The 29-year-old racist, named as Kenny Holden, has been detained after posting racist remarks on his Facebook page, threatening the Muslims with a bomb attack inspired by the Norwegian anti-Islam Christian fundamentalist Anders Behring Breivik.
This comes as the Norwegian mass killer is facing his trial for the slaughter of 77 people in July 2011. On the fourth day of his trial, he told Oslo District Court that he was inspired by an “English mentor” that ranked among “the most brilliant political and military tacticians” in Europe.
Despite the fact that there were plenty of evidence revealing the close links between the Norway terrorist and the EDL, the fascist group has several times claimed that their organization does not breed extremism. While, Holden’s racist posts on Facebook apparently proved the opposite, as he stated his intention to launch Oslo style bomb attack.
A spokesman for Northumbria Police confirmed the news, saying, “a 29 year old man was arrested on Saturday night on suspicion of assault and possessing racially inflammatory material. He is currently in custody and is helping police with their enquiries.”
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