EU Commissioner: PRISM May Threaten Trans-Pacific Partnership

susanne_posel_news_ Viviane-Reding-EU-commiss-010Susanne Posel
Occupy Corporatism
June 13, 2013





Viviane Reding, justice commissioner for the European Union (EU), said that she is concerned that the NSA PRISM program “could have grave adverse consequences for the fundamental rights of EU citizens.”

Reding would like the US government to explain how the privacy rights of EU citizens are not being infringed upon with the use of PRISM. She warned that this exposure could negatively affect future discussions about the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTP).

On Twitter, Reding relayed : “European citizens should be able to trust 100 per cent that companies collecting and processing their personal data will abide by European law.”

Mina Andreeva, spokesperson for Commissioner Reding told mainstream media (MSM): “The commission has raised this systematically in its dialogue with the US authorities, especially in the context of the negotiations of the EU-US data protection agreement in the field of police and judicial co-operation, where the draft text has been on the table now for two years. This was also raised, by the way, by Vice-President Reding at her last meeting with US attorney general Holder in Washington in April. The vice-president will again raise this with her American counterparts at the upcoming EU-US ministerial meeting on 13-14 June in Dublin.”

Andreeva also pointed out: “National security is a matter for the member states, but this case goes to show that a clear legal framework for the protection of personal data is not a luxury or not a constraint: it is a fundamental right. This is exactly the spirit of the EU’s data protection reform that has been on the table for 18 months and where we see that some member states are not moving very enthusiastically towards adopting this reform swiftly. But in turn they give a lot of priority to legislation – notably the data retention directive that was negotiated in a record time of six months, which allows you to limit civil liberty rights of consumers. So I think it is high time that we move up a gear, that member states move up a gear and show their commitment in protecting EU citizens’ fundamental rights and privacy rights in the 21st century.”

David Drummond, chief legal officer for Google claims that his corporation was “shocked” about the public exposure of the National Security Agency (NSA) PRISM program.

Drummond asserts that there is ““A serious misperception has been created in the wake of the disclosures around the Verizon national security order, around phone records as well as the disclosures about the so-called PRISM program.”

Drummond would have the public believe that Google provides “”only a tiny fraction of our users have ever been subject to having their data requested” and that “there’s no general surveillance [at Google].”

An anonymous official at the Department of Justice (DoJ) said that they are reviewing Google’s request.

Microsoft has requested that there be “greater transparency on the aggregate volume and scope of national security requests, including FISA orders, would help the community understand and debate these important issues.”

Caspar Bowden, former chief privacy adviser for Microsoft conveyed : “What we understand – and we have only the newspaper reports to go on – is that some kind of black box has been positioned in Microsoft, Yahoo, Google and the rest. The purpose of this box is to receive electronic orders from government about what sort of surveillance is to be carried out.”

Ted Ullyot, general counsel for Facebook said : “[We] would welcome the opportunity to provide a transparency report that allows us to share with those who use Facebook around the world a complete picture of the government requests we receive, and how we respond. We urge the United States government to help make that possible by allowing companies to include information about the size and scope of national security requests we receive, and look forward to publishing a report that includes that information.”

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