Debunking the US Gun Control Debate

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : US President Barack Obama announced his plan to end the Congressional gun control stalemate by issuing an executive order. Particularly conservatives and the National Rifle Association are opposed to further infringements on the 2nd amendment, but mostly for reasons that are inconsistent with the reasoning behind the 2nd amendment. The gun control debate debunked. 

Obama_Feb 2015_(files)_USAUS President Barack Obama, supported by Hillary Clinton, and a large number of Democrats aim at closing the so-called gun-show loophole and at extending background checks to also include sales of weapons between private individuals, including family members, gun collectors, hunters, militia members and so forth.

Federal law requires currently that businesses that sell guns possess a federal firearms license and that these businesses do criminal background checks on customers. Person to person sales are currently unregulated. A majority at the Congress opposes further regulations, especially the regulation of sales between private individuals.

Proponents of further regulations are primarily stressing mass shootings, the risk that criminals, persons with psychiatric disorders, as well as potential terrorists can purchase weapons at gun shows or from private individuals. The National Rifle Association (NRA) primarily opposes further regulations, arguing that this would infringe on the rights of “hunters” and on the right to carry firearms for personal protection.

Obama’s executive order has been carefully drafted to increase the chance of withstanding legal challenges, including a challenge at the Constitutional Court. The strategy used by Obama is to broaden the definition of businesses and by forcing some, especially smaller businesses to hire additional personnel to conduct background checks. Obama admitted, however, that even his executive order would not be sufficient to prevent mass shootings.

Among the most outspoken opponents of the executive order are presidential candidates Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Chris Christie and Mark Rubio. Non of the above does however, criticize the executive order based on the so-called Founding Fathers`reasoning behind the 2nd amendment.

The 2nd amendment comes second only to the 1st amendment that regulates free speech. The 2nd amendment has very little to do with the right to hunt. It has “something” to do with the right to possess, bear and use firearms for personal protection. The main reasoning behind the 2nd amendment is, however, to guaranty that the people can organize in militia, defend the nation and the States against foreign enemies, and if necessary, organize to overthrow a government that has turned on its people and become tyrannical.

Considering the reasoning behind the 2nd amendment the infringement on the right to possess automatic and military grade weapons and high-capacity magazines is a greater infringement on the 2nd amendment than any background check could possibly be.

2nd Amendment_USA_Gun Control_NEOThere are currently over 350 million firearms in private hands in the USA. The reasoning behind the 2nd amendment is that the people shall possess a sufficient number of arms to be able to overthrow a tyrannical government.

James Madison: “Americans need never fear their government because of the advantage of being armed, a right which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation”.

John Adams: “Arms in the hands of the citizen may be used at individual discretion for the defense of the country, the overthrow of tyranny, and for self-defense”.

The reasoning and the regulations of different forms of legal militia has been analyzed in a recent article entitled “Gun Control Debate Back on the Right Track”. Neither Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and most Democrats, nor the NRO, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Chris Christie and Mark Rubio are discussing what the 2nd amendment is really all about – and most importantly, how the people legally may possess weapons, organize the “unorganized militia”, and if necessary, defend themselves against a government that is turning against the people.

CH/L – nsnbc 07.01.2015

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