Endobarrier: Alternative to gastric band takes just 15 minutes to put in place

  • The Endobarrier is installed orally and lines the intestine, preventing food from being absorbed

Lauren Paxman

Last updated at 5:14 PM on 23rd January 2012

Speedy cure: Lorry driver Leslie Lloyd has had an Endobarrier fitted and his weight has dropped dramatically

Speedy cure: Lorry driver Leslie Lloyd has had an Endobarrier fitted and his weight has dropped dramatically

A pioneering alternative to a gastric band operation – which takes just 15 minutes to put in place – is being trialed in London.

The Endobarrier is a balloon-type device, taken orally, which lines the intestine and prevents food from being absorbed.

It is designed to help dangerously overweight patients who are unlikely to be able to cope with the trauma of gastric surgery.

Researchers at Imperial College
Healthcare say that the treatment has so far been a big success.

The procedure is not currently available on the NHS but the
first patients to receive an Endobarrier are shedding weight without
experiencing the potentially debilitating side-effects of a major

driver Leslie Lloyd has had an Endobarrier fitted. His diet of bacon
rolls – bought in roadside cafes during lengthy journeys – caused his
weight to balloon to 18 stone.

Lloyd was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, a condition which kills three people an hour in the UK. But he has now lost almost three stone and his sugar levels have dropped from a dangerous 16.9 to a more healthy 7.1.

Mr Lloyd, from Crawley, told the BBC London’s Inside Out: ‘I’ve tried dieting but unfortunately with the lifestyle that I lead on the truck it’s so easy to stop at snack wagons and get a bacon roll, packet of crisps or chocolate bar.’

Loose weight fast: The balloon-like Endobarrier lines the intestine preventing food from being absorbed

Loose weight fast: The balloon-like Endobarrier lines the intestine preventing food from being absorbed

If his diabetes had reached the point where he needed to be treated with insulin, he would have lost his HGV licence.

The Endobarrier will stay in place for up to a year before being removed. However Mr Lloyd’s diabetes is expected to go into remission within a few weeks.

He said: ‘Now I feel a lot better in
myself, I’m not so lethargic and more active. I can go out and go on
walks and I’m not tired all the time. I feel 100 per cent better. I’m
very happy, and the weight loss is a bonus.’

The weight loss aid takes just 15 minutes to put in place and is perfect for those who cannot cope with the trauma of a gastric operation

The weight loss aid takes just 15 minutes to put in place and is perfect for those who cannot cope with the trauma of a gastric operation

A clip from tonight's episode of Inside Out shows the Endobarrier being put in place

A clip from tonight’s episode of Inside Out shows the Endobarrier being put in place

While the Endobarrier is not as effective as a gastric bypass, it will benefit those who cannot be exposed to the risks of surgery – a common problem for overweight patients.

In 2009, almost a quarter of adults in England were classed as obese and if nothing is done to slow down the proportion of obese people, the figure will rise 40 per cent by 2030.

Obese people are 80 times more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes.

Professor Nadey Hakim, surgical director of the West London Transplant Unit at Hammersmith Hospital, said: ‘Here we have a procedure which is simple. It takes 15 minutes, there is no incision and amazingly it does improve if not cure Type 2 diabetics.’

Inside Out is on BBC1 at 7.30pm tonight.

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A better method would be Duct Tap across the mouth at mealtimes.

How do I get one?

Nice to see all the practical advice and healthy options are getting negative ratings.
Wake up people.

Stop over eating! Stop over eating! Stop over eating! Take responsibilty for your own actions. The same people who moan about a nanny state and criminals taking responsibilty for their own actions will red arrow this. Im proud to not be one of you.

This is the most stupid alternative to gastric bands any one with coeliac disease will tell you, I suffer from coeliac disease which prevents food being absorbed and the damage its done to my health because of a very late diagnosis I would not wish on anyone, before having this procedure read up on coeliac disease, you might change your mind. – veteris bumbuli, Halton, UK, 23/01/2012 19:13 But you’re skinny, right? What immediate health problems does that leave you with in comparison to obesity? Let’s do a quick hit-list: Diabetes, stroke, heart attack, cancer, impotence, amputation, low self esteem; Or Coeliac disease. Wow, that’s a toughy to decide on…
– Fluffy top, Stonehouse, Cidershire, 23/1/2012 19:53
Actually Fluffy, coeliac disease comes with the risk of oesophageal cancer, and sufferers can be overweight, too…

It’s amazing what some people will do to avoid having to limit their own food intake voluntarily.

There are other cheaper, non-invasive, successful and risk free options available. The thought of having to undergo actual gastric surgery always filled me with fear and dread but I thought it was going to be my only option to help me lose weight until a friend sent me an article on virtual gastric band hypnotherapy. Last year, from the comfort of my home, I underwent a hypnotherapy programme via skype for a virtual gastric band with a hypnotherapist from Maidstone. I am delighted with the results.

I know something even faster to fit …..a whole roll of gaffa tape, wrapped around the mouth……… it should take about a month to shift it ….. by that time you will have lost about 2 stone. not bad for a 5 pound roll of tape.

Dash-Agreed! have just lost a stone through healthier food choices and have considerably further to go, but this still looks very interesting for type 2 diabetics. Should be available on the NHS.

But you’re skinny, right? What immediate health problems does that leave you with in comparison to obesity? Let’s do a quick hit-list: Diabetes, stroke, heart attack, cancer, impotence, amputation, low self esteem; Or Coeliac disease. Wow, that’s a toughy to decide on…
– Fluffy top, Stonehouse, Cidershire – Obviously writing from ignorance, coeliac disease can give any permutation of the ones he stated in his ignorance, he should think before he thinks its funny, his remarks may be flippant but I put them down to ignorance.

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One Response to “Endobarrier: Alternative to gastric band takes just 15 minutes to put in place”

  1. Popsy says:

    Did this chap ask anyone else to pay for his treatment? NO Did he ask for treatment on the NHS? NO. Good luck to him for finally taking responsibilty for his health. The money he has spent on this treatment will save the NHS alot of money in the long run. Also, I know someone who has had the EndoBarrier and they have done amazingly well with their type 2 diabetes and she has lost 5 stone.

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