative billed numbers or calling cards
All e-mail addresses associated with the account to include any and all of the above information for any secondary or additional e-mail addresses and or user names identified by you as belonging to the targeted account in this letter
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses assigned to this account and related e-mail accounts
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) assigned to the account
Plain old telephone{s) (POTS), ISDN circuit(s), Voice over internet protocol (VOIP), Cable modem service, Internet cable service, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) asymmetrical/symmetrical relating to this account
The names of any and all upstream and providers facilitating this account’s communications
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