Double Standards on ‘Terrorism’: Don’t Terrorists Ever ‘Go Berserk’?

terroristsMental State Appears to be Only Relevant to Great White Men of the West

I was sipping my first morning coffee while staring at the headlines on the latest massacre committed by our military in Afghanistan. The phrase of the day to describe this latest massacre which resulted in more than a dozen innocent people – sleeping children and women – being viciously murdered and set on fire is ‘Man Gone Berserk.’ That’s right.

Unfortunately Oprah is not around any longer, otherwise she’d have a session on this: bring in the Berserk Man’s parents and grandparents to talk about his less than perfect childhood; showcase dozens of PhD psychologists to talk about his ‘tough’ experiences in Iraq; introduce his buddies from the ‘fields’ to talk about his ‘rough’ encounters … But no worries. The Pentagon, their tentacles in the networks, their pet puppets and madams like Huffington are doing their best to compensate for Oprah’s absence. The crafty stories are coming out: PTSD, depression, isolation, brain damage, head injuries, concussions, not enough candy or lollipops in childhood, too early start in potty training, chronic constipation, severe allergies, recent hernia operation … or for the common men and women of America, ‘A Man Gone Berserk,’ and that, justifiably so:

The U.S. soldier who allegedly attacked and killed 16 Afghan civilians Sunday may have experienced a relatively rare state of mental derangement characterized by a blind killing rage, a disregard of pain and danger, and a total disconnection from his fellow troops, military mental health specialists said.

It’s not clear what might have ignited his rage, said Dr. Jonathan Shay, a clinical psychiatrist who for decades has treated combat veterans with mental trauma. But he said what is known of the incident fits a pattern in which someone literally goes berserk.

“It’s a painful and destructive thing and usually fatal for the soldier. And it’s fairly rare – in 20 years I had only two patients who unmistakably had episodes of berserkness,” Shay said. The term “berserk” is an Old Norse word describing the frenzied trance in which some warriors fought.

shoebomberLook, I am going to remain humble. These are the great Pentagon experts, multi-certified specialists, and savvy PR agents. Who the hell am I to challenge their recently discovered fashionable disease called ‘berserkness’?! I ain’t gonna challenge them on that. But I am humbly confused. Here is why:

Why don’t we ever have genius psychologists and experts like this to diagnose the men from the other side who engage in ‘berserk‘ acts? What was the mental state of the terrorists who supposedly killed thousands on 9/11? Did they have issues- I mean serious issues, related to their potty training? Had they suffered serious concussions in their teenage years playing sports? Were they suffering from various severe depression and withdrawal symptoms caused by their immigrant status here and there? Were they sort of stressed out? How about that ‘berserk-looking‘ shoe-bomber guy? Did he have a hernia? Did he have any IQ? I mean come on man, just take a look at this berserk dude! Instead of jail shouldn’t he be in some facility for berserks?!

You see, I don’t get it. We never talk about the ‘berserk‘ terrorists who went berserk because of our berserk terror acts in their home country. You see, when the surviving family members of these murdered and torched victims go ‘berserk‘ and engage in ‘berserk terror acts,’ we somehow forget to address the ‘berserk side‘ of their story. Even though the ‘berserkness‘ of their act could be easily justifiable. Please, you tell me. Wouldn’t you go completely ‘berserk‘ if it were your babies shot and burned to stumps by foreigners who invaded your home? I admit; I would. Then, why are we out there, every single day, for over a decade, creating hundreds of thousands of justified ‘berserks‘?

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