Executive Council of Australian Jewry Incorporated Terrorists

Executive Council of Australian Jewry Incorporated Terrorists

$27.5M given to Australian Jewry of terrorists from our Attorney General on 8th January 2024…

AND $550K to Emmanuel Synagogue on 12th January 2024…

And these are just the ones that I found there’s definitely more…

During a cost of living crisis…

But sure, let’s only harp on about Gaza, to keep us occupied… when JEWS have received MORE taxpayer money from The Australian Government.

And wait till you find out how much the jewish private schools of terrorism get from Jewstralian governments under the table.

They always claim it for security… that is why they are experts at crying wolf, and being the relentless victim… makes them $millions each year..

Executive Council of Australian Jewry Incorporated Terrorists Executive Council of Australian Jewry Incorporated Terrorists

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