Desparate Obama… Expect Him to Dump Joe Biden



Vice President Joe Biden
isn’t invited to Sunday campaign strategy meetings at the White House,
The New York Times reported May 4. President Barack Obama designated Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., his top
surrogate on foreign policy issues, fueling speculation he’d be
secretary of state in a second Obama administration. ~ Jack Kelly

So Washington is abuzz with rumors the president will replace Mr. Biden with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

He ought to. Slow Joe is a national embarrassment.

Osama bin Laden made plans to assassinate the president and Gen.
David Petreaus, according to captured documents. But the vice president
should not be attacked, bin Laden wrote, because “Biden is totally
unprepared for that post.” If he were president, Mr. Biden would “lead
the U.S. into a crisis.”

Something stupid the vice president says makes news nearly every
week. Last week he suggested to a group of rabbis that the Bush
administration was to blame for the Iranian nuclear weapons crisis, as
opposed to Iran.

Mr. Biden may suffer from logorrhea, which Merriam-Webster defines as
“pathologically excessive and often incoherent talkativeness or
wordiness that is characteristic especially of the manic phase of
bipolar disorder.” So what the White House calls “Joe Bombs” will keep
on coming, a prospect which must chill Team Obama.

But there are downsides to dumping him. The move would reek of desperation.

Dumping a loyal supporter, however feckless, would seem ruthless and
selfish. These are not traits a president wants foremost in voters’
minds when he’s hoping that his personal-approval ratings will
compensate for his low job-approval ratings.

If Mr. Obama dumps Slow Joe, he’d be admitting he chose poorly in
2008. This president can’t afford to give voters more reasons for
questioning his judgment.

There isn’t much upside. In the old days of ticket balancing, all
political pros hoped for was that a vice presidential candidate would
carry his home state. This happened in 1960. Jack Kennedy wouldn’t have
won Texas, or the election, if Lyndon Johnson weren’t on the ticket. It
hasn’t happened since.

In 1988, the stature gap between vice presidential candidates was
never wider. Democratic Sen. Lloyd Bentsen was hugely respected.
Republican Sen. Dan Quayle was the butt of jokes. It didn’t matter.
Republican George H.W. Bush crushed Democrat Michael Dukakis.

People vote based on what they think of the presidential candidates.
This is especially so if the candidate is already president. So, though a
popular choice can goose turnout in a dispirited base, as Sarah Palin
did in 2008, the vice presidential candidate — no matter how good or
bad — changes few votes.

That said, if the jettisoning of a running mate reflects poorly on
the judgment or character of the presidential candidate, there is
blowback, as Sen. George McGovern learned after he dumped Sen. Thomas
Eagleton in 1972.

So it may be prudent for Mr. Obama to stick with Mr. Biden. One
benefit is that as long as Slow Joe is out there saying stupid things,
people will take less notice of the stupid things the president says,
wrote Jonah Goldberg in National Review.

Still, I expect the switch to be made, because if Team Obama wasn’t desperate before this week, it must be now.

A federal prisoner won 41 percent of the vote against the president in the Democratic primary in West Virginia Tuesday.

Mr. Obama opposed the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage on
the ballot in North Carolina. It won overwhelmingly. Then he evolved
into an outright supporter of same-sex marriage.

In Wisconsin, GOP Gov. Scott Walker, running essentially unopposed in
the recall primary, got more votes than the leading Democrats combined.

Support for the war in Afghanistan plunged to 27 percent, the lowest ever recorded, in an AP poll Wednesday.

Also Wednesday, Goldman Sachs said the weak first quarter GDP growth
rate of 2.2 percent is likely to be revised to 1.9 percent. For workers
under age 25, the unemployment rate last month was 16.4 percent. Which
helps explain why there were so many empty seats at Mr. Obama’s
“official” campaign kickoff at Ohio State University last weekend.

“At times, the rallies (at OSU and Virginia Commonwealth University)
had the feeling of a concert by an aging rock star,” wrote Mark Landler
of The New York Times.

For one of the youngest presidents ever, that sounds like an epitaph.


Jack Kelly – May 15, 2012 – RealClearPolitics



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