Donald Trump’s Announcement About The Paris Climate Deal Is Happening Right Now. Watch It Live

The Paris Agreement, for those of you who don’t know, is an agreement by the United Nations to deal with greenhouse emissions mitigation. It will commence in 2020.

It’s odd how numerous technologies have proven cost effective and could potentially have huge impacts on our planet, much more than solar and wind technology, which seems very archaic when, especially to those who are becoming more aware of these new energy technologies. One example is NOCA Clean Energy, a technology that Collective Evolution has vetted for ourselves. There will be information emerging about that soon.

Of course, you can’t mention new energy without bringing up the quantum vacuum, and zero point energy. Although multiple studies have theoretically shown that yes, this can be done, many remain skeptical of those who have actually created energy generators using this concept.  If you want to read more about that and take a look at some of the information/studies about about, you can read THIS article we published earlier that goes more in-depth.

He is announcing his decision now on whether the US will be apart of it or not, watch the live feed below if interested. Reports have already been circulating that the US will not be a part of it. I guess we’ll see and hear the reasoning behind this.

If you missed the lives stream, you can watch the full speech here.

Collective Evolution is by no means a denier of climate change. We do believe, however, that more factors play into the equation than human activity, and we do believe there is a lot of corrupt science behind the phenomenon. Other factors include solar activity, natural climate cycles Earth goes through and many more.

That being said, we are damaging our environment in a big way, people are getting sick and we are definitely contributing to changing patters. But why doesn’t anybody speak about geo-engineering?

Bottom line, there is no use for technologies that pollute our environment, and there is no excuse not to implement thee technologies right now.

Climate agreements are made for political, globalization and monetary purposes, at the expense of tax-payers. They rarely are concerned with the environment, if they were, this type of thing would not be dragged on for decades and decades.

Many people have spoken up against the corporatization and politicization of science. For example, Professor Lennart Bengtsson, a Swedish climatologist and former director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg, has voiced his concern that some scientists are, according to an interview given to the Daily Mail, “mixing up their scientific role with that of climate activist.” He claims that there are multiple indicators for how “science is gradually being influenced by political views.” (source)

Professor Joanna D. Haigh, a British physicist, professor of atmospheric physics at Imperial College London, co-director of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change, and former president of the Royal Meteorological Society, has also spoken up about the politicization of climate science. (source)

The Australian prime minister’s chief business advisor has done the same, and so have other politicians, like Senator James Inhofe, chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. You can read more about that story here.

Unfortunately, the mainstream vilifies such people, and to great effect.

Below is an excellent snippet of a lecture given by Richard Lindzen, one of the world’s top experts in the field and lead author of “Physical Climate Processes and Feedbacks,” Chapter 7 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Third Assessment Report on climate change. He knows that all climate science we receive is IPCC United Nations science. One of the scientists mentioned on the senator’s list, in this video, he talks about the politics of climate science and the manipulation of data — something that plagues all fields of science today


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