Doctor reported parents to social services for care complaint

Ted Thornhill

Last updated at 7:13 PM on 13th February 2012

A couple claim they were reported to social services by an over-zealous doctor – after daring to complain about their sick son’s medical care.

Gina and Nick Ashford were terrified when their 20-month-old son had a seizure at home and quickly rushed him to hospital in Birmingham.

And as medics carried out ‘aggressive’ investigations to identify the cause, they became worried about the use of a sedative which was making him repeatedly vomit.

Worry: Gina and Nick Ashford with Alfie, who was taken to hospital in Birmingham after having a seizure, but didn't respond well to treatment

Worry: Gina and Nick Ashford with Alfie, who was taken to hospital in Birmingham after having a seizure, but didn’t respond well to treatment

But after complaining to medics about the side effect, they claim they were then reported to social services – and an investigation into them was launched.

Gina, 39, from Solihull, West Midlands, said: ‘It was every parent’s worst nightmare.

‘I feel I upset the consultant by complaining.’

The couple’s problems began when they questioned Alfie’s treatment and asked for him to be allowed home.

They claim that after becoming concerned with some measures used by the doctors to identify what was causing their son’s seizure, one doctor threatened he would call police on them.

Gina, a former HSBC operations manager, added: ‘We were concerned because the medical team had carried out some aggressive investigations into Alfie’s condition but hadn’t come up with anything.

‘Alfie was in a real state and when we started to object to some of the measures the consultant said he would call police.

‘One member of staff said to us after we began raising concerns that the investigations approach was a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

Poorly: Alfie pictured in the Birmingham hospital, where four people had to hold him down to give him an oral sedative

Poorly: Alfie pictured in the Birmingham hospital, where four people had to hold him down to give him an oral sedative

‘They were trying to sedate him so he could have an MRI scan but he kept vomiting after being given the solution.

‘It was really chaotic and there was four people holding Alfie down to try and get him to take this oral sedative.

‘It was quite distressing to watch as a mother and we were concerned and wanted them to try an alternative method.

‘So when they threatened us with the police, we were baffled. We were simply concerned for our son’s wellbeing and only had his best interests at heart.

‘The next day the nurses said Alfie could be discharged but the consultant said he had reported us to social services because we objected to them sedating him.

‘We are good, loving parents – but we feel we were put on trial for complaining.’

The couple have since been cleared of any wrongdoing by Solihull social services.

But Gina claims they are now stigmatised with the negative connotations associated with social services.

She said: ‘We now have a spot light on us. Whenever we go to the hospital the first thing people ask is are you known to social services?

‘We now have to reply yes, despite us knowing and the authorities knowing we did nothing wrong, just what every parent would do when they saw their child distressed.

‘It is like having a criminal record that we will never shake.

‘I’ve heard of plenty of other instances of parents being wrongly reported to social services.

‘It is a problem.’

The family have now lodged an official complaint with Heart of England Foundation Trust, which runs the hospital.

It has launched an investigation into what happened.

A Heartlands Hospital spokeswoman said: ‘We were very sorry to learn of the concerns raised by Mr and Mrs Ashford and, as a result of the issues raised, we are carrying out an investigation which will be shared in full with him.

‘Our doctors and nurses take care and safety of our most vulnerable patients very seriously and will report any matters of concern observed while in their care to the appropriate authorities.

‘Due to patient confidentiality, we cannot comment on the treatment of any individual patient but will ensure any complaint is full investigated.’


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