Doctors Call for Fracking Moratorium

Doctors are calling for a moratorium on fracking until the possible health effects are furthered studied, according to Bloomberg Business Week. George Washington University School of Medicine pediatrician Jerome Paulson is calling for a gas producers to establish a foundation to pay for independent research studies on the possible hazards caused by hydraulic fracturing.

Weill Cornell Medical College endocrinologist Adam Law is also calling for a fracking pause or halt until further studies are completed. The shale boom last year prompted natural gas prices to drop 32 percent, according to Bloomberg Business Week.

Ohioans shared their thoughts on the push to halt fracking by some in the medical community via instant messaging, email and Twitter.

* “This whole frantic debate about fracking safety is ridiculous. Drillers have been fracking for decades. Except for the claims in the “Gasland” documentary, many of which have been disproven, there is no proof that injection wells cause harm to water or people.” — Dan Rickers, construction worker, Mansfield.

* “I do not see the harm in research studies and ongoing testing, but do not feel that a complete moratorium is necessary. We do not need to allow fear to dictate the fate of natural gas. The EPA has gotten far too much power and hurt business and homeowner with unnecessary rules and very high fines.” — Barb Daley, retired pastry chef, Cincinnati.

* “Finally, some common sense entered into the discussions about fracking. The doctors are a bit tardy to the party, but at least they finally arrived. Of course we need to stop fracking until a full body of independent research is done. The gas companies should be the ones to pay for the studies and all the medical bills of people they have already harmed when drilling for natural gas.” — Rashawna Eastman, Ohio State University graduate student, Columbus.

* “Gas companies have been drilling in at least 30 states since the 1950s. If hydraulic fracturing caused cancer or destroyed waterways, millions of Americans living near wells would be sick and thirsty by now. Testing and monitoring should always be done, but there is no sane reason for all of this panic.” — Dave Sinclair, small business owner, Dayton.

* “Most all materials used in fracking are water and sand. I feel the companies should have to release information about all materials used when fracking and not be able to withhold them a proprietary business secrets. If people were aware of exactly what was being used, it should reduce fears.” — Erin McLaughlin, Ohio University, Athens.

* “Where is the evidence that injection wells have ever caused illness to humans or livestock or harmed waterways? Leave it to liberals to want to study something to death. Gas companies have drilled near where I live since the 1970s. It is a small town, if a dozen people died from cancer, people would notice. If a dozen head of cattle died, people would notice. The state should set firm safety standards and monitor fracking carefully, but not halt the practice, access to safe fuel or living wage jobs.” — Barry Folley, farmer, Logan.

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