David Cameron accuses Syrian regime of ‘medieval barbarity’

After waiting for most of the day, a team from the ICRC and the Syrian Arab
Red Crescent, its local affiliate, was barred from entering Baba Amr,
placing the regime in breach of a statement passed unanimously by the UN
Security Council calling for free access for aid workers.

Baba Amr, once a rebel stronghold, suffered 26 days of continuous bombardment
and the severing of electricity and water supplies, before its capture by
government forces on Thursday.

“It is unacceptable that people who have been in need of emergency
assistance for weeks have still not received any help,” said Jakob
Kellenberger, president of the ICRC.

“We reiterate the appeal we made several days ago, for a daily two-hour
halt in the fighting to allow humanitarian assistance.”

Elsewhere, opposition
protesters in the town of Rastan came under rocket fire, which killed 12
people, including five children.
Footage showed a crowd of
demonstrators scattering in panic, leaving bloodstained bodies lying on the

Mr Cameron accused the regime of “butchering its own people”,
stating the situation in Homs was “truly terrible – it is a scene of
medieval barbarity”.

He added: “The world must come together to condemn the killing. I say to
the Russians and the Chinese ‘look hard at the suffering of Syria and think
again about supporting this criminal regime’.”

The Prime Minister said that Britain would document the atrocities in Syria
with the aim of preparing future prosecutions. “We should do more to
make sure that those who are responsible for atrocities are held to account.
We need to document their crimes, it needs to be written down, we need to
make sure that the evidence is there.”

He added: “We will make sure, as we did in Serbia, that there is a day of
reckoning for those who are responsible.”

The Foreign Office will send researchers to the region next week to begin this
process by interviewing victims. It will also start training Syrian
activists on how to collate legally admissible evidence.

“The priority is to ensure that testimonies of what has been happening to
people in Syria are collected securely in one place so that they will be
available for whatever use is most appropriate in future,” said a
Foreign Office official.

Few details have been provided about the operation, which will have a dozen
members and is likely to be based in neighbouring Turkey and Jordan.

The team’s work will not be designed with a specific court in mind, but given
Mr Cameron’s robust language, the Government is probably preparing for the
eventual referral of Mr Assad and senior figures in Syria’s regime to the
International Criminal Court in The Hague.

However, only the Security Council could refer Syria to the ICC, a decision
that would require Chinese and Russian approval.

But both countries are beginning to distance themselves from Mr Assad. On
Thursday Russia and China approved the Security Council statement calling
for aid agencies to be allowed in to stricken areas of Syria.

Navi Pillay, the UN’s high commissioner for human rights, has repeatedly urged
the referral of the regime to the ICC. She ordered a commission of inquiry
which drew up a sealed list of names in the Syrian establishment who would
be liable to prosecution at The Hague.

Mr Assad himself is assumed to be included: officials said the list went to
the “highest levels”.

The list is so secret that it exists only in the form of one hard copy locked
in the human rights commission offices, said a senior UN official.

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