Earthfiles Email About Mysterious "Chorus of Trumpets"

Earthfiles Email About Mysterious “Chorus of Trumpets”

© 2012 by Linda Moulton Howe


“Beside the horns, there is also a konstant higher sound
that reminds to some kind of technical machine.”

– Resident of  Monchengladbach, Germany


Kiev, Ukraine, August 3, 2011. Eerie horn sounds in the atmosphere
videotaped for 11 minutes and 24 seconds and uploaded
to YouTube by christref on August 11, 2011.

Play Video: “Strange Sound in Kiev, Ukraine,” uploaded Aug. 11, 2011.


February 1, 2012  Albuquerque, New Mexico – Since posting the previous January 31, 2012 Earthfiles report about mysterious trumpet sounds heard by residents near Nashville and Memphis, Tennessee, I have received the following email reports from Germany and Australia. One American reports after studying the above “Strange Sound in Kiev, Ukraine” posted five months ago:  “Did you happen to notice in the Kiev ‘horns’ video that the sounds come in 5 second intervals?  You hear the sound for 5 seconds, then it is silent for 5 seconds. Then you hear it again for 5 seconds, then silence for 5 seconds. I simply watched the counter on the video and counted the seconds of each cycle. I don’t know if any natural phenomenon would be so well-timed. So, I’m thinking maybe something mechanical – like something turning in a regular cycle?”

The first email below with a URL to another horn sound recorded on video January 22, 2012, in MonchenGladbach, Germany, west of Dusseldorf, is another example of the approximately five-second cycle and is valuable to watch its entire 5 minutes and 21 seconds length.


Subject: Horn sound in Germany
Date: February 1, 2012
To: Linda Moulton Howe [email protected]

Monchengladbach, Germany, west of Dusseldorf, Germany.
The water in upper left is the North Sea.

“This video is taken in MönchenGladbach west of Dusseldorf, Germany. It was Sunday evening, 22 January 2012! Maybe some from our surrounding area heard that, too, and can say something about it. Thank you !

English translation of voice heard on MonchenGladbach video that includes horn sound similar to Strange Sound in Kiev above:

“First we thought about our water pipes from the bathroom (got some trouble with it before), till we recognized, that this sound is coming from outside. It was really loud and strongly, maybe you can`t hear it so good by watching this video.”

Beside the horns, there is also a konstant higher sound that reminds to some kind of technical machine.

Many thanks for your work.



Subject:   Strange noise in Australia
Date: February 1, 2012
To: Linda Moulton Howe [email protected]

“My name is J. S. and I live in a suburb of Melbourne, Australia, called Blackburn. It’s about 14 kilometers from Melbourne’s central business district. My partner Jayne and I woke up at 3am or just after – i remember 3.08am for some reason, on Monday morning January 30, 2012. I heard the exact same noise as the Kiev video, but it was louder. The sound was so loud it sounded like it was right outside on the street, but I don’t think the sound got louder and softer. It was certainly much louder than the Kiev video. And I heard the horn sound three times after waking up from being fast asleep.

I could not sleep after that and when having a coffee with a work friend, he mentioned he and his partner woke up at the same time – he lives about 30 kms from me.

I just played the Kiev sound for Jayne who had not heard it before and she is totally freaked out because it’s like what we heard.”

Melbourne is marked by the red circle in southeastern Australia.


Also see previous report:   January 31, 2012 Earthfiles.

If Earthfiles viewers and radio listeners have high strangeness experiences to report, such as the mysterious horn sounds or other phenomena, please email: [email protected].
All requests for confidentiality are honored.

More Information:

For further reports about strange hums and booms that have also been reported in 2011, please see reports below from Earthfiles Archive.

• 12/31/2011 — Updated – Part 1: Earthfiles Mail About High Strangeness
• 11/13/2011 — Updated: More Loud Booms in Virginia and Missouri; More Quakes in Oklahoma
• 10/27/2011 — More Mysterious Hum Reports from North America to China
• 10/04/2011 — Updated: What Are Strange “Hums” That Keep People Awake?
• 10/03/2011 — Part 1: Viewer Letters About Strange, Loud Booms


August 23, 2011, Strange Sound during Baseball Game:

2011 Weird Sounds Around the World:

Events of Revelation:

Angel Gabriel:’s_Horn

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