Desert death: DCP would not intervene for cultural reasons

The eight-year-old girl was last seen in the company of Augustine Miller, a family friend.

The eight-year-old girl was last seen in the company of Augustine Miller, a family friend.

The Department of Child Protection has admitted to not intervening on behalf of an eight-year-old girl, who has since died in the desert under questionable circumstances, despite knowing she was living with a convicted child snatcher.

The girl, whose name and photograph has been suppressed for cultural reasons, died from severe dehydration on Tuesday after she was found more than 12 kilometres from the Tjirrkali Aboriginal Community, 180 kilometres north-west of Warburton.

She was in the company of Augustine Winter Miller, 38, who was the partner of the girl’s carer Tania Little, who was also no relation to the girl.

Chewed-up tyres... damage done to the Police Vehicle involved in the search yesterday shows how rough the terrain was.

Chewed-up tyres… damage done to the Police Vehicle involved in the search yesterday shows how rough the terrain was. Photo: Courtesy WA Police

Ms Little made headlines when she admitted to stealing a three-day-old baby from Perth’s King Edward Memorial Hospital in 2007 and was given a suspended sentence by the Kalgoorlie District Court the following year.

The department said it had paid Ms Little to care for the girl through its family crisis program since 2010.

But it said it was not culturally appropriate to intervene in the girl’s care because it was common practice with Aboriginal children to leave living arrangements up to the extended family.

But Goldfields community leader Daisy Ward said the little girl was abandoned to two people who were not related to her or from her country.

This was despite the girl having family, including both parents, a brother and aunties and uncles on both sides, who lived in the alcohol-free and traditional community of Jameson, Ms Ward said.

Ms Ward said that the girl should have gone back to her family instead of strangers.

“I feel sick thinking about it. The duty of care goes back to the parents,” Ms Ward said.

“The carer that was looking after her should not have let her go [hunting]. There was a big responsibility [over her care].

“Only family should have had her. They should have had her in the first place, when she was little. It still goes back to parenting and the parents did wrong.”

It is not known whether the girl’s family were even notified that she had gone to live with a stranger since the community is not speaking to media.

The girl’s mother Ann-Marie Lane had given up custody of her daughter and a son, when they were young, because she was not coping.

The older boy went to live with his father in Jameson and her then two-year-old daughter went to live with a grandmother, Nola Grant.

Ms Grant eventually died from kidney failure when the girl was aged about six.

The girl then went to live with Ms Little but details are sketchy about what arrangement was made between the grandmother and Ms Little over the care of the little girl before Ms Grant died.

It appeared that Ms Little had helped the older woman care for the girl when Ms Grant became increasingly unwell. Ms Little then took over custody and sought financial assistance for her new ward from the department in May 2010.

The department provided payments to Ms Little through Centrelink for more than a year but did not question the appropriateness of the convicted child snatcher to be her carer or seek out the girl’s actual family.

“The department is unable to comment on the specifics of individual cases for reasons of family privacy,” it said in a written statement.

“…The department responds to notifications of concern regarding the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. Where necessary, the department will make alternative arrangements for children whose parents are not able to care for them.

“However, if the extended family makes arrangements to ensure the safety and wellbeing of a child, the department will not need to intervene.

“These sorts of arrangements made by extended family are culturally appropriate and not uncommon in Aboriginal communities.”

It said the type of financial assistance it provided was to pay for food, utilities and any undertaking of urgent travel, as well as provide bereavement assistance where applicable.

The department has denied any knowledge of the girl having gone to live in the Tjirrkali Aboriginal Community, 180 kilometres north-west of Warburton, where Mr Miller resided.

Mr Miller was known to police because he was a convicted child sex offender after forming a relationship with 14-year-old girl who he said had been promised to him as a wife.

Mr Miller is not considered a traditional man except that he has gone through traditional men’s business as an adult.

Since April last year the Laverton man and Ms Little formed a relationship and she joined Mr Miller in the Tjirrkali Aboriginal Community, where he hunted and operated as a bush mechanic.

It was his skills as a mechanic and his knowledge of bush survival that have caused the Warburton community to question how he and the little girl came to be lost in the desert for four days.

The girl died despite valiant efforts of police and a Warburton nurse to try and resuscitate her when she was found unconscious at 2pm on Tuesday.

The pair had been on a hunting trip since Saturday and were found halfway between their abandoned two-wheel drive car, which was 25 kilometres into the remote desert, and the community.

The girl’s death is still being investigated by police for the state coroner and is being treated as suspicious as a precautionary measure.

In the meantime the Warburton community is baying for Mr Miller’s blood in the way of pay back, which under tribal law allows the men to spear him for failing to ensure the girl’s safety.

It is understood that the mother, Ms Lane, has flown to Warburton to collect the body, which is to be laid to rest in Jameson.

Mr Miller is meant to reside in Kalgoorlie until his next court hearing for firearm charges.

He was released from custody by the Magistrates Court on the condition that he was to report to local police every day from Monday to Friday.

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