EU prepares unprecedented attack on Iranian economy

In effect, an embargo would tell Tehran’s Asian customers to “buy Iranian oil,
but only at a knockdown price which will destroy Iran’s revenues,” said
Nigel Kushner, chief executive of Whale Rock Legal, a firm that advises on
sanctions and trade.

This process has probably started already. China has cut its imports of
Iranian crude by half this month, reducing its daily purchase to 285,000
barrels. Beijing probably judges that Iran’s oil will become much cheaper
after any EU embargo starts to bite.

The foreign ministers are likely to balance oil sanctions with an offer to
negotiate. Because of the consequences for its economy, however, Iran may
ignore any conciliatory gesture and view this step as an escalation,
possibly even a precursor to war.

“It will be easy for them to present it in that way,” said Mr Cornish. “We
know what we mean by it, but will they see it in the same way? You can’t
guarantee how they are going to react.”

China and Russia remain opposed to tightening United Nations sanctions on
Iran. But after four UN resolutions designed to squeeze the Iranian economy,
in addition to unilateral steps taken by the US and the EU, the effects are
clearly showing. On Thursday, President Barack Obama said that sanctions had
been “so effective that even the Iranians have had to acknowledge that their
economy is in shambles”.

Underlying all this is increasing concern about the progress of Iran’s nuclear
programme. Earlier this month, it entered a new phase with the onset of
uranium enrichment inside a previously secret plant. This facility, dug into
a mountainside near the holy city of Qom, could be immune from military

Earlier, Iran took its enrichment programme a stage further, producing uranium
at 20 per cent purity, instead of the 3.5 per cent needed to run nuclear
power stations. The official aim is to produce medical isotopes in a
civilian research reactor. But this brings Iran’s scientists a step closer
to producing uranium at the 95 per cent purity needed to make nuclear

Its experts have also studied how to design nuclear weapons and load them onto
ballistic missiles, according to the latest report from the International
Atomic Energy Agency.

Experts and officials have no doubt that Iran wants the option of building a
nuclear weapon. But there are questions about whether it would actually go
ahead and build a bomb. “Iran is looking for a latent nuclear weapons
potential or capability and not for nuclear bombs,” said Peter Jenkins, who
was Britain’s permanent representative to the IAEA between 2001 and 2006.

Iran would then be in the same category as Japan and Germany, both of which
have the technology to make nuclear weapons. “I don’t see the Iranians as
being any more likely to make use of a latent capability than the Japanese,
the Brazilians or the Germans,” added Mr Jenkins. “Capability would give
them a lot of what they’re after at relatively low cost, whereas going the
full way involves great risk.”

By seizing the ability to make a bomb, Iran’s regime could guarantee its own
survival and extend its influence across the Middle East. If they were to
take the final step and make a weapon, however, Iran would have to expel the
IAEA inspectors, who currently monitor its declared nuclear facilities, and
publicly withdraw from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Put simply,
Tehran would have to place the entire world on notice that it was about to
build a bomb.

Instead, Iran would probably prefer to be permanently on the verge of breaking
out of these constraints and becoming a nuclear-armed power.

A secret effort is now underway to sabotage Iran’s efforts to reach
“break-out” ability. In the last two months, one scientist and the head of
the country’s missile programme have died in explosions in Tehran. In all,
five nuclear scientists have been killed since 2007, while another was
wounded by a bomb attached to his car and one more disappeared in mysterious

The injured man, Fereydoun Abbasi, was then promoted to become head of the
Atomic Energy Organisation.

“The situation certainly is escalating. What has been a covert type of
activity is becoming more open,” said Mark Fitzpatrick, director of
non-proliferation at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

The most effective act of sabotage was the introduction of the Stuxnet
computer virus into Iran’s main enrichment plant at Natanz in 2010. This
caused hundreds of centrifuges to spin out of control and explode, forcing
the suspension of all enrichment for emergency repairs.

But Mr Fitzpatrick said the ruined centrifuges had since been replaced and
Iran had “recovered better than expected” from the Stuxnet attack. This
virus, the most powerful yet devised, set back its efforts by “less than a

The timing of any military strike on Iran’s nuclear plants would probably be
determined by two factors: the success of covert efforts to delay the
programme, and the steady transfer of centrifuges into the previously secret
plant at Qom.

The development of this facility showed that Iran was “expanding what we call
‘the zone of immunity’,” said Danny Ayalon, the Israeli deputy foreign
minister. “This is the biggest concern we have right now.”

The immense effort that Iran is making to press on with enriching uranium is a
measure of the regime’s determination to master this process, which breaches
five UN Resolutions.

But Mr Ayalon judged that sanctions could still work. “Iran can be stopped by
economic and by diplomatic means,” he said. “As radical and as dangerous as
the Ayatollah regime appears, it is not completely irrational, especially
when it comes to its own political survival.”

Others believe that Iran’s leaders have invested so much in the enrichment
programme that they could not halt this effort, even if they were minded to
do so. A wiser goal of Western policy might be to allow Iran to continue
enriching, but only under the strictest IAEA safeguards. “Everything I’ve
heard, read and seen makes me believe they will not concede a cessation of
enrichment,” said Mr Jenkins, who negotiated directly with Iran as Britain’s
representative at the IAEA.

In 2005, Iran offered a deal based on enrichment with state-of-the-art
safeguards, he added. “We could have had a very good deal which would have
given the IAEA excellent access, but we had to turn it down because our
policy at the time was not a single centrifuge should be turning inside
Iran,” said Mr Jenkins. This was “with hindsight, a profound mistake,” he

Allowing Iran to continue enriching uranium would, however, amount to running
a permanent risk that it could become a nuclear-capable state. That would
probably be intolerable not only to Israel but to Iran’s Arab neighbours.

Saudi Arabia would almost certainly respond by seeking a nuclear weapons
capability of its own, said Jonathan Eyal, head of international studies at
Royal United Services Institute. “The alternative for the Saudis is an
absolute nightmare, in which they would be relegated to the ringside of the
Middle East in perpetuity with the Iranians calling all the shots,” he added.

If sanctions and covert action – or even military strikes – succeeded only in
delaying Iran’s progress, they would still be worthwhile, he argued. “Buying
time,” said Mr Eyal, “is a perfectly respectable strategy.”

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