Dr. Duke Shows How America’s Political System is No Longer Free & Shows the First Revolutionary Step to Vote for Trump!
Today Dr. Duke explained how America, far from being the freest country in the world, is a country full of political taboos that limit our freedoms of speech and assembly. Not only does discussion of Jewish power lose someone his or her job in certain industries, but now even voicing support for Donald Trump borders on “hate speech.” Violent demonstrators blocked a Trump rally in Chicago last month, and Black Lives Matter activists shut down a students for Trump meeting on the West Coast.
Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery had a discussion on the possibility of bringing some Sanders supporters over to Trump. Dr. Slattery pointed out that Sanders is criticized in some “progressive” circles for having supported the invasion of Afghanistan and the occupation of Iraq. Moreover, if Trump wins the Republican nomination but Sanders if frustrated at the Democratic Convention by establishment superdelegates, many Sanders supporters could be attracted to Trump in the general election with the right outreach.
This is another great show that you won’t want to miss. Please share it widely.
Click here and look for the show dated 4-13-16.
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Source Article from http://davidduke.com/dr-duke-shows-americas-political-system-no-longer-free-shows-first-revolutionary-step-vote-trump/
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