Never let it be said that “the powers-that-be” (cough cough) do not reward their loyal goy agents generously. Here we are, more than a half-century after Winston Churchill, that vile, bumbling, drunken, cigar-chomping, lying, scheming, plagiarizing, sodomizing, warmongering, genocidal blob of human feces departed for hell — and he is still being glorified on the big screen for the next degeneration of boobs to worship.

Hazmat suits and goggles on, boys and girls. Let’s dive into Sulzberger’s cesspool to review the review of Darkest Hour – (((Hollyweird’s))) latest homage to the demonic beast we call, “The British Mad Dog.”

https://i0.wp.com/upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/22/Winston_Churchill_statue%2C_Parliament_Square%2C_London_%28cropped%29.JPG/200px-Winston_Churchill_statue%2C_Parliament_Square%2C_London_%28cropped%29.JPG?resize=206%2C364&ssl=1 https://i1.wp.com/static.rogerebert.com/uploads/movie/movie_poster/darkest-hour-2017/large_darkest_hour_ver3.jpg?resize=244%2C360&ssl=1 https://i2.wp.com/mlsvc01-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/57f72fd4301/f15faf66-ced5-4e76-b5f5-bb918e176f5c.jpg?resize=280%2C361&ssl=1

 The Darkest Hour reinforces the big lie of Churchill the Great, but The British Mad Dog, by yours truly (available at Amazon) will give it to you straight! 

NY Times: (Movie Review): ‘Darkest Hour,’ or the Great Man Theory of History


Slimes Review: In the late spring of 1940, German forces invaded Belgium and France …

Rebuttal: The reader is left to assume that the big bad Germans were just rampaging throughout Western Europe for the fun of it. Omitted detail here: The review fails to mention the fact that “neutral” Belgium and Holland — both members of “The League of Nations” — were conspiring to facilitate a British / French invasion of Germany.

Slimes Review: … and pushed most of the British army onto a beach in the French coastal town of Dunkirk.

Rebuttal: And what exactly were those 300,000 British troops doing massed along the Belgian and Dutch borders? Vacationing?

Slimes Review:  Neville Chamberlain, the British prime minister best known (then and still) for his policy of appeasing Hitler, was replaced by Winston Churchill,  …

Rebuttal: (sighing) The true “appeaser” during this tragic period was bloody Churchill. It was his obedient appeasement of his Jewish masters (Rothschild, Baruch, Strakosh, Lindemann et al) that blocked the more sensible elements of the British government from making peace with The Great One (that’s Hitler for all you newbies and normies) before the minor war turned into a global bloodbath.


1. The idiotic lie of Neville Chamberlain‘s “appeasement” of Hitler is kept alive in propaganda books like, “The Chamberlain-Hitler Collusion (sound familiar?) by authors Alvin Finkel (cough cough) and Clement Liebovitz (cough cough). 2. NYT Headline: ‘FRENCH INVADE REICH’  — that was 8 months before Germany invaded Belgium and France. 3. Allied Intrigue in the Low Countries — published in English by the German Foreign Ministry — documents the Anglo-French policy of using “neutral” Belgium and The Netherlands as bases of operations against Germany.

Slimes Review: Considered as history, “Darkest Hour,” … offers the public a few new insights and details about the practice of statecraft in a time of crisis. Churchill is disliked by many of his colleagues in the Conservative Party (notably Chamberlain and his vulpine sidekick, Viscount Halifax) and distrusted by King George VI.

Rebuttal: True. Churchill was disliked, even despised, by many in Britain.

Slimes Review: The political situation is shaky, the military reports dire. The new prime minister, a man of large emotions and larger appetites, who drinks whiskey with breakfast and is rarely without a cigar, is plagued by frustration and doubt as he tries to navigate between two bad options. Will Britain enter into a ruinous war or submit to humiliating and most likely temporary peace on terms dictated by Hitler?

Rebuttal: Far from demanding “submission” to a “humiliating peace,” The Great One was prepared to withdraw from all occupied territory without Britain having to concede a thing. To this end, The Great One enlisted Italian leader Benito Mussolini (not in the war at that time) to negotiate a peace between Germany and Great Britain. The proposal for a “sit down” with Mussolini was delivered by Italian Ambassador to the UK, Giuseppe Bastianini — it being fully understood that any offer of peace would not be disadvantageous to Britain.

.  https://i2.wp.com/upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/it/9/95/Giuseppe_Bastianini.jpg?resize=215%2C216&ssl=1   https://i0.wp.com/spartacus-educational.com/2WWhalifax4.jpg?resize=301%2C213 https://i0.wp.com/www.travellinghistorian.com/winwarp1g.jpg?resize=234%2C223

Italian Ambassador to UK Bastianini (Image 1) approached Lord Halifax (Image 2, with Churchill) with an offer from Mussolini to mediate peace terms between UK and Germany.  Several members of the British War Cabinet (Image 3) were open to at least hearing what “Il Duce” had to say. But Churchill outmaneuvered Halifax and kept the war going.

Slimes Review: The contours of this story are reasonably familiar. …. Churchill himself is among the most revered and studied figures of 20th-century history: a synonym for leadership; a great man in an age of monsters; a source of pithy quotations, some of which he actually said; an example to be cited by political mediocrities in need of an ego boost.

Rebuttal: What barf! Dating back to his first term as Lord of the Admiralty during World War I, Churchill was an abject failure in every government position he ever held. And as far as “monsters” go, no one relished death, war, human suffering and bloodshed more that the British Mad Dog. Here are a few of the “pithy quotations” which “he actually said” that don’t even begin to reveal the depths of this monster’s perverted blood-lust:


  • “I think a curse should rest on me — because I love this war. I know it’s smashing and shattering the lives of thousands every moment — and yet — I can’t help it — I enjoy every second of it.” – 1916 (writing of WW 1)
  •  “No compromise on the main purpose; no peace till victory; no pact with unrepentant wrong — that is the Declaration of July 4th, 1918.” (speaking against calls for a negotiated truce with Germany)

Related image


  • I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. 
  • There is one thing that will bring Hitler down, and that is an absolutely devastating exterminating attack by very heavy bombers from this country upon the Nazi homeland.
  • We never thought of peace, not even in that year when we were completely isolated and could have made peace without serious detriment to the British Empire. Why should we think of it now, when victory approaches for the three of us?  (Letter to Stalin)
  •  “I want proposals for “basting the Germans on their retreat from Breslau.” (January 1945, 3 weeks before the genocidal firebombing of the civilians of Dresden)

Evil, sick bastard!

https://i1.wp.com/www.greanvillepost.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Lusitania-New-York-Times-front-page-014.jpg?resize=308%2C185  https://i1.wp.com/pbs.twimg.com/media/BqlpoSfCUAEwg--.jpg?resize=246%2C182&ssl=1 https://i1.wp.com/cdn.theatlantic.com/assets/media/img/photo/2015/02/remembering-dresden-70-years-after-the-firebombing/d06_00001/main_900.jpg?resize=248%2C178&ssl=1   

Speaking of “MONSTERS” …

The sinking of the Lusitania, the Bengal (India) famine and the firebombing of Dresden civilians were just a few of the MONSTROUS deeds engineered by The British Mad Dog.

The rest of the movie review, which was written by Slimes film critic, A.O. Scott (cough cough on mom’s side)deals not so much with Fake History, but rather, the film itself. Though still acknowledging Churchill as a “great man,” Scott actually downgrades Darkest Hour for its excessive hero worship of Churchill. Yes, even for the Slimes chief film critic, the sanctification of the British Mad Dog was a bit too much.

In closing, we leave our readers with a pair of filmed quotes from the rotten old monster himself — which we only just recently discovered. Those pro-Brexit British “conservatives” who worship “patriot” Churchill while condemning the European Union really need to read and then see this.


  • “We must recreate the European family in a regional structure called it may be the United States of Europe. … If at first, all the states of Europe are not willing or able to join the union, we must nevertheless proceed assemble and combine those who will and those who can.”
  • “This indispensable structure of regional groupings is coming into being. … In this way alone, can the skeletal structure of world government be clothed with the flesh and blood of a living organism and the acts of state be confirmed by the passionate heartbeats of millions of men.”

View the brief You Tube clips of Churchill below

(that is, if you can stomach watching and listening to that wretched monster for 2 minutes.)




source –

see also –

DUNKIRK: MOVIE REVIEW – ms king (must read)

related –
Jew Hollywood Pushes Another Retarded Holocaust Hoax … – Smoloko
the greatest story never told – the truth about adolf hilter –  must watch documentary 
adolf hitler’s final testament – must read
7 Big Names Who Said Jewish Influence Caused WW II
if hitler had won ww2

Source Article from http://smoloko.com/?p=18886

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