Virtually all nations free from US control prioritize world peace, stability, cooperative relations with other countries and compliance with international law.
At peace with their neighbors and other countries, their foreign policy is polar opposite how hegemon USA and its imperial co-conspirators operate.
Ahead of Russia’s lower house State Duma elections — to conclude on Sunday — the Washington Post recited its customary litany of bald-faced Big Lies about the country and Vladimir Putin.
It lied claiming “the deck (was) stack(ed) for Putin (sic).”
It lied accusing Russia of running “fake candidates and jailing opposition figures (sic).”
Last month, Putin expressed “hope that the United Russia (party) will maintain its position and have an opportunity at the legislative level to take relevant decisions in the interests of the country,” adding:
“The party’s program is an important, fundamental document.”
“It is a living document that must respond to what is happening…
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