Doctors Now ‘Firing’ Patients Who Reject Vaccinations



For many years government and health officials have been trying to push vaccination on the people. While childhood vaccine exemption rateshave been increasing, we have been seeing an overall increase in the amount of people receiving the flu shot each year. There have even been numerous occasions where legislators and others have called for mandatory vaccinations that
could affect health care workers in particular. ~ Mike Barrett

In fact, many
pediatricians are so angry with their patients who refuse vaccination
that they are ‘firing’ patients and their families, refusing to play their role as doctor.

Pediatricians “Firing” Parents and Families for Refusing Vaccines for Children

right, pediatricians are refusing to help parents — and their families —
if they aren’t ‘responsible’ enough to vaccinate their children.

study of Connecticut pediatricians found that some 30 percent of 133 doctors said they they refused to help a family due to vaccine refusal. Another survey of 909 Midwestern pediatricians found that 21 percent dismissed a family due to vaccine refusal.

While doctors are trained and told to ‘sell’ these vaccines, many people are becoming aware of vaccine dangers
and risks. One study found that more than 1 in 10 parents are straying
away from the traditional vaccine schedule, with the number to increase
exponentially over the next few years.

For doctors to refuse care for
those making a decision for their own health is irresponsible to say the

Perhaps doctors should consider these truths about vaccines and the flu shot before ‘firing’ patients who refuse to be pricked.

  • Vaccines suppress the immune system which could actually increase your risk for contracting the flu for weeks or months.
  • The
    flu shot “protects” against the influenza virus, but only about 20
    percent of flu sicknesses are caused by influenza type A or B. The 80 percent remaining are caused by over 200 other bugs which make you feel like you have the flu.
  • Your immune system is the absolute best defense for any sickness.

reviewing this information, it is no wonder why so many parents are
refusing vaccines for their child. If your doctor is refusing to help
you due to vaccine refusal, be sure to thank him later for making you
find a different doctor.


Mike Barrett – February 16, 2012 – NaturalSociety



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