‘Egyptians back Palestinians’ aspiration’

On Monday, Egyptian MPs voted by a show of hands on the text of a report, which was compiled by the Arab Affairs Committee of the People’s Assembly (lower house of parliament).

Press TV has conducted an interview with Ralph Schoenman, a political commentator from Berkeley, to further explore the issue of the recent Egyptian parliamentary vote against Egypt-Israel relations.

What follows is a rough transcript of the interview:

Press TV: The motion does represent the will of the people of Egypt, but will it remain just an empty gesture or will the elected representatives pursue this to the very end?

Schoneman: Well, you have to keep in mind that this was a motion that was adopted unanimously by the Egyptian parliament. As you say, it calls for the removal of the Israeli ambassador; the halt of gas exports and to reexamine the Camp David accords and the entire relationship with Israel.

In fact, the declaration, which I again emphasize was adopted unanimously, calls for all forms of resistance against Israel and calls for the Egyptian government to reexamine the country’s nuclear policy.

So this is a complete declaration of break with the Zionist state, a reversal of the supine policy of the Mubarak regime and that of the Supreme Council of Armed Forces [SCAF].

I think we should keep in mind that this situation in Gaza reflects what the Israeli press calls revealingly mowing the lawn, namely targeted assassinations which were designed to create a response from the Palestinian people, reflected in the fact that Benjamin Netanyahu immediately linked the response of Palestinians in Gaza to Iran and the nuclear threat of Iran in his meeting with Giampaolo di Paola, the defense minister of Italy. Netanyahu called again for solidarity in Israel’s intentions to attack Iran and remove its nuclear capacity.

So we have to see these Gaza attacks as a deliberate operation on the part of the Israelis with the clear support of the United States to create a crisis to attack the Palestinian people and murder its leadership in Gaza once again in order to provide the suitable terrain for Israel and United States planned aggressions against Iran.

Press TV: And the US has been quite vocal in its criticism of the Egyptian parliament’s “Islamist make-up”. Will this anti-Israel motion further increase Washington’s efforts to discredit the political parties in Egypt?

Schoneman: Well, bear in mind that, as you indicated earlier, the Supreme Council of Armed Forces [SCAF] retains effective decision-making in Egypt.

They retain for themselves the right to make foreign policy, the right to make defense policy, the right to affect the economy.

So in essence, they have rendered the Egyptian parliament largely decorative but the sentiment that was expressed by the unanimous vote in the parliament is a measure of the anger and the determination of the Egyptian people whose resistance to the Mubarak regime was not just against an individual but against that handful of people that ruling group in Egypt aligned with the Supreme Council of Armed Forces, which suppresses the Egyptian population and aligns the Egyptian population and their nation with the Zionist state and with US imperialism.

That is what is being repudiated here. It is a measure of the deepening crisis in Egypt and the will of the Egyptian people to reverse the policies of subordination to Israel and the United States and above all, to show their support and solidarity for the aspirations of the Palestinian people and of sovereign nations in the Arab East and the region at large.


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