Translated by Ollie Richardson for Fort Russ

Who needed the execution of the Royal family? Who overthrew the Tsar? Who destroyed the Russian Army? The current generation that grew up on the books of George Soros and Igor Chubais have already forgotten the truth about these events.

I will try to explain very briefly, succinctly, and to the point.

1. The interest of the Russian Empire in the First World War consisted of a solution to the Eastern question – control

over the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits, longtime geopolitical needs of our country.

2. England and France promised the Russian Empire to solve the issue of opening the Eastern front (against Germany and Austro-Hungary).

3. Russia fulfilled its ally role, and England realized that its promise will have to be kept, and that Russia’s “services” were no longer needed.

4. England decided to withdraw Russia from the war, artificially inciting chaos in Petrograd (Bolshevik name for St. Petersburg), and as a result, within a week the autocracy fell like a house of cards.

5. The fifth column in the State Duma, consisting of oligarchs and intelligentsia, entered into an alliance with England, and carried out the bourgeois February revolution, forcing Nicholas to sign a renunciation.


6. On 6th April 1917, the United States took the place of Russia in the Entente.

7. The Menshevik Council of St. Petersburg, under pressure from the Provisional government, signed Decree No. 1, which introduced the democratic election of officers and subordination of soldiers to soldiers’ committees. It is how the fifth column destroyed the Russian Army.

8. After the great October Socialist Revolution, Lenin was obliged to urgently conclude peace, because there was nobody and nothing to be at war with. He insisted on the exit of all parties from the war without the annexation of contributions.

9. It wasn’t good for the entente, which was winning. They were obliged to negotiate with Germany separately from Russia. So the Brest peace treaty appeared.

10. Entente prevented the establishment of peace. On July 6th, 1918, the Social Revolutionary Blumkin killed the German Ambassador Mirbach.

11. Alexandra Feodorovna and her daughters were German princesses, and killing them was also beneficial to England for the deterioration of relations between Russia and Germany.

12. According to the testimony of three telegram operators at the Ekaterinburg post office, Lenin, in a conversation with Berzin by direct line, ordered him, “at the expense of his own life, to take under protection the entire Royal family and to prevent any violence towards them.”

13. In order to soften the harsh result of the murder of Ambassador Mirbach, the possibility of delivering one or more members of the Royal family to Germany wasn’t excluded.

14. Since May, 1918, the whole country, from the Urals to Vladivostok, already wasn’t controlled by the Bolshevik leadership from Moscow. And it was like that until 1922. This area was ruled by a seperatist-anarchist sentiments; they wanted neither Tsar nor Lenin.

15. The leaders of Urals had its own position on the Royal family. The Presidium of the Ural Regional Council was ready to exterminate Romanov already in April 1918, during their transfer from Tobolsk to Ekaterinburg.

16. The decision on the execution of the Romanovs was made by the Executive Committee of the Ural Regional Council, whilst the Central Soviet leadership was informed about it only after it happened.

17. Neither Lenin nor Sverdlov have any relation to the execution of the Tsar.

These are the contents of historical documents. These are the facts. All the rest is American-liberal nonsense.