Dr. Duke Powerfully Exposes the Corrupt Extremist Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish Racist Jared Kushner!

Dr. Duke Powerfully Exposes the Corrupt Extremist, Chabad-Lubavitch, Jewish Racist Jared Kushner!

Today Dr. Duke Exposes the Jewish extremist and corrupt fraudster who is the most powerful person in the United States Government other than the President. A man who supports a Jewish racist –  extremist organization of hatred against all non-Jews!. He also shows how the Zionist-controlled media never even points out these connections when talking about Jared Kushner.

This is a great show that you won’t want to miss. Please share it widely.

Click here and look for the show from May 31, 2017.

Here is a text of a David Duke talk on the powerful Chabad Lubvatich organization that is never exposed by the Jewish-run media!

Jewish Extremists Control the White House!

An extremist Jewish supporter of Chabad-Lubavitch now runs the White House, but the media is completely silent about it and Jared Kushner’s long support of this vicious, anti-Gentile hate organization.

The mainstream media is packed with stories about the dangers of Islamic extremism. But, today I want to tell you about a worldwide, extremist organization with enormous influence. It’s leaders have access to the President of the United States and just about every head of state in the Western World. They boast of their ability to influence Western leaders to support Israel, such as in Israel’s murderous campaign in Gaza, and now under Jared Kushner and his wife, Trump’s daughter Ivanka they have the power to bomb and kill Christian and Muslim moderates in Syria that only help the enemies of America and Europe: ISis and al-Qaeda!

The organization is called Chabad Lubavitch. It has billions of dollars worth of property and assets all over the world. It has branches in practically every major city of the Western world. It has centers in every European country and every nation of North and South America, and even has centers for its followers in far flung cities of China, Japan, India and elsewhere.

Thanks for taking this opportunity to find out what we truly believe and advocate at DavidDuke.com. You will find my real message very different than that provided by the biased media. Today I want to inform you about a powerful, world-wide, politically connected, Jewish extremist organization called Chabad Lubavitch.

Imagine for a moment if I said that among all the people of the earth, only White people had God-like souls, but that non-Whites had souls that were entirely evil. Imagine I said that the sole purpose of non-Whites on earth is to serve White people. Imagine if I said that it is admirable to kill non-White men, women and children. Imagine if I said that it would be right for a White person to kill an innocent non-White and take his or her heart or liver for a White person who needed one.

The condemnation of me by the press for such statements would be deafening, and it would be offered as proof of my hatred and evilness. Actually,  I can’t even imagine uttering such vile and hateful sentiments. If I said those things, everyone who read anything about me in the media would be made aware of such horrible views. I have never made those kinds of statements and condemn anyone who would.

Yet, Chabad is a very powerful organization that has leaders who have said precisely what I just stated if you substitute the term non-Jews for the term White people. The mainstream media do not condemn this organization. They actually praise it and cover up its hate and supremacism.

The mainstream media are absolutely silent about this organization and Jared Kushner’s support of it.

The organization I speak of is called Chabad Lubavitch.

Chabad is a worldwide, extremist organization with enormous influence. Its roots go back hundreds of years to a Jewish leader named rabbi Shneur Zalman . Chabad takes literally the anti-Gentile hate and violence toward Gentiles. Its leaders have access to the President of the United States and just about every head of state in the Western World.

Listen carefully to this quote made by Yitzchak Ginsburgh, one of the most prominent Chabad rabbis. You can read about his leading Chabad role on many Jewish websites.

The quotation is taken from Ginsburgh’s column in the New York Jewish Week. He has been one of the most prolific writers in Jewish Week, which is the largest Jewish newspaper in the United States.

In his article, Ginsburgh cites the founder of Chabad Judaism, rabbi Shneur Zalman and goes on to say how it is morally right to kill a Gentile and even to take his or her vital organs  if a Jew needs one. Here are some of Ginsburgh’s exact words:

As for the goyim…Zalman’s attitude (was): “Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.”

If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA.

He goes on  … If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value.

There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life.

What I have quoted here is so shocking that some of you watching this video won’t believe it. Yet, it is absolutely authentic, not out of context. This quote appeared in the April 26, 1996 edition of Jewish Week. Not only does this prominent Chabad rabbi tell his Jewish audience that Gentiles are evil and that Gentile life has no value, he shows how these beliefs are at the very foundations of Chabad.

In fact, Chabad uses teaching right out of the Jewish Talmud and the Torah to show that these hateful, supremacist attitudes are at the heart of Judaism itself.

Let me now quote from the prominent Jewish newspaper The Forward, an article written by Nathaniel Popper June 12, 2009. It deals with a statement by prominent Chabad Rabbi, Manis Friedman..

“Like the best Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis, Manis Friedman has won the hearts of many unaffiliated Jews with his charismatic talks about love and God; it was Friedman who helped lead Bob Dylan into a relationship with Chabad.

But Friedman, who today travels the country as a Chabad speaker, showed a less warm and cuddly side when he was asked how he thinks Jews should treat their Arab neighbors.

“The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle),” Friedman wrote in response to the question posed by Moment Magazine for its “Ask the Rabbis” feature.

Moment Magazine is a prominent magazine for Jews. It goes on to show that Friedman is one of the most famous Chabad.

“Friedman is not a fringe rabbi within the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. He was the English translator for the Chabad Rebbe, and at the Rebbe’s urging, he founded Beis Chana, a network of camps and schools for Jewish women. Friedman is also a popular speaker and writer on issues of love and relationships. His first book, “Doesn’t Anyone Blush Anymore?” was promoted with a quote from Bob Dylan, who Friedman brought to meet the rebbe.”

A  critic of Friedman who lives a few blocks from him is quoted by the forward concerning Friedman and Chabad.

“What he’s saying is the standard normal view of a Chabadnik,” Rosenberg said. “They just don’t say it in public.”

The most famous Chabad leader of course was the “The Great Rebbe” the spiritual leader of Chabad. He was Rabbi Menachem Schneerson. Many Chabad Jews worship him like he was the Messiah. Rabbi Schneerson’s teachings became the official, Lubavitch-Hassidic doctrine.

The following quotes are from a book of Schneerson’s  recorded messages to his followers called Gatherings and Conversations. Schneerson said that not only were Jews superior to all Gentiles, they were so different from Gentiles that they are actually a different biological species. He says that in addition to Jews being radically different in genetics, that Jews also have a completely different soul from gentiles, the Jewish soul being holy and the Gentile soul being completely evil. He also makes clear that these qualities are inherent in every Jew on the basis of their genetics, by birth and not based on their faith.

Two contrary types of soul exist, a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.

He alleges Jews are in fact God because they are part of God himself, and that all other  life on earth, all non-Jewish humanity was created only to serve the Jews:

A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”

Imagine if a major worldwide organization of European Americans made a statement that the only sole purpose of nonwhites on earth was to serve White people. There only been a small number of Jews who have dared to point out hateful and supremacist foundations Judaism and the Chabad Movement. There has been practically no mention of it in the mainstream media.  Of course, there are incredible amounts of Jewish media ownership, management, production and commentators and writers. Please read my chapter in my book Jewish Supremacism, that documents a Jewish supremacy over the media of a scope that few could imagine. Still, the truth slips out occasionally. A few years ago a few sentences in an article of the respected New Republic magazine dared to tell the truth about Chabad.

…there are some powerful ironies in Chabad’s new messianic universalism, in its mission to the gentiles; and surely the most unpleasant of them concerns Chabad’s otherwise undisguised and even racial contempt for the goyim.

…Moreover, this characterization of gentiles as being inherently evil, as being spiritually as well as biologically inferior to Jews, has not in any way been revised in later Chabad writing. (The New Republic) Issue May 4, 1992.

The only real criticism of Chabad comes from a tiny number of very courageous Jews. Gentiles don’t dare utter a word criticizing this powerful group that claims that all Gentiles are evil and their only purpose is to serve Jews. Any Gentile who does condemn Chabad would quickly get the title of anti-Semite, a political and social kiss of death in the Western World.

The anti-Gentile hatred is so widespread and deep in the Jewish community it is sometimes hard to fathom. For instance, the Chabad view of Gentile mothers and little girls has permeated the whole of Jewish society.  An article in the Jewish Chronicle titled, Some Carefully and Carelessly Chosen Words  points out that (Jewish Chronicle Bermant, C. (1991). May 17) the most common Jewish term of a Gentile woman is Shiksa.

Shiksa comes from the Hebrew root word, sheigetz, which means abomination or whore. A little non-Jewish girl, whether they be Christian, Muslim, or of any other religion, is called Shikselbe, which means little abomination or little whore. What would be the reaction if Gentiles routinely called Jewish women and Jewish little girls as whores and little whores?

Only a few courageous Jews have fought against the Jewish supremacism and anti-Gentile racial hatred of Chabad Lubavitch. One is Dr. Michael Samuel, a former professor of Judaic studies. Here is an excerpt of a letter he sent about Government funding of a Chabad center in Montreal, Canada:

My name is Michael Samuel. I am a former professor in the Judaic studies department of Concordia University, Montreal, and I have a question for you:

What would you do if a racist cult tried to build its headquarters in your neighborhood? What if the cult targeted specifically young people, teaching them that all Christians and Muslims are:

  1. evil, satanic creatures from birth (making all Gentile babies “little demons”)
  2. no better than worms
  3. not really living beings at all, but already “dead”
  4. all to be forcibly converted or subjugated by the “Messiah”
  5. and that it is their sacred duty to hasten the arrival of this “Messiah” in order to accomplish the forcible conversion or subjugation of non-Jews as soon as possible.

These are just some of the racist teachings of the fanatical messianic cult named “Chabad Lubavitch.”

Why should you care? Because Chabad Lubavitch is not just our problem, it may be yours as well. It is an extremely powerful, worldwide organization. Its power has until now intimidated the media, who are afraid to expose the evidence of racism produced here to the public, lest they be accused of anti-Semitism. We desperately need your help in breaking this media blackout. …[i]

So now that you know what Chabad represents. Isn’t it odd that if one dares to object Jewish extremism and anti-Gentile hatred, he is the one called the hater while the real hater is portrayed as the victim.

That’s because of the Jewish matrix of power in media, politics and finance. Chabad leaders have access to almost all the leaders of the Western World. Here is Chabad with Barack Obama, with George Bush, with the heads of Canada, France, Britain, Germany, Russia. Not only does Chabad have access to them, in many nations, including the United States they are actually able to come into Government institutions to teach and instruct government officials who are Jewish! They actually have parties in the White House of the United States.

The question must be asked, “How can they get away with this?” How can this hateful, Jewish extremist organization be allowed in the highest halls of government? How can they be praised by political leaders such as Barack Obama and George Bush, Tony Blair and others?. How come there is hardly a word of criticism in the media about Chabad. Not one pundit or major newspaper condemns the fact that this ultra supremacist, hate organization gets support from the political establishment?

Take a look and see who runs the media. Take a look at the Jewish lobby, by far the most powerful force in politics in America, Britain and around the world. Take a look at who dominates political fundraising. Take a look at the huge Jewish money and financial power.

The media and the political establishment has no problem at all with Chabad. In fact, They love Chabad, they give Chabad great publicity. The congress of the United States actually gave the Chabad Great Rebbe the Congressional Gold Medal. That’s right, they honored the man who said Gentiles have satanic souls, and that Gentiles sole purpose on earth is to quote “serve Jews, and who viewed all Gentile women and little girls as “abominations” and “whores.”

How can the Rebbe get the Congressional Gold Medal?” How can Gentile politicians give a high award to someone who states that their wives and daughters are whores? It is only the result of the tremendous power of Jewry in media and politics.  They make sure that we, the Gentiles of the world, don’t even really know what Chabad is and the power that it wields. Those Gentiles who do know, don’t dare to object because to do so would likely be their ruin.

A clear proof of the Jewish supremacy over us is the erection of menorahs all over the Christian world at Christmas time.

While Christian symbols of Christmas in Christian countries – are increasingly banned on public ground, Menorahs are put up by the thousands.

Chabad puts up thousands of Jewish Menorahs all over the United States and all over Europe on public land. At the same time Christian Crosses or Creches are banned, The world’s largest Menorah is put up right across from the White House.

The Menorah at Hanukkah is a symbol of Jewish  apartness and supremacy from the rest of humanity. It commemorates military victory and massacre of Jewish enemies. the Syrian Greeks in Jerusalem. It also celebrates the murder of thousands of Jews in Jerusalem who were Hellenized.  That is, the extremist Jews who recaptured their temple murdered Jews who had dared to assimilate fully and live in harmony with the Greeks around them.

A part of the Jewish people was murdered by the most radical of the Jewish people.

No wonder Chabad Lubavitch promotes the erection of the Menorahs and the celebration of Hanukkah. It symbolically represents their own extremism, ethnocentrism and hatred of Gentiles and the non-Jewish world.

Ironicaly Christian religious symbols representing the values of the vast majority of the people are forbidden, Jewish religious symbols of less than 3 percent of the population are erected. Symbols of peace on earth, goodwill toward men are removed, while symbols of Jewish military victories against their hated enemies are erected.

Now you know why the Jewish-dominated media so hates and slanders me and all Gentiles who dare to expose the reality of Jewish extremism and its pernicious influence.

These Chabad extremists are not like some Muslim radicals running around the desert of some far off land, or some hapless White activists in rural Tennessee, these extremists are right in the White House of the United States, and they influence almost  every European political leader and government.

They support the Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians and even we the people of the United States, as Israel has actually committed terrorism against the people of the United States in the Lavon Affair and the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty. The Israeli government even admitted the purposeful terrorist bombing of American facilities in the Lavon Affair. And recently gave medals to the Jewish terrorists who attacked America. But if you are new to DavidDuke.com, you probably don’t even know this.

I submit that you don’t know because of Jewish power in media and politics.

And now you know why You can’t put a Christian Christmas Decoration across from the White House but you can put the world’s biggest Jewish Menorah across from it.

God Bless you and keep you.

David Duke

[i] Samuel, Michael. (1999) email sent to major organizations opposing government funding of Chabad Lubavitch religious center in Montreal. Oct. 23.

Source Article from https://davidduke.com/dr-duke-powerfully-exposes-the-corrupt-extremist-chabad-lubavitch-jewish-racist-jared-kushner/

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