Yes, really.
Authoritarian leaders are working on making compulsory face coverings an indefinite mandate and have boasted that they have taken “the first step in making the rule permanent.”
“The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) convened a Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) on Thursday. The RAC provided feedback on the indoor mask rule. The point of the committee is to suggest what should and shouldn’t be included in the ruling and discuss the impact it will have on the public.”
“Community stakeholders, including those from the hospitality and faith sectors, joined in the meeting. People from the Seventh Day Adventists Church, the High Desert Museum, the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, and McMenamins were a part of the conversation.” reports: When the OHA publicly announces its intention to make the rule permanent, a period of public comment will follow, although that is largely meaningless and the mandate is likely to be rubber stamped.
Dr. Paul Cieslak, the medical director for communicable diseases and immunizations with OHA, defended the proposal by ludicrously attempting to argue that permanent doesn’t mean permanent.
“Permanent means indefinite. It doesn’t necessarily mean permanent,” Cieslak said. “We can repeal it as well, but we are only allowed to have a temporary rule for 180 days, and anything that goes beyond 180 days, we cannot extend it.”
In other words, once the mask rule is imposed permanently, it will never be repealed until Republicans win the state, something that hasn’t happened since 1984.
“Bureauweenies say they must make the mandate permanent in order to extend it,” writes Dave Blount. “If they still want to extend it now, why would they ever let it end? Even if Covid ever goes away, there is always the flu — plus, you never know when the ChiComs will oblige them by cooking up a new virus.”
There is still no body of evidence that shows mask mandates significantly stop the spread of COVID-19, with large scale investigations like the Danmask study disproving that premise.
At the start of the pandemic, public health “experts” like Dr. Anthony Fauci insisted that face masks shouldn’t be worn and could even make the spread worse, although that rhetoric did a sudden 180 when technocrats realized they were a potent weapon of population control to keep fear levels high.
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