Daily Stormer
April 25, 2017
“You cannot understand leftism in terms of logic or reason. Leftism is a biologically programmed suite or urges. Leftist are fleshy robots programmed to betray those around them to outsiders, as a means of competing. If they can’t send their warriors overseas to die, they will import the enemy to their homeland and try to start the fighting there. This betraying leftist strategy exists because evolution tested it, and it worked.” – George Lincoln Rockwell
Oppression olympics and the constitution. (The Boomers Fucked us.)
Civil war II, the end of civility.
Redneck Manifesto
IRL posting.
Show of force.
Blood, Tradition and soil.
Rachel Maddow.
Babes in goy land.
The Gods have abandoned us…
Alex Jones redpilling divorce.
NSA can’t catch a break with us.
Matty’s Dad Ruins Thanksgiving.
Shapiro posting.
Bill Mitchell posting.
White Plight.
Terms of Fair Use
Source Article from https://www.dailystormer.com/exodus-americanus-ep-63-long-term-performance-art/
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