In my recent series of posts, I asserted that World War II really began in 1933, with the declaration of war on Germany by self-described “World Jewry” which had instigated a world wide economic boycott of Germany, just at the time when Hitler came to power, based upon atrocity propaganda. I then showed that this was denied and denounced by leading members of the largest organized Jewish group in Germany at the time as being untrue, and furthermore, that this campaign of lies was only going cause further antipathy towards Jews in Germany. Their efforts, however, did not stop the economic and psychological warfare being waged against National Socialist Germany.
A excerpt of a memo from Hitler to the British government in 1933
Hitler and his government openly sought peaceful resolution to the injustices of the Versailles Treaty, freedom from international tyranny, and peaceful coexistence with her neighbours, and was always working towards that end, while other entities, claiming to be interested in “freedom, human rights and democracy” were on the one hand ‘openly’, and on the hander hand ‘secretly’ conspiring to (again) foment hostilities that would lead to war. In the modern parlance it is called “bullying”, yet it Hitler who in spite of all of his efforts toward a real, just, and lasting peace, was portrayed as the “bully” and still is today.
In reality, it was a group of wealthy, powerful and influential men lurking in the background in the UK, France and the USA who through their domestic sock puppet politicians, who were mocking, scoffing and taunting Hitler while inciting Poland to an aggressive stance and aggressive actions toward Germany, creating conflicts, with promises of military support. When open military conflict erupted, it was NOT “an act of naked aggression by the Germans against innocent Poland” as we have been led to believe, but rather a reluctant but no longer avoidable response by the Germans. But nor was Hitler’s response to Polish aggression ever intended to start a larger war. It is now well documented that he had always sought a peaceful resolution of the issues with Poland, and a friendship with Britain, as I have covered in precious posts, and as one can see in my links section, as well as in the film “Hitler’s War? What the Historians Neglect to Mention“.
What was the real motive of those who were hell bent on a second World War? Many in the half-truth movement rave on and on about the “New World Order” agenda, and falsely assert that Hitler was somehow a minion of those behind that agenda. Indeed, some blatantly assert that the “NWO” is a “German Death Cult” and sadly, many alleged “truth seekers” have bought into this deliberate disinformation, and they repeat ad nauseum like screaming parrots, without ever doing any independent research of their own. The fact is, however, Hitler and National Socialism opposed and was the very antithesis of the NWO “globalist” agenda.
The brilliant financial economic policies of Hitler and the NS, and the economic miracle that resulted, not only enraged the Bankers, but made Germany the envy of her neighbours, and showed that it was possible to have a prosperous nation without gold and without International Bankster Gangsters and their central banking system, and usury. Moreover, it gave Germany true independence, freedom and real sovereignty! And as I have stated before, far from being the ruthless and cruel dictatorship that we have also been falsely led to believe, the political system of the NS could best be described as “government of the people, by the people and for the people” (the very thing that America allegedly stands for, but does not) with a leader at the helm who represented the German people’s interests and their welfare, and who could not be bought and paid for, and did NOT represent “globalist” interests.
It was a “third way” of governance that was neither “right” nor “left” on the political scale, and which sought to be inclusive, but only as far as the Germans themselves were concerned. In other words “Germany and Germans first!” with a truly national community of the German people (Volksgemeinschaft), with their shared cultural heritage, interests and concerns, working for their own betterment collectively, through their individual labours, and in a way that brought industry and labour together, for the common good, rather engaging in class warfare, to their own destruction. It also promoted self-sufficiency, individually, locally and nationally. Thus, and in combination with her own currency and central bank, Germany was freed from unbridled-capitalism, international market speculation and usury on the one hand, and from the threat of Bolshevik-Marxism, both of which result in exploitation and slavery, loss of sovereignty and inevitably, war! Again, spend some time going through my previous posts and my extensive link section, do your own research, and make up your own mind!
To those who claim to be “fighting the New World Order” I will give you the following for your consideration. This 1940 article demonstrates clearly that the war which was declared by self-described “International Jewry” did not stop after 1933, but continued unabated until they had finally succeeded in fomenting a military conflict which rapidly engulfed the whole world, for their benefit and their “New World Order” agenda.
So, who did want a “New World Order” and whose agenda was it? Who does this agenda serve? Whose agenda did World War II serve?
Excerpt from an article entitled
“New World Order Pledged to Jews,” in the New York Times (1940)
“In the first public declaration on the Jewish question since the outbreak of the war, Arthur Greenwood, member without portfolio in the British War Cabinet, assured the Jews of the United States that when victory was achieved an effort would be made to found a New World Order based on the ideals of ‘justice and peace.’”
Did Adolf Hitler serve the New World Order Agenda?
The answer is clearly, NO HE DID NOT! However, what does serve the NWO agenda are the endless lies and the “bogeyman” image being promulgated and promoted by disinfo agents in the so-called “truth movement” who claim to be “fighting the New World Order agenda” !
Ask yourself, “who benefits” from the perpetuation of these lies?
In closing, I will add that, while military operations were (officially) halted in 1945 and victory declared by the ALL LIES, the war against Hitler, against Germany and against the Germans did NOT end, but continues unabated to this day. Germany is still, for all intents and purposes, an occupied and foreign controlled nation, and is still being held for ransom in an extortion racket which had it’s roots in 1933. We are still waiting for “justice and peace” which obviously did NOT come out of World War II as advertised.
Only the truth will set us free!
PS I will be Deanna Spingola’s guest on Wednesday, April 10th, 2013. I hope you will tune in if you can, and we will welcome your calls in the 2nd hour too.
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