Australia has identified gas reserves that could keep up the rate of current production for nearly two centuries, Resources Minister Martin Ferguson says.
Mr Ferguson said the Australian gas resources assessment for 2012 had identified gas resources, excluding shale gas of about 390 trillion cubic feet, which equated to 184 years of gas production at the current rate.
“Importantly, this report reconfirms Australia’s capacity to continue to be a major gas exporter, supplying the world’s growing demand for gas well into the future,” Mr Ferguson was to tell the annual Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association conference in Adelaide on Monday.
The report also found Australia has significant shale gas resources in Central Australia.
“While exploration for shale gas in Australia has only recently commenced and resources are poorly understood, shale gas could potentially double Australia’s gas resources,” Mr Ferguson said.
The report chronicles the growth of gas resources and industry infrastructure developments in the last two years.
In 2010-11 Australia exported 20 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas.
Mr Ferguson said the forecast would grow by a further 19 per cent in 2012-13 as production from the Pluto LNG project in Western Australia came online.
“Based on projects under construction, LNG production capacity is projected to quadruple by 2017 to make Australia one of the world’s largest exporters of LNG.”
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