Euro now worth 83p as pound hits 15-month high against the single currency

  • Due to fears over euro rather than strength of UK
  • Good news for holidaymakers and importers

Rob Cooper

Last updated at 7:42 PM on 4th January 2012


The pound hit a 15-month high against the euro today amid fresh fears over the future of the single currency.

Buying €1 now costs just under 83p for the first time since the middle of September 2010.

The figures are good for holidaymakers heading to the Continent and has made importing products from the 17 eurozone members cheaper.

The euro has hit a 15-month low against the pound over fears for the future of the single currency

The euro has hit a 15-month low against the pound over fears for the future of the single currency

Sterling climbed 0.9 per cent today to hit €1.21 as the cost of insuring Spanish bonds rose.

The figures come after positive economic news suggested Britain is likely to avoid a double-dip recession.

The strength of the pound relative to the euro is down to fears about the future of the currency – rather than the strength of UK plc.

Lee Hardman, a currency strategist at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, said: ‘The debt crisis is still a key issue that undermined the euro. It’s the euro weakness rather than sterling strength.’

Analysts believe the Eurozone countries have already been tipped into recession as a result of the sovereign debt crisis.

Bottomed out: A graph showing the value of the pound against the euro over the last year

Bottomed out: A graph showing the value of the pound against the euro over the last year

The euro has also dropped to an 11-year low against the Yen amid continuing fears.

Tomorrow, a crucial French bond auction takes place amid uncertainty over the future of the country’s AAA credit rating.

As the British economy shows encouraging signs, mortgage figures today revealed the number of loans approved has reached a two-year high.

There were 52,854 loans approved in November – worth £7.6billion – according to figures from the Bank of England.

However, before the financial crisis in 2008, there were 90,000 home loans being made every month.

Samuel Tombs, of Capital Economics, said the increase in new mortgage approvals from 52,786 a month earlier defied the widely-held expectation for a fall.

But he added: ‘We fear that approvals for new house purchase might soon start to fall as banks further restrict the availability, and raise the price, of credit in response to the deterioration in wholesale funding markets.’

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All those comparisons will soon be pointless. 17 EU countries in the euro so far. Germany will see to it that the remaining 10 EU countries (including the UK) will take on the euro as well. Its either that, or else. Nobody is leaving the EU and/or the euro currency, unless Germany says so. Money talks. Those people who are wishing for the EU and/or the euro to collapse, are deluded. This will not happen. Mighty Germany has got its finger on it. The EU is going to expand, with countries joining and the euro as currency will prevail. Germany will lead the whole lot into an economic powerhouse, to rival the likes of the BRIC nations, Japan and the USA. Only as a collective can we stay competitive and successful. Germany is long aware of this and is prepared for all eventualities. Nothing is going to stop Germany’s vision of the USE. Too much at stake. Country after country will fall in line and take on a submissive role in the EU pack. Germany will lead the way. End of

Can’t wait for francs, Cypriot pounds and all of the other currencies to return!!!
– Claire, Cumbria, 4/1/2012 15:32
Cant really think why anyone would say that, but i have three theories.
A Your neighbours tour europe a lot, and you are jelous, and want to make it more expensive for them, so all their money goes on changing money, and they have none left to spend on their holidays.
B you work in international banking, and hark back to the good old days, where the banks were getting huge amounts of money, for changing money in europe.
C You have never been out of the uk, but have some romantic idea about forign countries, with their own currency, and picture yourself, in a paris bar, throwing francs over the counter, and talking to the barman, complete with lit cigarete hanging from your lip.

All those comparisons will soon be pointless. 17 EU countries in the euro so far. Germany will see to it that the remaining 10 EU countries (including the UK) will take on the euro as well. Its either that, or else. Nobody is leaving the EU and/or the euro currency, unless Germany says so. Money talks. Those people who are wishing for the EU and/or the euro to collapse, are deluded. This will not happen. Mighty Germany has got its finger on it. The EU is going to expand, with countries joining and the euro as currency will prevail. Germany will lead the whole lot into an economic powerhouse, to rival the likes of the BRIC nations, Japan and the USA. Only as a collective can we stay competitive and successful. Germany is long aware of this and is prepared for all eventualities. Nothing is going to stop Germany’s vision of the USE. Too much at stake. Country after country will fall in line and take on a submissive role in the EU pack. Germany will lead the way

Ah yes, but will we see the effects and feel the benefits of a strong pound reflected in the price of imported products?

@@Ha Ha England will now become very expensive for tourism and people will start choosing other countries like Ireland. Transport and accommodation alone are savage in UK compared to Ireland.
@@- Frank, Dublin, 4/1/2012 20:59

A bloke down the pub, who delivers groceries for Tesco, says the Euro is over-valued by 3,000,000,000% against the pound. He also says that Britain will overtake China in world output when the Euro collapses next Tuesday at 14:23. Music to my ears! He must be right. What do these economic experts know – a Mickey Mouse degree from Harvard – huh!

AndrewDK,Altrincham UK,
The pound is so strong why are we struggling.
It is only strong against the Euro.Why we struggle.Is years ago some smart @rse money men sugested we will deal in dollars and pounds and make a killing,some killing,when the pound is strong we are in the cr@p and of course when the pound is weak,we are also in the
[email protected] hit with the price of exports,and imports.Whenever our turn comes around,Not forgetting power and fuel are now our imports.

I would rather be paid in German Marks but alas they are stuck with the Euro.
What a mess the people who pushed this Eurozone idea have created.
You cannot merge the policies of so many countries under one currency and maintain value within a tight range unless the countries perform at much the same level and have the same aims. That means one government not twenty all governing as they see fit. The Eurozone is a nonsense and that was obvious from day one. It became even more of a problem as smaller economies joined the stronger economies. This meltdown has been in the making for decades it didn’t happen last week. Those in power chose to ignore the facts but the banking crisis revealed them. No longer could they push the problem away and leave it for another year. No solution is possible other than central government or a break up.of the zone. Most countries wont accept central government. .A trading block that went too far and wont admit it. The people suffer this is a mess.

There are people saying this is bad for GB. It isnt. If you think properly, if a pound to be equal EURO. If a POUND=EURO. For every 1POUND=1EURO. What is the point GB to remain in the same currency (POUND) ? . I genuinelly belive that if this ever happens United Kingdom no longer will need the POUND currency as there will be no currency comparative advantage.
– Dhilan, Bolton, 5/1/…………..Good grief that is simplistic. The pound regardless of its value is controlled by Britain the Euro isn’t. That is the advantage. We can set our own monetary policy. We would be in even more trouble if we were part of the Eurozone. We must maintain control over our own currency and fiscal policy The EU has gone too far and we should leave. The Eurozone is likely to fail it has members who are so far apart in performance and aims that they cannot survive under one currency. That was the weakness in the Euro and it has gotten worse as more have joined the zone. Parity Greece and Germany no hope.

Whenever I read stories like this I remember how back in 2007 Giselle Bunchen was wanting to be paid only in Euros. I wonder if she’s still demanding that.

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