DHS Prepares Faceoff with American Public

July 31, 2012

Aaron Dykes discusses preparations by the federal government for civil unrest.

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24 Responses to “DHS Prepares Faceoff with American Public”

  1. I trust you Watson your for sure a lover bb….

  2. DHS, Has gotten very powerful very quickly, it’s like a run away train now, Can’t be stopped, ….! Thanks too the Patriot Act. And now the NDAA. The Executive Branch has gotten too powerful with GWB, thanks to the NeoCons, Wait till Obama starts using his Executive Orders, in his second term. I guess what’s good for the Goose is good for the Gender. LOL, The gun lobby will not let your gun-rights get taken away. Unless your weapons are bought from oversees, too much money being made. You people should be up-in-arms about. The rest of your rights that have vanished like Due Process, WITH-OUT THIS RIGHT YOU HAVE NO REDRESS. FOR ANY OF YOU’RE OTHER RIGHTS.

    Vic Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 7:06 am

    Patriot act was empowered by the masses not reacting to this evil emplematation? just like TSA goons playing tough game with the good people and the good people doing nothing about it.

    evil knows good people are easy to submit? naive minds are wasy to condition

    Vic Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 7:08 am

    easy to condition.

    Fear neutralizes so many humans good in nature.

  3. FK EM.





    Vic Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 7:25 am

    2012 is not 1776

    even though you try to bring back the ghosts of 1776, reality is very different in 2012.

    1776 they did not have the technology they now possess?

    I understand it’s the spiritual side you refer to with 1776, but is humanity evolved enough to absorb your dream? That is where the problems begin.

    Alex speaks tough with his gun at home talk but he should know he does not even need to talk about it. It reminds me of terrorised people, and there animal like behavior??? how many animals inflate themselves hoping to scare the predator away? a bluff self defense reaction.
    It would often work, but the present threat it will not work.guns are no match to lazer and micro wave weapons?

    Alex you ranting about your guns can only empower and attract your fears.YOu are attrackting what you fear the most Alex. what goes around , comes around Alex Jones.
    You are a good human being and there are many like you out there, but we must all realise , we empower our own fears and we must realise this before it gets us all killed.

    great you have all the guns you talk about, but why do you have the need to blab so much about it publically? that part I do not understand. Keep it to yourself and make things safer for you and your family. But why do you have that need to Rant about it so often? that I would like you to explain that .

    you are right about they want to stage this big civil unrest, no dought about that.
    But those good people with guns, those REAL patriot minded ones, not the idiots who would not know where to shoot in all the chaos, those who know what chaos is all about? they benne there before, they do not need pep talk gun talk Alex. They are prepared.
    In the chaos Alex those with guns will use them to steel from others, food, water, money??? even a roof on there heads? how many will fall in that responsive evil minded mode?
    IT is the snake head that needs to be aimed Alex. the snake head the central nerve order headquaters. where war mungrers give orders to the order followers.

    If that snake head cannot be neutralized, humanity is lost.

    Peace Alex Jones

    Vic Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 7:33 am

    guns are no match to lazer and micro wave weapons?

    but guns will be necessary to try and get our hands on some of those weapons we do not possess???

    even though guns are pea shooters compared to???? we have no choice.IT will take more than guns to destroy HAARPS or the accelerator in Switzerland?

    look in Japan the people protesting about nuclear plants? that is the next step humanity has no choice. nuclear plants must be put out of action dismantled. the technology is too dangerous for human and animal life. Necessity will force the human race to dismantle the nuclear plants.

    the fight is not only on the gun level but much more trying to wake up the 1776 spiritual effects within the people in general. upholding the constitution is no different than living by the 10 commandments??? if you follow me here?IT is exactly the same thing. But how many are criminal trying to destroy the constitution? knowingly or by simple ignorance thinking they are patriots serving there country?

    The time is NOW Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 7:36 am

    Nobody said it was going to be easy.

    But, does that matter? What must be done, must be done.

    Pull up your boot straps, reach down and check that you got a pair and do it.

    The time is NOW!!!

  4. This also happened in France at the beginning of their 1781 revolution. The king asked the army to come to Paris and rescue him from his house arrest by the people. The army arrived, but then refused to obey the order to fire on French citizens. The tide immediately turned and France was liberated from a monarchy to then become a constitutional a Republic.

    We need the military now to defend the US Constitution, and to arrest the traitors who are TPTB.. the banksters, the civilian controllers of the Pentagon that brought us 9/11 and permanent war, the CFR, the controlled media, the corrupt Congress. Bring these people to trial.

    Vic Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 7:37 am

    The tide immediately turned and France was liberated from a monarchy to then become a constitutional a Republic.

    NOw is America up to repeating that ? today they have military from other countries to do the job???Nato like humanitarian interventions???? Since gun control is world wide plan, the plan that worked in France might not apply here in America in 2012 era?

  5. “the patriot act” and plans for a DHS-TSA were ready and waiting before 911.

    before 911, the state of our (sabotaged!) economy and financial fraud was front page news.

    fraud investigations by the SEC housed in WTC-7 never hit by a plane,
    and pending audit of the pentagon for 2.3 trillion dollars “missing”,
    WERE NEVER A THREAT to some “sand ghost bin laden”..
    DC, Wall Street, big banks and corporations, is another story entirely.

    IF “bin laden” were such a “corrupt America hater”, why stop those investigations?
    he’d sat back with a bag of popcorn laughin his azz off watchin em being sent to prison!

    for staging 911, the treasonous economic saboteuring financial terrorists,
    have remained in power, while the PEOPLE remain terrified,
    of being MADE unemployed and homeless by these same criminals,
    who are erecting a prison grid around our ears to protect themselves,
    as they continue to victimize their desperate and clueless victims.

    TSA in the airports cant stop a heatseeker up a planes tailpipe from 1-2 miles away
    TSA in train stations cant sabotage of the tracks in the middle of nowhere
    TSA aint caught any real terrorists at all but..
    TSA sure CAN be caught being a pack of F’d up gay-nazi-paedo-pervs!!!

    dah dahphaatmunt uv homland sickyoority.. seig heil ?!!
    hell no! DHS is deserving of the same answer they got in 1941.
    give a damn that they’ve moved to and taken over DC.

  6. Do you all remember the made for TV movie Shaka, of African Zulu fame? Do you remember what started his rise to promenance? They had for generations had fake war games where no one was killed and the soldiers only advanced, while yelling and making threatening gestures with spears and thumping their shields. Shaka thought this stupid and unmanly, and thus decided to turn that charade into something more on the footing of war, as he believed it should be. He was the first to kill and take the blood of the other tribes participating in those fake war games.

    What this proves is that unless Americans are willing to counter the taking of first blood they will forever be under the thumb of morons who bought into this supposedly bloodless warfare our government is proposing. Not until Americans choose to shoot back will the government minions get the message, that when the citizenry says, “Don’t Tread On Me”, they mean it. And, not until many are killed on either side of the skirmish will Americans get their heads out and realize that their freedom IS really at stake !!!

    down with the clown Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 5:09 am

    just go ask some one on the street. an you’ll get your answer.

  7. The representative ideologies of a despotic Democracy, Nazis, Fascists, Socialists, Marxists, Communists, and Globalists.

    I would contend that both parties have become an inbred abomination of all the above. Both merely separate appendages of the same despotic monster that embraces but one ideology, and views the Republic and all who defend it, to be its mortal enemy.

    “Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let people have guns … why should we let them have ideas?” – Joseph Stalin vs. “I am sworn upon the alter of GOD, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” – Thomas Jefferson

    Once they are allowed to get their toe in the door, they will eventually outlaw virtually all guns just as they did down under. Once they outlaw our right to keep and bear arms, they will outlaw our right to have our own ideas about what is right and wrong.

    Since the SCOTUS ruling, it wouldn’t surprise me if the seek to mandate a penalty tax that requires all gun owners to purchase some form of outrageous liability insurance as a possible attempt at chilling gun owners Constitutionally Protected Rights.

    It’s ironic that Scalia’s recent 2nd amendment remarks would be in reference to certain types of weapon restrictions at the time of the ratification, for the simple reason that those restrictions were of state origin. Therefore, such restrictions were outside the purview of Federal jurisdiction at the time of ratification.

    This would support the 10th amendment view that the only constitutional power that allows for such restrictions, rest solely with the states not the federal government.

    The Constitution is not now, nor has it ever been lawfully open to interpretation by any government body, including the Supreme Court. The courts only delegated power in regards to interpretation is to interpret the Laws set forth by the Congress as they apply to our Constitution as written.

    The Constitution is not now, nor has it ever been lawfully open to interpretation by any government body, including the Supreme Court. The courts only delegated power in regards to interpretation is to interpret the Laws set forth by Congress as they apply to our Constitution as written.

    The assumed power that the US Supreme Court exercises in regards to the adjudication of laws, is a power not delegated to it by our Constitution. Such rulings are therefore unconstitutional, for it is a power that the Congress; and the people have for too long allowed the SCOTUS to hijack.

    The “We the People Act” would serve to restore the constitutional powers usurped by the Supreme Court, which by inherent incompetence was allowed by both past to present State governments, and the US Congress, which began with the ruling in the case of Maubury v. Madison handed down by the court under Federalist Chief Justice Marshall.

    Official Summary: 1/14/2009–Introduced.

    We the People Act – Would have dealt with all issues deemed by the 10th Amendment powers that fall under the statutes set forth by the individual States, therefore the legal purview of the Courts of that State.

    The powers delegated to the judicial branch allow the Supreme Court, and the Federal Courts to determine the constitutionality of federal statutes, administrative rules, or procedures in considering cases arising under the Constitution. It would bar the courts from making interpretations of our Constitution, by restricting its powers to those of interpreting the laws as they apply to the Constitution as written.

    The “We the People Act” would prohibit the Supreme Court, and the Federal Courts from issuing any ruling that appropriates or expends money, imposes taxes, or otherwise interferes with the legislative functions or administrative discretion of the states.

    It would authorize any party or intervener in matters before any federal court, including the Supreme Court, to challenge the jurisdiction of the court under this Act. The act further provides that the violation of any part of this Act by any justice or judge is an impeachable offense and a material breach of good behavior subjecting them to removal.

    It would negate as binding a precedent on the state courts by any federal court decision that relates to an issue removed from federal jurisdiction by this Act.

    Unfortunately, in order to restore the balance of power to its constitutional intent, “We the People” must also accept the fact that this Act would also block the federal courts from ruling on certain moral issues as well. Those who opposed it, use such moral issues as a tactic to undermine its true intent. It would for example, prohibit the Supreme Court and each federal court from adjudicating any claim or relying on judicial decisions involving:

    (1) State or local laws, regulations, or policies concerning the free exercise or establishment of
    (2) The right of privacy, including issues of sexual practices, orientation, or reproduction; or
    (3) The right to marry without regard to sex or sexual orientation where based upon equal protection of the laws.
    (4) The Bag limits allowed during Troll Hunting Season for all Trolls not shot on lawfully held federal lands.

    Just because it would block such rulings, does not mean it is intended to render them support, with possible exception of the last.

    Although, armed insurrection increasingly appears to be the only alternative option afforded true Americans, such a Bill still exists and would most assuredly serve as a valued tool in the restoration of our Constitutional Republic.

  8. but it isn’t only America who is threatened but also the whole world.They need to take down America because of all the guns people have stocked up with.ONce America is dead, the planet will belong to these criminals?

    Vic Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 6:03 am


  9. I would contend that both parties have become an inbred abomination of all the above”

    God predicted these days no? He gave us 10 commandments to follow, 10 simple commandments and we the human race were not able of following them?

    instead too many love to follow orders dressed up like Nasi fanatics and swat teams playing super hero games but that is all in there minds folks, brain washed to live a false reality playing super man and goldorak and batman and US military patriots?????

    Humans need to grow up and mature before we are evolved enough to avoids the pitts of hell set up for the sheeple too blinded by ignorance to be capable of avoiding the traps?

    Hatred seems more important than Justice? IT takes over the good side of humans who have set there faith in a GOD? a god that no one can proove exists but they are ready to murder innocent lives to serve evil masters because they follow orders? so pathetic isn’t it? real zombies programmed to follow orders. thats the real problem with humans. they have had there descernments stolen away from them a long long long time ago. at the merci of mainstream programmed media to rely on there own beliefs??? such an illogical world we live in.

    But I still have some hope some humans will rise and be the giant that had fallen asleep for too long, letting the war criminals and mafia take over whle the giant was sleeping.

    MY only hope is that humans no matter where they live on the face of this planet will awaken very soon and rip down this evil global structure before we all become slaves to be?

    May the force of Goodness shine our human hearts. Peace and LOve to all humans who seeks it

  10. Methinks this is more of a power play than a faceoff

  11. The paedophiles have been moving up the ranks for many years. I remember Alex talked to someone about it air. I just recently saw the documentary “Conspiracy Of Silence” banned on Discovery Channel. They attacked every American Charity including “Boys Town” and made it so no one will talk about it, I was so upset after seeing this and you will see why practically no one can get redress. Check it out; [youtube.com/watch?v=asvl6kO1Vo8]

  12. It is time for Americans and all the other Western Developed World Nations to ABSORB into their minds the STARK TRUTH about what Jordan Maxwell has revealed about your governments so that you UNDERSTAND how you all are being taken down. In the USA the Republicans are a NAZI (National Socialist/Zionist) party and the Democrats are a Soviet/Communist Party therefore voting for either of these heathen parties will guarantee the masters of this world intended outcome which is the BURYING of your nation and all freedoms. This was always the plan so from now on when you look at any of the ‘actors’ in congress and the senate, with their expensive suits and psychopath smiles, realize that this is ALL CAMOUFLAGE, smoke and mirrors, deception to make you believe you are dealing with a legitimate authority representing you, this cannot be further from the truth…what you have is a bunch of criminal monsters, The Gang of 535, that are bought and paid for CRIMINAL WHORES that have been put in place to SERVE your nation up to The Leviathan. They should be dealt with accordingly as your Constitution prescribes for TREASONOUS TRAITORS.

  13. ” “the patriot act” and plans for a DHS-TSA were ready and waiting before 911.”

    yep very true.

    and the BUsh people know it darn well.

    1991 the man warned the world about the NWO

    Vic Reply:
    July 31st, 2012 at 7:41 am

    and he was very arrogant and shure it would happen . said: ” and we will succeed”

    was he wrong? i do not think so.

    Just seeing how all the military people continue to follow orders after all the evnsts since 9/11,
    it is a sign of our collective faith?

    By now those who are good in nature should have walked out by there own decisions by now.

    It has not happened.THat would have changed the plans of this NWO also.

  14. They need to shield and act as gatekeepers to protect the Fed/Pentagon Communist’s Bohemian Coven and it’s members.

  15. They need to shield and act as gatekeepers to protect the Fed/Pentagon Communist’s Bohemian Coven and it’s members

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