EU Gives WikiLeaks Propaganda About Chemical Weapons in Syria

Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
July 30, 2012




Members of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) are not just tied to al-Qaeda, the CIA-funded fake Islamic terrorist group, they ARE al-Qaeda. In a video of members of the FSA, these men are brandishing AK-47s provided to them by the CIA and have al-Qaeda flags flying in the background.

Al-Qaeda has been used by the US government in insurgent recruitment and in destabilizing Middle Eastern governments. The new recruits, being trained by the CIA in Turkey, then being allocated to the FSA and being used to destroy the Syrian government are directly tied to al-Qaeda. In the mainstream media, al-Qaeda is still touted as a separate terrorist organization with no ties to the US government.

Tayyip Erdogan, the Turkish Prime Minister, is now decrying that his involvement in assisting the CIA has created a backlash of violence in his own country and compromised their national security.

Erdogan is reluctant to continue to cooperate with CIA training facilities that create more “troops” for the FSA who are released into Syria through the Turkish border. The further involvement of Turkey in attempting to “handover Assad” to the US government through the use of fake terrorist organizations is causing a Kurdish outcry while military training camps are turning out “a good number of Kurds” who have been taught how to covertly support the US and Israel movement toward forced regime change in Syria.

Abu Thuha (a pseudonym) is an al-Qaeda operative who claims that “we have experience now fighting the Americans, and more experience now with the Syrian revolution. Our big hope is to form a Syrian-Iraqi Islamic state for all Muslims, and then announce our war against Iran and Israel, and free Palestine.”

The terrorist activity in Syria has been directly committed by oppositional groups that are being controlled and directed by the US government in order to facilitate internal conflict, says a study by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

Joseph Holiday, analyst for the ISW, who studies the influence al-Qaeda has had on the Arab Spring, asserts: “The emergence of Al Qaeda-linked terrorist cells working against the regime poses risks to the United States and a challenge to those calling for material support of the armed opposition. It’s something to keep an eye out for, the convergence of Iraq and Syria. As the Syrian government loses the ability to project force on the periphery of its territory, what you’re going to see is an emboldened Sunni opposition emerging in Nineveh and Iraq.”

Daniel Byman, a professor and counterterrorism expert at Georgetown University as well as a fellow of the Brookings Institute, says that it is obvious that al-Qaeda is becoming more active in Syria. This terrorist organization was used by the US government in Somalia and Mali, and before that in Chechnya and Yemen, and the group is currently trying to turn a local conflict to its advantage. “There’s no question Al Qaeda wants to do that, and they are actually pretty good at this sort of thing,” said Byman. “They’ve done well at taking a local conflict” and taking it global. “They learned a lot from Iraq,” he remarks. “They even write about this — they say, ‘We got on the wrong side of the locals.’ ”

Along with use of fake terrorist groups, Syria is being accosted with false claims of chemical weapons which are being tied to Iran by the US government and Israel. Documents provided by the European Union are being used to support the WMDs false flag. The EU says they provided the technical assistance and equipment as well as $14.2 million to the Syrian Ministry of Industry in 2010. The EU says that now these procurements are being used to create a chemical weapon’s program.

An EU spokesperson says that the money they gave Syria was supposed to be allocated to safety standards for products and laboratories, but now they believe it has been used to create chemical weapons.

James Quinlivan, senior operations research analyst at the RAND Corporation, a globalist front for Elite agendas, claims that “calibration is a big deal for these things. While mustard [gas] lasts amazingly well, nerve agents do not. For nerve gases, particularly sarin, retention relies on purity, and this must be tested.”

WikiLeaks have been working with the US State Department in framing Iran and Syria, as the website has built a following and reputation as being an exposer of wrong-doings by governments. Yet, the WikiLeaks phenomena is also created and controlled by the US government and only “leaks” information that is useful to the US government’s agendas and strategies overseas.

The so-called “Syrian Files” were nothing more than propaganda planted by the US government in conjunction with Julian Assange to divert attention, create false claims against Syria and promote the coming military strike against Syria.

Surfacing just in time to prove that Syria has WMDs is a 2006 communication that was supposedly confidential which claims Syria and Iran are working together to develop 5 new chemical weapons plants; in particular that Syria has new sites that are fronts for manufacturing facilities.

This time the global Elite are not just claiming that the “enemy” has WMDs, they are planting the evidence so that the debacle that faced former President George W Bush with Iraq’s non-existent WMDs will not be an issue.

According to the falsified documents provided by WikiLeaks, a US diplomat states: “Iran would provide the construction design and equipment to annually produce tens to hundreds of tons of precursors for VX, sarin, and mustard [gas]. Engineers from Iran’s DIO [Defense Industries Organization] were to visit Syria and survey locations for the plants, and construction was scheduled from the end of 2005-2006.”

A 2008 correspondence by the US State Department says that Syria has become “sophisticated in its efforts to move equipment and resources from civilian programs to weapons development.”

According to the document “the Australians believe Syria is committed to improving and expanding its program, including through testing. Syria maintains a basic indigenous capability, in contrast to other countries of concern, but maintains some dependence on precursor imports. . . . Syria appears focused on importing precursors and precursors of precursors.”

The false flag assertion of Syrian chemical weapons is giving the international community the necessary fuel to support the US/Israeli military attack of Syria. It is being kept secret from the general public with the assistance of the MSM that the murder of Syrian civilians is being committed by the FSA under the direction of the CIA, the script being played out to keep Assad’s armies under foot with “little chance of turning defeat into victory.”

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