Ending child marriage can boost India’s rise: Tutu

NEW DELHI (Reuters) – India‘s development is being slowed by discriminatory practices against women such as child marriage, which stifle their potential to contribute to growth, South African peace campaigner Archbishop Desmond Tutu said.

“India is doing fantastically. I mean they are complaining about seven percent GDP growth. Imagine if you then enlisted the participation of 50 percent of the population. Women. Imagine what it would be,” Tutu told Reuters late Wednesday.

“I think that India is poised to become a very significant player but, that role would be greatly, greatly enhanced, when women are given their proper place.”

Tutu, 80, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for speaking out against white minority rule in South Africa.

Now, as chairman of The Elders — a group of prominent people dedicated to addressing humanitarian issues — he is spearheading a global movement called “Girls Not Brides” aimed at ending child marriage.

Gender experts say a girl under the age of 18 is married every three seconds — that’s 10 million each year — often without consent and sometimes to a much older man, before she is mentally or sexually ready for such a relationship.

The practice is most prevalent in Africa, the Middle East and South Asia, despite laws in most countries banning it.

In a rapidly modernizing country, tightly bound by traditional patriarchal views, Indian women face a plethora of threats from sexual violence, dowry murders, discrimination in health, education and land rights as well as child marriage.


A staggering 47 percent of women in India between the ages of 20 and 24 married before the legal age of 18, according the government’s latest National Family Health Survey.

Tutu — who is in India with some of the other Elders, which includes former Irish President Mary Robinson and Gro Harlem Brundtland, who was Norway’s first prime minister — said it was imperative to address the issue as it was linked to development.

“It’s been shown that where child marriage is in vogue, six of the eight millennium development goals, you can forget about,” he said referring to a string of goals 192 U.N. members agreed to implement by 2015.

The goals include reducing child and maternal mortality, ending poverty and hunger, providing universal education, gender equality and combating HIV/AIDS.

“You can forget obviously gender equality. You can forget about education because a girl leaves school when she gets married and you can forget about reducing poverty as she is hardly likely to earn a great deal with no education.”

Child marriage also threatens the health of a young mother, he said, adding that a girl giving birth at 15 is five times more likely to die in the process than a girl of 19 or older. While her infant is 60 percent more likely to die.

He said girls, who were often married to older men, had little control over their sex lives and were more likely to be infected by HIV/AIDS.

Tutu, who has campaigned on issues from human rights to fighting AIDS and homophobia, said ending discriminatory practices, giving women an equal voice and empowering them, would help countries realize their full potential.

“As women are set free, we discover, hey, this is a resource that we had allowed to lie fallow.”

(Editing by Robert Birsel)

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One Response to “Ending child marriage can boost India’s rise: Tutu”

  1. mothman77 says:

    I agree entirely with this article condemning child marriage. Seeing the absolutely horrific incidences of deaths resulting from young girls being made to get pregnant when their little bodies are not nearly mature enough is very distressing.

    What has happened to the Hindu spirit of marrying all young girls to Lord Krishna, years before they are married to a human partner? What does it mean anymore if the man then kills the young bride by making her pregnant in the heat of material lust before her young body is ready to cope with such a demand? It is no more than abuse, and hellish behaviour, entirely unfit for spiritual purpose.

    It seems that the spiritually ignorant are abusing young girls, as they simply cannot see that a child with narrow hips is simply a child, whether or not she has passed puberty. Sex is only to produce a child, when it comes down to it. The pleasure of association with Krishna even in this world vastly outweighs all sex in this material world, and even then, the Bhagavad Gita states that Lord Krishna Himself is sex for all who engage in sex in the appropriate manner.

    Female hips must be allowed to develop to become those of a full woman, enough to pass a child, before pregnancy is contemplated. To do otherwise is demonic behaviour, as it satisfies only deranged lust of the older male, and does not consider the ultimate spiritual purpose of bringing a soul into a new body to come to know God better, nor does it sincerely consider the risk to the well-being of the baby or the wife, if both risk serious injury or death.

    Obviously the government of India needs to become sensitive enough to deal with this issue in a spiritually awakened and compassionate manner.

    Incidentally, the US government and the Indian government allowed Bill Gates to cripple 47,500 Indian kids with polio last year, and only one kid in 200 that is infected with polio goes on to become crippled according to official WHO figures, so that means, that one in 17 of the 170,000 million kids in India given so-called polio vaccinations by Bill Gates is actually infected with polio, equaling 9.5 million infected kids a year in India, using live attenuated polio virus, that would never be used in the US or Israel.

    Just the cheap poisonous crap is used on these kids deliberately with the express intention of causing long-term damage to their health. And for every one of the 9.5 million kids infected by polio by these cheap attenuated live virus vaccines, several others get infected with polio too by coming into contact with them. But you know what? Since January 2012, not a single case of polio has been officially reported in India; that is because the disease is called something else to cover it up. I think the threat of economic sanction or worse is being used to force the Indian government to keep their mouths shut whilst this genocidal abuse goes on. Many of those kids crippled by polio in India do die, due to paralysis of the muscles that enable the lungs to work.

    That means that Bill Gates, and we know what religion he is a member of, gives 9.5 million kids a year polio in India deliberately, and God knows how many other diseases he vaccinates kids for, with infectious live viruses in all countries of the world; he is certainly in a big rush to reduce world population by vaccination in a big, big way, and reducing world population by vaccination is an openly stated aim of Bill Gates. But Bill Gates would never for one second consider reducing the population of his own race.

    Jiva Jago!

    Hare Krishna

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