Home » Australia, Crimes, Health » Ellie Peacock: 18-year-old Australian nurse in training develops three blood clots after AstraZeneca shot
An 18-year-old nursing student is lucky to be alive after the medical estanlishment hung her out to dry after taking their “vaccines.”
Ms. Ellie Peacock received the first dose of experimental AstraZeneca viral vector on March 31, according to her Instagram post. One week later, the Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration announced that people under age 50 were no longer eligible for AstraZeneca shots. It is unclear why said agency believes these lethal injections are safe for anyone regardless of age.
She experienced tightness and a throbbing pain, along with red spots, on her right calf muscle on April 18. Ms. Peacock told medical personnel that she likely has blood clots. But an ultrasound revealed nothing, so she was sent home. Her condition worsened to include pain in her chest and back while inhaling, along with severe headaches.
Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS)
A May 9 x-ray revealed she had pneumonia. She was rushed to the emergency room on May 11 because she could barely breathe. Doctors prescribed medication and sent her home again, and telling her the pain is normal. Ms. Peacock returned to her primary care physician on May 13. Her oxygen levels dropped to 90%. Note that 95 to 97% is considered normal, with anything at 90% or lower being considered a medical emergency. He sent her back to the emergency room.
Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital doctors finally took Ms. Peacock’s condition seriously after her lobbying efforts. They discovered three blood clots in her lungs. Doctors diagnosed her with Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, aka vaccine-induced prothrombotic immune thrombocytopenia (VIPIT). Ms. Peacock now needs regular CT scans and blood thinners for the foreseeable future. She also needs blood tests every four days and must take antibiotics for six months.
Despite the life-altering ordeal, Ms. Peacock said it was “nothing too serious”and that she “can’t put the cause down to the vaccine yet.” But she updated her May 13 Facebook status and wrote, “AstraZeneca caused the blood clotting.”
Ellie’s mother, Donna Mclaughlin-Peacock, is also a healthcare worker. She seems to understand the inherent dangers of the AstraZeneca shots, but appears to be ok with the equally-dangerous Pfizer and Moderna shots.
Another young life forever altered
Ms. Peacock may chalk this up as no big deal. But all she’s experiencing right now is her body’s immediate reaction to these viral vector DNA therapies. Emma Burkey is the 18-year-old Las Vegas woman who is unlikely to ever lead a completely-normal life again after Johnson & Johnson caused blood clots in her brain. We wrote about 24-year-old Texas nurse Tabatha McDonald last month. She had a brain aneurysm and seizures after the J&J shot. She was still complaining about it weeks after discharge from the hospital.
Young people are throwing their lives away in the name of virtue signaling, obedience and/or willful ignorance. Ms. Peacock’s case also highlights some grim realities. The medical establishment will not help you once the adverse reactions occur. She basically had to force them to test her for blood clots after being sent home three times by hospitals.
No intelligent human being, regardless of age, would allow someone to inject these experimental mRNA and viral vector products into them. It’s well-established that there are no tangible benefits, particularly for young people with little to no chance of dying or even getting sick from COVID-19.
We’re seeing near-term deaths (within 2-3 months) from these shots. We’re seeing numerous immediate deaths (within hours, days or a few weeks). We’ll start seeing the long-term effects later this year and into 2022. Stay vigilant and protect your friends and loved ones.
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