Please wake up people to the truth about what is going down. This crack down will apply from next Monday we’re told.
When I last looked CDC’s stats told us more than 500 people had died from the experimental vaccine that was authorized for emergency use only, see below.
In a normal world the vaccine would’ve been withdrawn at the very early deaths but no. Instead they are figuring out how to stop you even knowing about the deaths and very serious injuries. Does this sound like a health system that really cares about your health? (Search for covid deaths and injuries in categories at the left of this page to see just some of these). This is not misinformation. Before too long I will not be able to write this at all. We truthers are already being shadow banned online. NZ plans to roll this out soon. A week ago I read July, then April, now I see ‘next month’. They are hurrying it in as more and more find out the risks and are hesitating, risks which, think about it, should have been told to you in the first place. Women who were vaccinated during pregnancy have lost their babies. Worse also, we are now being told there is no correlation between the jab and the awful adverse reactions. Your window is short. Take stock & investigate for yourselves before it is too late. All the videos of injuries we see, the victims are warning you of the possible effects.
Below here are the two articles about Facebook’s intended censorship. A quote from the first one: “Under the Community Standards policy, posts with “debunked claims” that Covid-19 is “man-made or manufactured,” or that vaccines are ineffective, unsafe, dangerous or cause autism will be removed starting Monday, VP of Integrity Guy Rosen announced on the Facebook blog.”
Believe me they are already censoring heavily, including frequently the statements of certified medical practitioners. EWR
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