At first it seems to be an innocuous enough website which wrongly says that Ivermectin is ineffective against Covid, and could not possibly be doing any good in Japan or anywhere else, although as former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Dr. Mike Yeadon says, this is well put to bed. It works, it is cheap and it is effective.
Even the FDA’s own website contradicts its official position. There is ample evidence that Ivermectin can reduce Covid mortality by 80%.
Anything to the contrary is in effect killing people. (See: ICU Nurse: People Who Died of COVID “Should Be Considered Murdered” by Withholding Safe, Non-Vax Remedies)
ICU nurse Morgan Wallace, January 4, 2022, people who died of COVID “should be considered murdered” (view on Bitchute)
The interesting part comes with a little poking into exactly who is. It’s top funder is Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, one of Great Reset driver Klaus Schwab’s most footsoldiers, whose avowed Facebook policy is to squash anything negative about the Covid injections, even if it is true.
These are the vaccines which provide the impetus toward universal ID’s, tied into a global database, so governments know where you are and what you are doing, with a few keystrokes, at all times.
Remember it was Schwab who wrote in his 2013 book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution:
“Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.” [emphasis added]
No secret. No conspiracy theory. It’s all right out in the open.
Zuckerberg at Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland, 2017
Below: ICU Nurse: People Who Died of COVID “Should Be Considered Murdered” by Withholding Safe, Non-Vax Remedies
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