Explosive Military Document Shows the True Effects of 5G

Ron Johnson of Stranger than Fiction News (@STFNREPORT on Telegram) is one of the most balls-out independent news guys out there. He’s as de-platformed from social media as I am and he just released a new book, ‘Transhuman Genocide’, to not only inform you about the 5G “Death Towers”, as he calls them but about how to protect yourself from this toxic electrosmog – and to get ready the new next thing: energy weapons.

Sabrina Wallace has warned us about the upcoming “electromagnetic drone warfare” and “plasma charges” and how we need to secure and protect our biofields in order to survive this.

Back in the summer of 2016, watching former Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman, Tom Wheeler announcing the roll-out of the new 5G cellular phone platform was like watching Hitler sans the apoplexy. He was a smooth operator, selling us our own genocide at that press conference.

It was so awful, the FCC had the video removed from everywhere. However, since it was an official FCC press conference, here’s the PDF.

In hindsight, that press conference foreshadowed the juggernaut of psychopathic gaslighting by our bureaucrats and the media that became normalized during the 2020 Plandemic.

Catherine Austin Fitts hilariously called it the “Shriekometer”, when it was still something that they would only turn on, once in a while, for “emergencies”.

Who would ever submit themselves to the daily sadistic beratement from the Mika Brzezinskis, the Joy Reids and the Lawrence O’Donnells of the world? Does anybody actually enjoy watching these people – or has the vaxx killed their brains? Because that is a thing.

I knew Larry when he was a struggling young comedy writer, just before his big break, writing for the West Wing. How the Hell did he turn into that? Seriously, WTF happened, there? Does he have a gun to his head or is he “following his bliss”, Champagne Socialist-style?

If we keep looking back, these Animatronic zombie psychos have been there, all along. Remember 9/11, the Dubya Presidency and the Invasion of Iraq? Do Larry and Joy Reid understand that they’re playing on the same team as the despised Dubya? (Mika, most certainly does!)

Over the past month, the Clown Show has catapulted into hyperspace, between that non-Googleable “glass shrapnel” to-do in Butler, PA and the whole Kameltoe for President jazz.

Make no mistake. They are soft-killing us, every which way, with their endless hectoring and their insanity-inducing ‘Alice in Wonderland’ torture technique, while psychologically rounding us up for their Final Solution Remix.

Climate Change, you know.

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by Ron Johnson

How bad is the 5G? It’s so bad, they’re desperately trying to bury the evidence, just like the vaccines. With the vaccines, at first, they told us it was “Safe and Effective”, and then we found out that there were 10 pages of basically, the worst side effects known to mankind. And then, they tried to bury that information for 50 years. They didn’t want you to know what was in it for 50 years.

Well, it’s basically like that with the 5G, if not worse, because you can opt-out of vaccines, but you can’t opt out of this 5G technology that’s basically everywhere. We’re surrounded by this radiation, and it’s much worse than you can possibly imagine, as we’re going to discover, with this Department of Defense report, titled, “Radiofrequency Microwave Radiation Biological Effects and Safety Standards”. This is from the Air Force, from the Rome Laboratory in New York. Air Force Base, and it’s got the chain-of-custody documents.

It’s official, and it goes through all of the diseases that are linked to microwave radiation, and it’s shocking. I mean, it causes mutations. It’s all the stuff that you know, but more.

Heart attacks, strokes, neurological effects, effects on the immune system. It’s like, what doesn’t this affect? Basically, it prevents the the cells from eliminating toxins from the body. It allows toxins to more readily enter the cells.

It affects the immune system. It affects the heart. Everything; causes cancers.

By the time you get to “Pathological Effects”, it becomes clear that this technology is neither safe or effective. They were testing mice for 4.5 minutes a day, five days a week, for 59 weeks, and they observed a 35% cancer rate in the white blood cells, leukemias. 35% versus 10% in the control group, and it’s like this throughout this study, this paper, this report.

Another study, 500,000 people, and it basically links power lines to leukemia, effects on the chromosomes. It basically causes chromosome-deletion, chromosome gaps, so on and so forth. And this is even at radiation frequencies that are like the Wi-Fi.

2.5 megahertz or 2,500 megahertz, which is 2.5 gigahertz. This is what microwave ovens use, and this is what your Wi-Fi uses, 2.5 gigahertz. It causes cancer.

It causes deletion in the chromosomes. It suppresses the metabolic pathways or the metabolic activity inside the cells. It basically breaks down the cell membranes, making them more permeable to toxins and exosomes.

It makes exosomes. It lets exosomes spread more readily, or viruses, if you will. And this is all basically at, you know, the 2.5 gigahertz range.

2.9, 2.5, etc, etc. And, you know, these are at rates that people can be exposed to in the urban environments. Lymphomas, blastomas, you name it.

All sorts of cancers and the like, but then when it gets to the cardiovascular effects, that’s when it gets really shocking. And in this report and another report, from the Department of Defense, basically, we’re looking at, here, let’s see if we can read this, quote this: “Animal experiments reported in the open literature have demonstrated the use of low-level microwave signals to produce death by heart seizure or by neurological pathologies.” So basically a heart attack gun.

Low levels, open literature, back in the day before it got all like, you know, political and before it became a multi-billion dollar industry. Back in the day when, you know, AT&T didn’t really care about these types of reports.

You know, they were saying in the open scientific literature, before it got all woke, that even low levels of microwave signals can produce death. Not just like, oh, like, you know, heart palpitations or anything like that. Death by heart seizure.

So when that happens to a person, you know, what do they say? What do they say on the report? You know, “Natural Causes”? “Climate Change”? “Sudden and Mysterious”, right? Low levels.

It says right here, this is a 1974 document and it talks about the Soviets, you know, Poland and the like.

It’s the same genre of this other document and pretty sure it’s the same study that’s in the citation. And so, we’ll provide a copy of this report in our Telegram feed, in the comments. But basically it just goes on and on and on.

You know, it affects the blood; how it affects the blood, leukemias, cancers, etc. The nervous system, it just fries your brain, fries the nerves and the like. And so, there’s just a long list of diseases and complications.

And it affects smell. You get headaches, irritability, increased fatigue. Does this sound familiar? When they rolled-out the 5G and people were getting the COVID, people were losing their sense of smell. They had like this, you know, chronic fatigue, right? Remember that? So this is the Pentagon report.

Now, listen to the dude from the Pentagon tell you the same thing.

(Rolls video)

Col Andrew Huff (2011): The symptoms of acute radiation sickness would be just exactly like a terrible flu. A person would have a headache, they would feel very tired.

Oh, they would feel very tired. They would have a headache. Exactly like this report. So this isn’t like conjecture. This isn’t like some kind of, like theory. This is scientific fact.

They know, they know that this technology causes all sorts of diseases – and they’re hiding it from you, burying it, censoring, silencing the evidence – and you know, basically like, you know, making fun of people, just like during the Plandemic.

“Oh, you don’t want the vaccines.” Oh, you know, everything about the masks, etc, etc. They refuted common sense. They refuted science in the name of their woke politics and many people died.

And it’s the same thing with this technology. It’s beyond atrocious – and this is just like, casual exposure.

You can’t imagine what it’s like getting hit with energy weapons, because that’s the new next thing, energy weapons. And it’s why we continue to talk about this book, ‘Transhuman Genocide’. It talks all about Directed Energy Weapons.

It talks all about, you know, the agenda to basically kill people with this technology, because this is now their thing. They don’t want to just get rid of you with vaccines. They’re taking people out with these Death Towers and basically low levels can cause heart attacks, strokes, cancers, and the like.

And it’s basically untraceable. They have plausible deniability the whole way, as they bury and silence and censor the evidence. It’s basically an outrage.

But until, you know, people rise up and take down these Death Towers, you basically have to protect yourselves and your family and your friends and your pets and everything. And they’re gonna come after you just for being a conservative and a pureblood, according to weapons experts, government insiders, and the like, and victims online that are screaming about this thing. And even 60 Minutes is doing report after report on Directed Energy Weapons, Havana Syndrome, and they’re like, oh, yeah, “The Russians did it.”

It’s not the Russians. It’s AT&T, Verizon, you know, and the like. It’s the Deep State. It’s the NSA. It’s the Libtards, because they control all of this technology. Conservatives aren’t writing these programs.

Conservatives aren’t bringing us this technology. It’s all Libtards, and they’re looking at us, like we’re the enemy. And they’re at war and they’re using these cell towers to kill people.

This is a fact. Anyone that’s experienced electronic attacks from cell towers will tell you – I mean, this stuff is real. And it’s why this book covers not only the weapons, but also the solutions.

1) How to make a safe room; 2) How to make body armor; 3) How to make real, you know, military-grade EMF protection. That will save you from what’s happening and what’s to come. Because it’s only going to get worse, as they try to assimilate everyone with their transhuman technology.

Come get your brain chip. So you really want to check out this book, ‘Transhuman Genocide’. It’s on Amazon.

You can read a free sample, a couple chapters, and, you know, see for yourself. Is it worth it? You can get the Kindle version. You can get the the soft cover version. You can get the PDF version on our Patreon page.

So get a copy of this thing. We’ve made a Dirt Cheap, so that people can basically understand what’s going on. Books like this can run up to a thousand dollars on Amazon. We’ve made it basically free, in comparison.

And so, it’s not about the money. It’s about getting the message out. How people can protect themselves from these weapons.

This book represents years of research and field-testing. Research from the top research papers, the top minds in electromagnetism from universities that are basically talking about EMF shielding for various radiation sources. And of course AI research from Chad GPT and the like.

And field-testing by the human resistance. These methods work that are in this book. And you can find it on Amazon.

‘Transhuman Genocide’. Figure out what is happening out there, before you become a victim of this “Climate Change”, of this transhuman, Agenda 21, 2030, “You’re gonna eat bugs. You will own nothing.”

They’re trying to kill everybody. And unless you protect yourself in this asymmetric war, you’re gonna be a victim.

And many people have already been killed. So this is not a joke.

These weapon systems have been integrated into the Smart City network. They’re everywhere. Weapons experts are confirming this.

It’s in the LED lights. It’s the cell towers. It’s the Smart Meters. It’s the routers. And things that you can’t even see. And it’s basically, you know, the weapon system is basically embedded at the factory level.

Or hacked in by the NSA. It’s it’s beyond imagination. Check out that book.

‘Transhuman Genocide’. Until the next time.

Contributed by


The post Explosive Military Document Shows the True Effects of 5G first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV.


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