Family of slain American teen sue police

The 19-year-old college student, Kendrec McDade, was shot and killed by two Pasadena police officers on March 24.

His parents have filed lawsuits against the Pasadena police chief, the two police officers who shot McDade and a detective.

The lawsuit alleges that the Pasadena police acted unlawfully, arguing the officers never saw anything resembling a gun, never yelled any commands to identify themselves before opening fire and handcuffed the dying man.

It also refers to other officer-involved shootings, beatings and harassment of African-American men in Pasadena during the last three years, alleging that the police department routinely tries to cover up such incidents.

The lawsuit seeks a jury trial to determine unspecified punitive and monetary damages.

The fatal incident occurred when a Pasadena resident, Oscar Carrillo, called the police to report that two armed men had robbed him of his computer and backpack.

Moments later, two police officers encountered McDade, who was running on the street at the time. When he made a move at his waistband, the officers opened fire and killed the student.

However, no weapons or any of the stolen items were found on him.

Police arrested the 911 caller last week on suspicion of involuntary manslaughter after he admitted lying to police about the men having guns.


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