Evicted: ‘Techno Dave’, the man who made his neighbours’ lives a misery by playing music non-stop for TWO DAYS

  • David Lea used to have ‘hundreds’ of visitors calling at all hours the council said
  • He racially abused a female neighbour and members of the community
  • The 45-year-old allowed his dog to run out of control around the small estate

Emily Allen

06:41 EST, 31 July 2012


10:09 EST, 31 July 2012

Trouble: David Lea played extremely loud music at all hours of the day and night and has been evicted

A man who terrorised his neighbours and made life a misery for many in his street has been evicted by a city council.

Since David Lea, 45, moved into his flat on Mary Carpenter Place, Bristol, in 2011, the council has received numerous complaints.

Dubbing himself Dave ‘Techno’ Lea, he played extremely loud music at all hours of the day and night and on one occasion his tunes blared out for two whole days.

Bristol City Council said Lea used to have ‘hundreds’ of visitors calling at all hours and had no regard for other residents’ peace and quiet.

Bristol County Court heard Lea racially abused a woman neighbour and members of the multi-cultural community who live nearby and allowed his dog to run out of control around the small estate of about 70 flats.

His next-door neighbour, who did not want to be named, said: ‘Since he has gone, my life has changed and I am now very happy.’

Another neighbour added: ‘It was so loud all the time. We could all hear it. We’re glad it’s finished now.’

Christopher Jones, the council’s anti-social behaviour case officer, said: ‘Because of his appalling anti-social behaviour, we obtained an emergency injunction on April 13, 2012, to try and curb his behaviour, but within days of the injunction being granted, he breached it and was arrested.’

The courts were so appalled that they banned Lea from going within 100 metres of his flat.

But, on May 30, he breached that injunction by returning to the property, had a wild party and smashed up his flat and its contents.

The council said he has since disappeared and when a local newspaper reporter visited his former home yesterday, the door had been barricaded by the council with a metal door.

The county court notice attached said that Lea also owed the council £175 in costs.

Address: Mr Lea’s flat was on Mary Carpenter Place, Bristol, (pictured) Since he moved in in 2011, the council has received
numerous complaints about noise

Mr Jones said: ‘Since he had totally refused to change his behaviour we applied for a possession order on his home and on July 10, 2012, District Judge Major granted the city council a seven-day outright possession order.

‘This has now been executed and Mr Lea has been evicted. Residents of Mary Carpenter Place are now enjoying the peaceful surroundings and living without the fear of intimidation, loud music and abuse perpetrated by David Lea.’

Another neighbour of Mr Lea, who did not want to be named, said: ‘He was clearly not very well and excess alcohol was possibly a factor in his behaviour.

‘Basically, the council got him that flat and they should have known what he was like before he came here.’

The resident of more than a decade added: ‘It’s a lot quieter neighbourhood now and he did upset the apple cart a bit, but he is obviously in need of help. He was a problem, but he is a great example of what the council move onto council estates.’

The council declined to comment on the neighbour’s view of the case.

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Feel sorry for the people he ends up living next door to now.

My sympathies for his new neighbours because this self absorbed man will be carrying on regardless.

Something wrong with the law when it takes so long to evict people like this. It should be three justified complaints and out.

people still listen to techno ?….its 2012 not 1995.

And who’ll be paying his charges for trashing the flat? Oh yeah, me and every other taxpayer. Loser.

Some people are just inconsiderate … He should be made to work for his keep

So where are they going move him to?

Put him next door to me for a week so he can listern to my intire Wagner collection followed by Bach, all at full blast, silly little man would hate it.

Has he not heard of headphones? good dission by the council

Similar nutjob on my street. Bothersome neighbour with no regard for anyone but himself. Allowed his dog to run loose…..played loud music at all hours …..damaged property ….cussed at his elders…..a total nightmare. Police were called over and over, and authorities notified but nothing changed. He seemed as rooted there as a tree to the earth. Until the day the Lord answered our prayers. On that day, the police moved fast—he was arrested and judicially prohibited from returning to his home. IT WAS OVER!! Totally and completely. I cannot describe the joy , relief, peace, quiet, and tranquility that has ensued since his departure. I thank God every day for it. I urge everyone with problematic neighbours to pray….the Lord works in mysterious ways indeed.
– Dresser, Somewhere South, 31/7/2012 15:13 ———- Don`t be so ridiculous.It isn`t god it`s the law.

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