Biden blabbering about sending F-16s against discontented Americans was the moment he should have been removed under the 25th. That is the talk of a madman.
So now Texas has defied a Supreme Court order and the Executive Branch, over a clear Constitutional issue, in which the Supreme Court upended the plain English of the Constitution. Texas has won the war of hearts and minds. Any state can do the same.
Biden is defacto no longer a president able to discharge his duties and should be removed under 25th Amendment, as We the People, including the US Border Patrol, have reaffirmed the requirement that in a Republic, we are governed only with the consent of the governed. When government turns tyrannical, we withdraw that consent.
The US Declaration of Independence reads:
“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…”
The “alteration” should be the removal of Joe Biden. Negativists point out that Kamala Harris would be just as bad or worse. This is false. True Harris is stupid, vapid and incompetent. But she would walk into an Executive whose wings had been clipped by the People, and would be unable to continue the federal overreach which Biden reveled in, and only at political peril, the 25th hanging over her head as well and clear red lines having been drawn by the states.
Congress must act to remove Biden under the 25th Amendment, having lost the confidence of his men and women at arms which is a dangerous situation for the country. No Revolutionary soldier obeyed George Washington just because he was Commander-in-Chief. They obeyed him because he had earned their respect and love as a leader, in bravery and wisdom. Washington was often at the head of his men in battle and had to be pulled back into the lines by aides more than once.
Biden blabbering about sending F-16s against discontented Americans was the moment he should have been removed under the 25th. That is the talk of a madman. Now the RINOs in Congress get another opening. Will they betray the American People again, by failing to act?
The Supreme Court has turned itself into a clown show with no power. Biden has tried like no other president to plunge us into to civil war, threatening his opponents with F-16s and bombs, sounding more like a tin-pot Third World tyrant than a US president the stature of a JFK or an FDR. But he has failed. Our law enforcement patriots have united against him. Now he is nothing, not able to command his own men, and women.
Congress especially GOP RINOS do your duty, or you are a clown show too, and we will vote out all of you. R emove Biden, 25th Amendment. Immediately.
“Border Patrol Turns on Joe Biden, Proclaims Support for Texas National Guard
By Bonchie | 3:41 PM on January 26, 2024
“Is there going to be a major confrontation on the border following Joe Biden’s ultimatum that Texas National Guard forces be removed from Shelby Park and other “disputed” areas? Not if the rank-and-file of the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol have anything to say about it.
According to a new post put out by the Border Patrol Union, and a new report from Griff Jenkins of Fox News, Biden has lost operational control of the situation, at least in a practical sense.
The Biden administration had initially warned Texas that it had until mid-day Friday to relinquish control of Shelby Park, the nearby boat dock, and the International Bridge. That deadline has now come and gone, and instead of there being a major clash between the Border Patrol and the state-controlled soldiers on site, it appears those on the ground have already de-escalated the situation.
The Border Patrol Union ends by slamming Biden for creating the current “catastrophe” and reiterating that there will be no conflict between CBP agents and state forces. The statement is a clear signal of support for the Texas National Guard, its mission, and those leading it, including Gov. Greg Abbott.
Rank-and-file BP agents appreciate and respect what TX has been doing to defend their state in the midst of this catastrophe that the Biden Admin has unleashed on America.
We want to be perfectly clear, there is no fight between rank-and-file BP agents and the TX NG, Gov. Abbott, or TX DPS. It may make flashy headlines, but it simply isn’t true.
Furthering the division between the Border Patrol and the White House was a senior CBP official who said they have no plans to follow through on removing the razor wire put up by Texas. Biden has completely lost whatever leverage he had.
We are in uncharted territory right now,….”
Read Next Article…
Cold Blooded Murder: Bill Gates Funded Studies on Hydroxychloroquine Designed to Kill Subjects
Above image: WHO President Tedros Adhanom and Bill Gates
In April of 2020, the World Health Organization’s (WHO,) the largest single funder of which is Bill Gates, attempted to discredit hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as a treatment for COVID by designing and funding studies which administered nearly five times recommended maximum dose for any use, which is known to be possibly lethal. A single US county prosecutor could present the study protocols to a Grand Jury and get an indictment.
The indictment and successful prosecution of Gates would send shock waves through the circles running the World Economic Forum’s Agenda 2030 drive towards digital IDs and a single global CBDC programmable “money.” This would likely slow the global operation down if not stop it.
Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav, president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, reported in June 2020:
“Dr. Meryl Nass has uncovered a hornet’s nest of government sponsored Hydroxychloroquine experiments that were designed to kill severely ill, Covid-19 hospitalized patients. On June 14th Dr. Nass first identified two Covid-19 experiments in which massive, high toxic doses – four times higher than usual of hydroxychloroquine were being given to severely ill hospitalized patients in intensive care units.”
(Also see; “WHO “Solidarity” and UK “Recovery” Clinical Trials of Hydroxychloroquine using Potentially Fatal Doses,” The Age of Autism)
Bill Gates and WHO teamed up to produce the studies at a time when doctors around the world were reporting great success with HCQ in the treatment of COVID, as they still do today, when used properly in the early stages. (Palmer Foundation: Gates Foundation and Wellcome Trust to fund Covid-19 drug trials.)
Below: Financial Times, March 30, 2020 (Source)
The absence of any other effective remedy for a disease is a requirement for the FDA to grant “emergency use authorization (EUA)” to experimental vaccines. FDA regulations state there must be no “available alternative.” Were alternative remedies such as HCQ to take hold, public funding, and the suspension of normal, years-long safety trials, especially for long-term effects, would have not been possible.
The WHO studies, and others also funded by Gates, subjected COVID patients to known lethal doses of HCQ, or over four times the maximum label dose. In one of the studies, the UK Recovery Trial run by Oxford University, COVID patients who were subjected to the dosages died at a rate 10% higher than those who were given nothing at all. The dosages were known to be lethal because the WHO itself had conducted the studies.
In the US, the American College of Cardiology took part in the fraudulent WHO study intended to produce a bad result for hydroxychloroquine.
In the major media, only Laura Ingraham has touched upon fake science being conducted by the medical establishment in order to fraudulently show HCQ doesn’t work for COVID, or does harm.
Laura Ingraham on Scientific Misconduct in Studies Intended to Show Poor Outcomes for HCQ in treatment of COVID
HCQ is one of the most heavily used, best understood medicines in the world, with doctors in any tropical region prescribing it regularly for malaria. The Gates-backed studies follow a pattern of junk-science being touted across the media as evidence of HCQ inefficacy, as opposed to the high standards which were demanded, for example, by Anthony Fauci for studies which showed effectiveness.
Also Read: Top Scientists Say COVID Vaccines May Be Designed to “Kill People Intentionally”
Comprehensive collections of all available studies on HCQ and Ivermectin overwhelmingly show benefit when used properly and early.
In the US, Ohio attorney Thomas Renz has formed a national network of lawyers bringing lawsuits by people who believe they have been harmed by government COVID policies and/or the vaccines.
That Gates had a personal interest in seeing alternative remedies like HCQ fail became apparent in July of 2020 when, after trials he had funded predictably failed, he called the use of HCQ “outrageous.” Gates is not a doctor, a scientist, nor even a college graduate.
Dr. Jim Meehan on fraudulent HCQ studies “designed to kill.” (view at Rumble)
Gates: HCQ “outrageous” (view on Rumble)
WHO Studies Administered Massive Doses Never Prescribed in Real World
Dr. Meryl Nass, MD, an internal medicine specialist in Ellsworth, Maine, noted in her blog in June of 2020 that WHO’s own consultant, in a past study, had determined that 1500 – 2000 mg of HCQ all at once could be a lethal dose. HCQ generally comes in a standard 200 mg dose per pill.
HCQ brand Plaquenil standard 200 mg pill
Dr. Nass wrote in her blog in June 2020:
“The WHO hired a consultant to explore the toxicity of chloroquine in 1979. The consultant, H. Weniger, looked at 335 episodes of adult poisoning by chloroquine drugs. Weniger on page 5 notes that a single dose of 1.5-2 grams of chloroquine base “may be fatal.” According to Browning and Goldfrank, the pharmacokinetics and potency of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are almost identical…”
Below: Page 5, WHO study on toxicity of chloroquine, similar dosage profile to related hydroxychloroquine (CLICK FOR LAGER IMAGE) (SOURCE)
The maximum official recommended dose for HCQ in the treatment of other maladies is 2000 mg total over 4 days. In the UK Recovery Trial, with “core funding” from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a dosage of 9600 mg over 10 days was administered.
Below: Dosing information for UK Recovery Trial, from official protocol (source)
Below: Standard HCQ brand Plaquenil maximum dosage instructions. Reads: “Adult patients: Administer 800 mg initially; subsequently administer 400 mg at 6 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours after the initial dose (total dosage = 2000 mg over 4 days).“ (Source) (CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE)
Solidarity Trial dosing was similarly excessive, 8800 mg over 10 days, according to the protocol for the Norwegian arm of the study which took place over multiple countries.
Below: HCQ dosage for Norwegian arm of WHO Solidarity Trial (Source) (CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE)
HCQ Studies Halted After Completely Predictable Harms
About a month after they started, both the WHO Solidarity Trial and the UK Recovery Trial were halted, with great fanfare. In a statement which is prominent on the Internet to this day, on June 5, 2020, the UK Recovery Trial sponsored by the University of Oxford asserted “No clinical benefit from use of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalised patients with COVID-19”:
“Today’s preliminary results from the RECOVERY Trial are quite clear – hydroxychloroquine does not reduce the risk of death among hospitalised patients with this new disease.”
No mention of the dosages is made.
On June 15, 2020, the FDA withdrew Emergency Use Authorization for HCQ, directly citing the UK Recovery trial as a reason (FDA letter.)
In its attached “Memorandum Explaining Basis for Revocation of Emergency Use Authorization for Emergency Use of Chloroquine Phosphate and Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate,” the FDA wrote:
“the RECOVERY Trial results offer persuasive evidence of a lack of benefit of HCQ in the treatment of hospitalized patients with COVID-19.”
The trials backed by Gates were stopped prematurely due to predictable poor results, which generated headlines greatly dampening enthusiasm for the study of HCQ in the treatment of COVID.
Below: June 2020 announcement that government of India stops HCQ COVID research (Source)
Junk Science Studies Showing No Benefit from HCQ or Ivermectin Are Cherry Picked by the Media
An April 2020 study which comes to the top of any search engine, even now, is a Georgia VA study involving 368 male COVID patients, which concludes no help from HCQ. But in the sloppiest of sloppy science, dosages are not specified, which would not be acceptable even in a high school science project. Nevertheless, the non-peer reviewed study was and is still trumpeted by online People Magazine, under the headline “Hydroxychloroquine Was Ineffective Against Coronavirus and Linked to Higher Death Rate, Study Finds.”
In May of 2021, the Indian Bar Association (IBA) sued WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, in the High Court of Bombay, for Crimes Against Humanity by recommending “against the use” of another life-saving treatment for COVID, Ivermectin. The IBA noted that the punishment for the severest of allegations against Swaminathan is the death penalty. [IBA Complaint]
Doctors Persecuted
Yet doctors who followed the science and the experience of other doctors around the world were fired, threatened with prosecution, had their medical licenses yanked, and were smeared as “quacks” despite lifetimes of impeccable service.
Below: Press Conference by Houston Methodist Hospital Dr. Mary Bowden suspended for positive Twitter remarks on Ivermectin as treatment for COVID (View at Bitchute)
Now it turns out that an organization which led attacks on doctors who prescribed an HCQ or Ivermectin protocol for COVID, “No License for Disinformation,” was also funded heavily by Bill Gates. This was discovered in the summer of 2022 when one of the doctors so persecuted, Dr. Mary Bowden (in video above), hired a private investigator to find out who was behind the attack on her medical license.
Also Read:
Autopsies Show Direct Causal Link Between Unexpected Deaths and COVID Vaccines
Top Scientists Say COVID Vaccines May Be Designed to “Kill People Intentionally”
1,000+ Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries
Real Not Rare (Vaccine-injured website)
As of July 2021, 20 countries were using Ivermectin to treat Covid-19, including Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Nigeria, and Egypt.
[All studies on Ivermectin as treatment for COVID]
Gates is Single Biggest Source of Funding for WHO
Gates’ contributions are the single largest source of funding for WHO, greater even than the US share, when the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Gates-founded GAVI contributions are combined. WHO is currently in the process, again, of proposing to national governments, including the US, a treaty that would transfer national sovereignty to WHO and the UN in the event of a pandemic, in essence making Gates a world dictator.
The chairman of WHO, Tedros Ghebreyesus, is a close Gates ally who rose from the ranks of a US State Department terrorist list organization, the Ethiopian Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPFL.)
The treaty could require nations to order mandatory lockdowns, mandatory and forced vaccinations, and detentions.
In 2017 Politico said:
“The [Gates] foundation’s impact on the WHO is enormous,” said Garrett, of the Council on Foreign Relations. “If they weren’t there, if they walked away with their money, the deleterious impact would be profound, and everyone is all too aware of that.”
Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts: The World Health Organization’s Dictator-Style Power Grab (view on Rumble)
Fauci Accused of Causing “Over a Half Million Deaths” Through Suppression of HCQ and Ivermectin
HCQ studies as a whole still show overwhelmingly favorable results in the treatment of COVID, showing 72% lower mortality when administered early.
Yale School of Public Health’s Dr. Harvey Risch said in December of 2022 that US health authorities (such as Anthony Fauci) had sentenced up to “500,000 people to death from the infection because they couldn’t get treated because of the suppression of these treatments.” (Risch video) Dr. Robert Malone, an mRNA vaccine pioneer and now a prominent critic of the vaccines he helped create, made a similar estimate when he addressed Anthony Fauci on-camera, saying:
“Look Tony, there are over half a million deaths in the United States for this virus, completely unnecessary because the federal government has very actively blocked the ability of physicians to provide lifesaving medications early in the infection. “
Dr. Harvey Risch (view at Rumble)
Gates’ Interest in Fraudulently Suppressing HCQ Began Immediately
In the US, since COVID began, 94% of deaths listed as from COVID have been people over age 50, and 75% of those over age 65. Government totals do not distinguish between COVID as the primary cause of death or a “contributing” cause of death, which could mean merely a positive test.
In March 2020, even before news of the possible success of HCQ became widely known, Gates began funding a University of Washington study which found it ineffective in treating COVID. But the study administered HCQ alone rather than in the specific protocol combining it with Zinc and Azithromycin.
The University of Washington, to which Gates and Seattle-based Microsoft are its most generous donors, ran another study discounting HCQ which was doomed to fail. Gates has given nearly a half billion dollars to UW over the years.
An eye-opening short documentary on the corruption of science and medicine by the pharmaceuticals industry is ‘“The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine” (below.)
Below: Mini-documentary on the corruption of the “Medical Establishment”: ‘“The Illusion of Evidence-Based Medicine”
But the coup d’grace in corrupting the medical establishment for Gates is WHO. As the UN health organization charged with leading the world’s response to a pandemic, WHO has outsized influence on any aspect of a response. In turn, mega-donor Bill Gates has outsized influence on WHO.
Gates’ Prior Offenses
In June of 2020 Gates plied $750 million on Oxford for a campaign to vaccinate people in poor countries with Astrazeneca. Astrazeneca’s vaccine has now been banned in 18 countries so far over deaths and severe blood clots. The episode is reminiscent of Gates’ sordid history in the Third World, especially India and Africa, which despite a vigorous “debunk” campaign calling this a “conspiracy theory,” is attested to by Indian doctors such as Dr. Visant Lad. See: “Indian High Court Orders Bill Gates to Respond to Vaccine Death Lawsuit.”
WHO Attacks Un-Vaccinated as “Killing Force,” Despite Pharma Admissions That Vaccines Do Not Stop Transmission, and Were Never Even Tested for It
The World Health Organization’s (WHO,) largest donation comes from the combined donations of two Bill Gates-controlled entities, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI,) which Gates founded.
Despite its own record of conducting deadly experiments such as the lethally-dosed Solidarity Trial, and responsibility for possibly millions of deaths through fraud committed to deny life-saving remedies, WHO has just released a video which attacks the un-COVID-vaccinated and “anti-vaccine activism” as a “major killing force globally.”
In October 2022, Pfizer President of International Developed Markets, Janine Small, in a hearing before European Parliament, was asked by member MEP Rob Roos:
“Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?”
Small’s answer was “No.”
Not only did the Pfizer product not stop transmission. It was never even tested for it.
Pfizer has one of the worst product safety records in the world, having been slapped with over $10 billion in fines since 2000.
Nevertheless, the likes of Anthony Fauci and Rachel Maddow over the last years maintained that the unvaccinated were ‘spreaders,’ despite knowing that the drugs had never been tested for their ability to stop the spread of COVID. Fauci and Maddow are thusly perpetrators of outright, material fraud.
Below: MSNBC Rachel Maddow, ‘COVID vaccines stop COVID transmission’ (view at Rumble)
Below: EU parliament member Rob Roos, October 2022, questioning Pfizer president (view at Rumble)
Bill Gates, the world’s most enthusiastic COVID vaccine promoter, once said “normalcy only returns when we’ve…vaccinated the entire global population.” Gates also said “You don’t get a choice” when it comes to being COVID-vaccinated.
Gates: “You don’t get a choice” (view at Rumble)
Below source:
It can be safely said that the interests of WHO and Gates are closely intertwined. In 2019, the Washington Post scoffed at the idea that Gates did not have active influence in the organizations he donates billions to. Reporting on another area of Gates philanthropy, education, the Washington Post noted in an article entitled, “Um, Who Are Bill and Melinda Gates Trying to Kid?”:
“…the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s annual letter was published and addressed nine things the couple said surprised them along their philanthropic journey.
This was Surprise #8: “Textbooks are becoming obsolete.”
The two then discuss the issue, not actually proving that textbooks are becoming obsolete — possibly because they aren’t — but instead talking up the virtues of online education. Why would the founder of Microsoft want to tout online education?”
Politico said:
“Some billionaires are satisfied with buying themselves an island. Bill Gates got a United Nations health agency in Geneva…Over the past decade, the world’s richest man has become the World Health Organization’s second biggest donor, second only to the United States and just above the United Kingdom…The result, say his critics, is that Gates’ priorities have become the WHO’s.”
Although not a doctor, a scientist, nor even a college graduate, Gates once offered a medical opinion, on national TV, that HCQ is plagued by “severe side effects,” although it is considered a safe drug taken by billions of people each year, including children and lactating women, for the treatment and prevention of malaria.
At the same time, distinguished scientists like Dr. Harvey Risch, Professor Emeritus, Senior Research Scientist in Epidemiology, Yale University, MD, PhD, Cal Tech, is kicked off Twitter after Biden administration officials, doing the bidding of Bill Gates and Big Pharma, get their heads together with Twitter and decide desperately ill people should not hear what Dr. Risch has to say. Dr. Risch is a proponent of HCQ. (See: “Latest ‘Twitter Files’ reveal Biden officials colluded with Twitter on widespread censorship of medical experts“)
Indian Health Authority Doctors Blow Whistle on WHO Solidarity Trial
India’s ICMR is its official medical research agency, roughly the equivalent of the CDC in the US. Alluding to the extremely high doses of HQC being administered in the WHO Solidarity Trial, in May of 2020 the New Indian Express reported in “ICMR writes to WHO disagreeing with HCQ assessment, officials say international trial dosage four times higher than India”:
“India’s nodal government agency ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) overseeing the country’s response to the coronavirus pandemic has…written to the WHO citing differences in dosage standards between Indian and international trials that could explain the efficacy issues of HCQ in treating COVID-19 patients.”
The doctors at the ICMU told WHO that Solidarity’s doses were too high, and that good results were being obtained by Indian doctors prescribing 2400 mg spread out over five days, rather than in a toxic blast all at once..
The New Indian Express described its successful protocol:
“HCQ dosages are administered in the following way- 1st day a heavy dose of 400mg HCQ dose once in the morning and one at night, followed by 200 mg HCQ one in the morning and one at night to be followed for the next four days. The total dosage administered to a patient in 5 days, therefore, amounts to 2400 mg.”
Dr. Meryl Nass, MD wrote in her blog in June of 2020:
“Last week, I was alerted to the fact that India’s ICMR, its official medical research agency, had written to the WHO, telling WHO that the hydroxychloroquine doses being used in the Solidarity trial were 4 times higher than the doses being used in India. Then I learned that Singapore had been hesitant to participate in the WHO trial due to the hydroxychloroquine dose.”
War on HCQ and Ivermectin Filled with More Junk Science, Spread Online
In Brazil, a study published on April 24, 2020 administered 12,000 mg of chloroquine, a precursor of HCQ with a similar dosage profile, over 10 days. The study’s authors seemed surprised to note that:
” Lethality until day 13 was 39.0% in the high-dosage group (16 of 41) and 15.0% in the low-dosage group (6 of 40).”
The study obligingly concluded that:
“The preliminary findings of this study suggest that the higher CQ dosage should not be recommended for critically ill patients with COVID-19 because of its potential safety hazards…”
In 2021, long after the Gates-backed HCQ trials were exposed by Dr. Nass, the prestigious British Medical Journal nevertheless published “Misleading clinical evidence and systematic reviews on ivermectin for COVID-19,” by Luis Ignacio Garegnani of the Instituto Universitario del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina. The article said:
“despite the development of new therapies and the attempts for implementing repurposed drugs (because of their potential immunomodulator or antiviral effects), no reliable specific therapy has been identified yet. Azithromycin, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are some of those drugs, whose adverse effects and/or concerns about efficacy on COVID-19 treatment have determined its deimplementation by different agencies and regulatory authorities…” (Italics added)
The BMJ, very unscientifically, never specifies the studies which have determined the “deimplementation” of HCQ, but the Solidarity and Recovery studies are lingering in the air.
Even after the Recovery, Solidarity, and other high-dose trials have been discredited, Internet searches continue to turn up misinformation based on them, either directly or by inference. On April 24, 2020 the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota issued a stern warning that the FDA had issued a warning on the use of HCQ. The University of Minnesota posted:
“The warning is related to the potential for the drugs to prolong the QT interval—a cardiogram measurement used to assess some of the electrical properties of the heart—and cause abnormal heart rhythms, particularly in patients with cardiac conditions. Those risks may increase when the drugs are combined with the antibiotic azithromycin, which can further increase the risk for sudden cardiac arrest.
The post goes on to cite the flawed Brazil study. The warning remains online to this day, prominent in web searches on HCQ..
The tradition of maligning possibly good cures with junk science which borders on criminal continues in the ongoing war on HCQ as well as Ivermectin. As recently as December of 2022, lead investigator Dr. Adrian Hernandez, of the Duke University School of Medicine, generated a UPI headline “Another study shows ivermectin doesn’t work against COVID-19.” Its the authors admit support from Big Pharma AstraZeneca, GSK, Novartis, Pulmatric, Sanofi-Aventis, Genentech, NIH, NIAID. and the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative.
Dr. Hernendez’z’s study administered .6 mg of Ivermectin per kg of body weight for 6 days. The typical maximum dose for Ivermectin for common diseases is a one-time dose of .2 mg/kg, repeated after two weeks.
The metric for success in the study was that the patient not report any symptoms of COVID for 3 days, a loose threshold.
Hernandez’s’s study concluded: [the] “findings do not support the use of ivermectin in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19.” Interestingly, 84% of the study participants were vaccinated with two or more COVID vaccine doses.
A South Carolina Department of Health 2021 advisory warned that reports suggesting success in the use of Ivermectin for COVID were “unscientific.” But many were field reports from frontline doctors and were not meant to constitute full-blown studies. The SC Health Department advisory warns in “The Dangers of Using Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin for Preventing or Treating COVID-19”:
“In some unpublished reports in other countries (e.g., Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq) Ivermectin seemed to improve outcomes for COVID-19 patients, but these were not scientific studies. Multiple studies published on Ivermectin have been subsequently retracted when they were found to be based on falsified data or errors in analysis and are misleading.”
In its link to “misleading,” the SC Department of Heath circles back to the British Medical Journal article which never cites a study for its conclusions, but strongly suggests the Recovery Trial which had directly caused “different agencies and regulatory authorities,” such as the FDA, to ‘deimplement’ HCQ.
The Vaccines, Vaccines, and Only Vaccines Agenda Continues
By August of 2020 articles were appearing which warned against the misuse of drugs like HCQ and Ivermectin. One was the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s “More than 100 Americans have died after taking hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 despite Donald Trump insisting people had ‘nothing to lose’ by trying the unproven drug.”
A year later, after over 6,000 deaths following the COVID vaccines had been reported to the same government reporting system, there was no headline in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, or any other newspaper. Now it is over 32,000. But if one person dies after misusing HCQ, it is reported across the media.
Obviously this was important to someone, to people with the enormous power to corrupt entire institutions such as the mainstream media, government regulatory agencies, and the medical establishment. The lethal dosing of Recovery Trial and Solidarity Trial patients should have been big news. But instead, doctors talking about it risked being banned from Twitter for “misinformation,” and being branded as anti-vaxxer quacks, no matter how distinguished their credentials were.
The End Game: Cradle-to-Grave, 24/7 Total Control of All (Non-Elite) Humans
The inexorable move toward universal, mandatory, regular mass vaccination is the key to the roll-out of a global, mandatory, digital ID, purportedly as proof of vaccine status but also now linked to every bit of information on everyone on the planet, who does not belong to a miniscule, exempt class of billionaires. The digital ID will be linked to a single digital currency, which can be shut off at the first sign of social “misbehavior.”
No conjecture or speculation on this is necessary. Elite cabals such as the World Economic Forum say openly, couching cashless society, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in terms such as “digital equality,” that this is the goal.
Investment banker and former President George HW Bush high official Catherine Auston Fitts explains that this will be akin to replacing cash with a system of credits and debits “at the company store.”
“many fear that a centrally-created and centrally-controlled digital currency, as opposed to a “decentralized” cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, would strip individual citizens of their autonomy, privacy, and financial freedom.”
Presaging how such a system could be used, Life Site notes that during the anti-COVID vaccine mandate truckers convoy of 2021, the bank accounts of anyone in the convoy were frozen, after troublesome law enforcement requirements were met. With a new CBDC system, the same outcome could be a matter of the flick of a switch in the hands of a central bank. The policy could be extended to not only the truckers or any other activists, but to anyone seen to have made a donation to them. All political dissent could be thoroughly squashed forever.
Bill Gates: The Banned Documentary (view at Rumble)
For a full understanding of how this would work it is important to be familiar with the following carefully selected, short list of articles and video interviews. For more on Bill Gates’ enormous influence on the world response to COVID, see “REPORT 9”: THE BILL GATES-FUNDED PAPER WHICH CREATED THE ‘NEW NORMAL’ GOVERNMENT POWERS IN APRIL 2020”
Autopsies Show Direct Causal Link Between Unexpected Deaths and COVID Vaccines
Children’s Health Defense: “Who Owns Big Pharma + Big Media? You’ll Never Guess.”
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on 5G, digital currency, and the Great Reset
Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Chief Science Officer (CSO) and Vice President for Pfizer, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, former Chairman of the Council of Europe Health Committee, vaccines may be a mass “killing weapon” (View at Rumble)
1,000+ Peer Reviewed Articles On COVID Vaccine Injuries
Real Not Rare (Vaccine-injured website)
Brave Denver Police Officer Crippled by Mandated Vax, Breaks Down on TV ‘Can’t Carry My Kids to Bed’
Crippling COVID injection reactions (view in Bitchute)
Pfizer Executive Admits COVID Vaccine Does Not Stop Transmission
ICU nurse Morgan Wallace, January 4, 2022, people who died of COVID “should be considered murdered” due to suppression of effective early interventions (view on Rumble)
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