England will be better off without Scotland, says Alex Salmond

Charles Walford

Last updated at 9:30 AM on 23rd January 2012

Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond has claimed Prime Minister David Cameron snubbed his calls for a meeting 'six times over the last six months'

Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond has claimed Prime Minister David Cameron snubbed his calls for a meeting ‘six times over the last six months’

England will be better off without Scotland, Alex Salmond will say this week.

The leader of the Scottish National Party is embarking on charm offensive in London as he campaigns to end the 300-year union between the two countries.

And today he called for a ‘positive relationship of equals’ between Scotland and England.

The Scottish First Minister hit out at ‘injudicious’ comments from pro-union Westminster leaders – and claimed Prime Minister David Cameron snubbed his calls for a meeting ‘six times over the last six months’.

He said: ‘We will share a monarch, we will share a currency and, under our proposals, we will share a social union, but we won’t have diktats from Westminster for Scotland and we won’t have Scottish MPs poking their nose into English business in the House of Commons.’

In his Hugo Young lecture Mr Salmond will make the point that if the two countries separate it will end the dispute over whether English taxpayers subsidise Scottish spending.

Under current workings Scotland receives about £1,600 more per head in identifiable expenditure than England.

This means no university tuition fees and free personal care for the elderly.

But the SNP argues that North Sea oil revenue actually means that Scotland is subsidising its neighbour.

And he will say that it will also solve the ‘West Lothian question’, which sees MPs from north of the border voting on laws that apply only to England, but not vice versa.

The Scottish National Party leader said calls for an English parliament debating laws which affect only English voters were ‘thoroughly sensible’ and demanded ‘a new and better, adult, grown-up relationship of equals between Scotland and England’.

Mr Salmond said a separation of the two countries would end the problem of Scottish MPs in Westnminster voting on laws that apply only in England

Mr Salmond said a separation of the two countries would end the problem of Scottish MPs in Westnminster voting on laws that apply only in England

This, he is expected to say, would result in England ‘losing a surly lodger and gain a friendly neighbour’.

A YouGov poll conducted for the Sunday Times found that 36 per cent of voters in England back independence with 39 per cent against. In Scotland support runs at 33 per cent and a huge 53 per cent against.

Mr Salmond, who launches a consultation on Wednesday about how the 2014 referendum will run, blasted claims Scottish taxpayers would be forced to fund cleaning up waste left behind if Britain’s nuclear Trident submarines had to quit their base at Faslane on the Clyde under SNP plans for a nuclear-free Scotland.

‘Clearly an independent Scotland wouldn’t want to have the largest concentration of weapons of mass destruction in the continent of Europe,’ he told Sky News’ Murnaghan programme.

‘What’s unreasonable is the Defence Secretary saying, ‘We will land you with a bill for the clean-up costs’.

‘You can’t have weapons of mass destruction based in Scotland for the last 60 years and then tell the people of Scotland, ‘We will give you a bill for the clean-up costs’.

‘That’s daft language.’

Mr Salmond pledged to ‘rise above that sort of scaremongering nonsense’ and also dismissed claims Scotland could be forced to abandon the pound if electors voted for independence.

He said: ‘Sterling is a tradable currency. You can’t stop anybody using Sterling, but why on earth would you want to stop Scotland using Sterling?’

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Alex Salmond has the view that the English would be better off with an independent Scotland. I think that most English people already share this view and if not, they soon will do. I have lived and worked in the Benelux area for many years. The 3 independent states Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg work well together on issues where this is required. Belgium and Luxembourg also shared the same currency even before the Euro was introduced. Just a thought: if Scotland had been independent years ago, England would have been spared Gordon Brown as PM!

Thanks Alex youv’e convinced us. Now when are you going?? No rush.

England will be better off without the Barnett formula in use.

“England will be better off with Scotland”? maybe, we’d all be better off without Mr Salmond? I cannot believe that his campaign is really anything other than an ego trip and desire to “spoil” UK politics before he retires …….. not a nice man I suspect for all his smiles forced jollity

We know.

As a Scot living in England (as many do) I find the antics of Mr Salmond offensive. Will I now need a passport to go home? I remember this being a joke between my English husband and I when we got married. How deeply sad – there are thousands of people unemployed, the UK’s infrastructure is shot, and this man is only interested in his place in history. I truly hope that as a Scot this referendum ends with my countrymen remaining in the union. We are a stronger nation with all four countries.

At first I thought if the Scots want to go their own way, let them. I’ll pay less tax without them. But then I realized that wasn’t true, on several levels. Firstly, both England and Scotland built far bigger things in the union than apart. The empire. The scientific age. Whereas apart, we were small inconsequential countries. And the tax saving is a myth – the government would just find other ways to spend the money… And if Salmond says England is better off without Scotland then I just know we’re not!

Cut to the chase Salmond, it’s about OIL. He wants to sell the Scottish people down the river at a time when globalisation means unity is strength.
This will not end half as well for the people of Scotland as it will for Mr Salmond and his associates.

The UK would be better off without Salmond. He wants all of the goodies, sterling, etc. without the awkward stuff. “A partnership of equals”? The man is delusional.

Scotland currenly receive FREE school meals and doctors’ prescriptions. Nothing is FREE in this world so the British taxpayer foot the bill for this. We certainly would be better off without Scotland in that financial sense. Our prescriptions are over £7 here in the Uk, and it annoys the heck out of me knowing that we are £7 worse off while others are getting theirs paid for by us.Well half of our Mp’s are scottish, so what do we expect. As long as they are quids in, its stuff the rest of us.

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