Reported by Gilad Atzmon
Attila Somfalvi, a leading Israeli journalist reports on Ynet that American Jews are showing signs of Zio-fatigue. Some prominent leaders of the Jewish American community have openly admitted that in recent years there has been a radical shift in attitudes about Israel. Many Diaspora Jews prefer to stay away from Israel and its Zionist leagues.
According to Somfalvi, many youths active in various Jewish organisations see Israel as “a burden.” “Israel is not part of our day to day existence,” said students at NYU as well as young members of Gather DC, an organization comprising about six thousand Jews who live in the American capital.
“We don’t really understand how Israel is connected to our Jewish identity; Israel is a tough subject so we gave up on it.”
The Israeli paper admits,
“Yes, in 2017 the state of Israel has become a sort of burden to American Jews. Many don’t feel any connection to it; some believe that Israel makes them look bad vis-à-vis its policies in the territories.“
“The relationship between Israeli and American Jews is at a breaking point and the results can be seen on the ground: fewer donations, less support for Israel among Jewish students on college campuses, fewer visits to Israel and less desire to identify as Zionists.”
However, as often occurs in the Israeli press, in the Hebrew version of the same article, Somfalvi presents the real juicy bits.
“Israel has united the Jews in the past,” said a senior member of one of the largest Jewish and pro-Israel organizations in the United States, however nowadays “The discourse on Israel is divisive.” Talks about Israel are intense. “Even in synagogues, rabbis are forced to stop discussions about Israel because they become too vocal and divisive (left vs.right)”
AIPAC tries to convey optimism – but it also admits to difficulties. “The number of Jews involved in one activity or another is low,” said a senior member of the organization. “We have not found creative ways to make people come and be active, Israelis need to know that their decisions have implications on the Jewish community in the United States. In any case, we will continue to work for Israel, but there are new challenges every day.
The message for the Palestinian solidarity enthusiasts is devastatingly simple. You may want to skip the next AIPAC gathering. The Jews are far more effective in destroying themselves than you will ever be.
But it isn’t just Jews that have drifted from AIPAC. Apparently the American political establishment is not as obedient as it used to be. “10 years ago, people within the Democratic Party were following AIPAC’s instructions. Not anymore, the liberals in this party are much tougher and more influential, and it is more difficult to gather support for Israel.”
According to Ynet, “young American Jews find it hard to accept the crude vulgarism that has become symptomatic of Israeli politics.” The Jews, especially young ones, find it difficult to declare that they are supporters of Israel. Such a declaration has a price…They would choose to join human rights organizations that are willing to accept them only if they openly do not identify as Zionists.”
“Joining a movement that supports Black rights while supporting Israel and the occupation does not go together,” explained a senior member of a Jewish organization.
Since his arrival in New York, Consul Danny Dayan has been warning the Prime Minister of the grave crisis facing the Jewish people. “We have to decide whether we are the Jewish state or the state of the (Jewish) Israelis,” he says. “If we are the state of the Israelis alone, it is wonderful, but it has meaning and price … I think that we should be the state of the Jews, but now we do not stand the test of ‘the Jewish state.”
It is no secret that Zionist organisations in America and Britain are in a state of panic. Their actions have been increasingly crude, vulgar and violent. It is not surprising that as a result, educated and respected American and British Jews prefer to stay away from ADL, AIPAC and other Jewish pro war institutions. Jews are clearly drifting away. They are disgusted by the manufactured ‘antisemitsm’ campaign. They are repulsed by the constant smear campaigns against the Labour Party, Corbyn, academics, artists and thinkers.
Here in the UK intelligent Jews can easily read the map. The more Zionists harass Corbyn and the Labour Party, the more popular Labour and Corbyyn become. The more Theresa Je Suis Juif May dines with the UK Chief Rabbi, the more doubts loom over her political future.
The more Jewish organisations exercise their political power, the less the Jews want to be associated with jewish politics and that power…
If they want to burn it, you want to read it
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