Two doctors have filed charges against several authorities, politicians, and executives after 13 babies of vaccinated moms were born stillborn within 24 hours at a Vancouver area hospital.
Some 20 people gathered on the steps of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) office in North Vancouver, Canada, on Nov. 11 in support of Dr. Mel Bruchet and Dr. Daniel Nagase.
On behalf of the 13 stillborn babies, whose mothers were all vaccinated, the doctors filed a complaint against several medical doctors, surgeons, and political figures alleging they had a conflict of interest concerning their implementation or support of COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine advocacy.
The women’s vaccination status has not been linked to the stillbirths however, according to Health Canada, 52 spontaneous abortions have been recorded following vaccination with a COVID-19 vaccine since the Canadian COVID-19 vaccine effort began.
13 Stillborn Babies
Suspicions flared up when some doulas — trained companions who are not healthcare professionals — at the Lion’s Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, where the stillbirths occurred, started to speak out after several of their charges lost their babies.
The Lion’s Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where allegedly 13 dead borns with vaccinated mothers occurred within 24 hours, spurring a filing against the responsible physicians, executives, and politicians involved. (Image: ARNOLD C./Wikimedia-Creative Commons)
“Every single member, of many executives, at the college of physicians and surgeons of B.C., now has an official complaint written by me to the RCMP with a complaint of conflicts of interest, influencing their policy, and their decisions, and the statements that they’ve made to the citizens of British Columbia,” Dr. Nagase told his supporters outside the police office after he’d filed the complaints.
While his colleague Dr. Nagase was inside, filing the complaints, Dr. Bruchet told reporters outside the police station that he felt confident filing the complaints saying that the complaints could really make a difference.
“I said this right at the beginning. ‘I think I can do this,’ and I was talking about Ivermectine and busting this hoax. And I said to all the guys that were my converts. I said, ‘All I’m up against, is big pharma, corrupt government, corrupt media…’” Bruchet said, adding, “and that’s, that’s their game, and they pulled it off — almost!”
“Because the media works both ways, and we’re coming up from the rear, but we’re going to blow past them at the finish line because it’s, it’s over,” he continued while adding a zest of religion to his argument:
“However, you want to define it. We’re on the side of God. We’re on the good side, we don’t like the devil, and that’s what they all are. That’s what their religious base is. It’s the science, it’s the science,” Bruchet said. “No matter how you slice it, you can’t be this way and that way. And in their, in peoples’ defense; I mean, who do they believe?”
“Yes. I think it was excellent,” Dr. Bruchet told reporters and further explained that the two complainants were aimed at exposing possible conflicts of interest by the doctors, executives, and politicians involved, most notably, conflicts of B.C.’s Health Minister, Dr. Bonnie Henry.
Conflicting interests
“It’s a conflict of interest. That’s what he’s gone for, and it’s brilliant because a detective could go and look at her forensic accounting and say, ‘where’s the money? Has she got shares in Pfizer right now?’” Bruchet said.
Dr. Nagase appeared outside the police office after filing the charges, saying: “If any of the executives at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC, if Bonnie Henry, if Adrian Dix, if David Eby if any of them hold stocks, bonds, or mutual funds that gain in value with increased sales or pharmaceuticals,” Nagase said. “Then that’s a potential conflict of interest, and they should have declared that ahead of any statements or policies that they make.”
“Yeah, I think it was good, and then it was excellent pushing the points, and we got, I think we’ve got an investigation started,” Bruchet said.
According to Dr. Daniel Nagase cases of stillbirths are exploding in fully vaccinated Canadian women with 86 in 6 months in Waterloo, Ontario, which normally sees 5-6 per year. B.C. saw 13 stillbirths in 24 hours.
Dr. Nagase goes on to discuss the actions Canadians can take to fight the suppression of this public data by govt and public health officials.
Dr. Daniel Nagase exposes an emerging public health disaster being ignored and suppressed by govts, public health & the mainstream media.
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