Falkland Islands: Argentina makes formal complaint to UN accusing Britain of ‘militarising’ dispute

  • President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner
    said UK sending modern warship and Prince William to the South Atlantic poses risk to ‘international

Ian Drury

Last updated at 12:16 AM on 9th February 2012

Britain hit back last night after Argentina vowed to complain to the United Nations that the Falkland Islands were being ‘militarised’.

Politicians and military veterans mocked President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner as ‘troubled’ after she accused the UK of ‘risking international security’ by deploying HMS Dauntless and Prince William to the South Atlantic.

She pleaded with David Cameron to ‘give peace a chance’, adding: ‘We are not attracted to armed games, or wars.’

Ongoing dispute: President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner stands in front of a backdrop displaying the Falkland Islands painted in the colours of the Argentine national flag

Ongoing dispute: President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner stands in front of a backdrop displaying the Falkland Islands painted in the colours of the Argentine national flag

Provocative: A banner that reads 'Brits get out of the Malvinas' hangs on a fence outside Government House in Buenos Aires, where Ms Kirchner gave her speech

Provocative: A banner that reads ‘Brits get out of the Malvinas’ hangs on a fence outside Government House in Buenos Aires, where Ms Kirchner gave her speech

Tensions between Britain and
Argentina have simmered  recently prior to the 30th anniversary of the
start of the 1982 Falklands war.

Both countries have accused the other
of ‘colonialism’ and Buenos Aires has led a ban on Falklands-flagged
ships from South American ports.

The row deepened when the UK announced
it was sending the £1billion Type 45 destroyer HMS Dauntless to patrol
the waters.

The Mail understands a ‘hunter-killer’ submarine will also
be sent.

Argentina has also condemned the ‘provocative’ decision to send the Duke of Cambridge as an RAF search-and-rescue pilot.

The Argentine president insisted the
UK was flexing its military muscles. ‘We cannot interpret in any other
the sending of an immense and modern destroyer accompanied by the Royal
heir,’ she said.

Show of military strength? Prince William (right) began a six-week posting in the region last week in his role as an RAF search and rescue pilot

Show of military strength? Prince William (right) began a six-week posting in the region last week in his role as an RAF search and rescue pilot

Disputed: Argentina calls the Falkland Islands (pictured) Las Malvinas and claims they were 'stolen' by Britain 180 years ago

Disputed: Argentina calls the Falkland Islands (pictured) Las Malvinas and claims they were ‘stolen’ by Britain 180 years ago

Downing Street yesterday rejected the
president’s comments. ‘We are not militarising the South Atlantic. Our
defensive posture in the Falkland Islands remains unchanged,’ said a
spokesman for the Prime Minister.

Dick Sawle of the Falklands’
legislative assembly said: ‘This is nonsense. The UN has given us the
right to self-determination and there has been no increase in military

Falklands veteran Simon Weston, who
was badly injured in the conflict, which cost 255 British and 649
Argentine lives, called the Argentine president ‘troubled’.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
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Don’t “Sabre-rattle” unless you’re prepared for the consequences Ms Kirchner…..you seem to have made a huge political mis-calculation ,woken a sleeping lion. and promised your electorate something you cannot deliver

British governments have historically been weak, and our latest one is no exception – they are crippled by the rot of liberalism that is the weak wristed Liberals.

This is to take attention away from the domestic problems, just like Galtieri did.
I mean come on, the Women seized private pensions for the Government to waste the money.

it’s people like her the world should be wary of, the woman’s demented.

Even if they were militarising them, what business is it of theirs? It seems the whole world can dictate to this country what we can and cannot do, but we are belittled if we do the same to them. What a sad little woman she is.

Just peace.
It´s what the whole world is looking for.
It´s what the whole world MUST look for.
There have been enough deaths in the Earth’s history, don’t you think?

If William going to the Falklands is aggressive, how about sending his little brother with an Apache helicopter to play with? That should give this woman a cardiac through apoplexy!

if i was british i would be worry about a ship that worth 1billion sent to defend british from a country like Argentina that has no intentions to make war, meanwhile british on your “real” islands lose their jobs when your pm is looking for a new war against argentina or siria or iran to use money in defense and not on your own people

When people realise that nations are lines in the sand drawn with a stick, such issues will be a thing of the past.

President Cristina Fernandez has increasingly become a major embarassment to Argentinian citizens, most of which have no quarrel with Britain.

The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline.

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