Daily Pfennig: Frank On TV! (by Chuck Butler, President, Everbank World Markets)

In This Issue.

*  Currency rally gets stopped overnight.

*  Talking about Trends.

*  Renminbi hits 19-year high.

*  A$ & kiwi see profit taking.

And, Now, Today’s Pfennig For Your Thoughts!

Frank On TV!

day.  And a Happy Friday to one and all! Those nasty and devastating
storms that moved through our area on Wednesday night and left a ton of
destruction, continued on to the East last night. Hopefully everyone was
safe. Remember, houses can be replaced, lives cannot. Well… Did you
get to see my long time friend, and Big Boss, Frank Trotter on Bloomberg
TV yesterday talking with Pimm Fox? He was also on the Street.com with
Joe Deux, of whom I’ve held many a conversation with. I have the links
to the short videos in the Big Finish, should you want to check out
these very well done videos. I’ve always said that Frank had the face
for TV, I had the face for radio!

Well… Yesterday was a
non-event, currency and metals prices move wise. I was at home last
night, by my lonesome, doing some reading about the day, and some of the
“opposing views” from mine regarding the dollar and Gold’s future, when
I had a V-8 moment, slapped my forehead, and said, “I forgot to mention
Jim Rogers last week”!  And so, I’ll begin today’s letter with a
reminder to all those falling for Goldman’s call to short Gold…  And
that is… Gold is a Commodity, and while it really hasn’t been traded
like one recently, it remains a fact that it is a Commodity. And Jim
Rogers taught us long ago that during the history of mankind, Commodity
Bull Markets take anywhere from 17 to 22 years to play out. At last
check the current Commodity Bull Market has only been in place for about
12 to 13 years depending on when you say the Bull Market began.

further that discussion,  I came across a recent report from the IMF,
where they highlighted the importance of understanding commodity price
fluctuations for commodity producing and consuming countries and the
role of commodity prices in growth, inflation, and monetary and fiscal
policies. And the explanation of Super Cycles or as Jim Rogers put it,
Bull Markets. Gold, being a commodity, therefore is in the middle of a
correction and not the beginning of a multi-year decline, or the end of
the Bull Market.

Look, folks… I just tell it like I see it, or
know it to be. And remember, I’ve always told you to take what these Big
Brokerage houses call with a grain of salt, for, they could have
ulterior motives… In other words, they could be uber-short, and need
for the price of the asset to go down tremendously, so they can cover
their short positions at cheaper prices…   So… use your noggin…

for the legal beagles… that’s all my opinion, and I could be wrong…
But then so would quite a few people with far more gray matter than me!

put the finishing touches on my ,monthly contribution to the World
Money Analyst yesterday, and talked about how the dollar remains in the
underlying weak trend, even though it has seen some strength in recent
months. Always remember this also happened in 2005, 2008, 2010, and now.
and each time the people that think they know how trends work, but
really have no clue, called for a multi-year dollar rally, and were
proven wrong, as I do believe they will also be proved wrong now.

having said that. The dollar has caught a bid after two days of
selling, and is on the rally tracks this morning, even with the IMF
lowering their economic growth outlook for the U.S. from 2% growth to
1.7%…  The currencies, led by the euro, are weaker this morning, than
they were yesterday. The euro is leading the currencies down the path
that’s headed to the woodshed, as Eurozone Finance Ministers are meeting
today to discuss Cyprus. And Gold is down another $13 this morning.

fave currency of traders and investors to sell, Japanese yen, came
within a whisker of hitting the 100 level last night (99.96) before
seeing some buying, as Bank of Japan (BOJ) Gov. Kuroda, spoke last night
and didn’t say anything that hasn’t already been said. So, nothing new
from Kuroda, and the yen sellers took a pause for the cause.

in Asia last night, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) left their
current currency policy unchanged, which is good for the Singapore
dollar (S$).  For those of you new to class, the MAS is like a Central
Bank, but even better! The MAS reviews the Singapore economic landscape
and then decides if the current band the S$ is allowed to trade in, is
strong enough to fight inflation or if it needs to weaken. The MAS has
been on a strong band policy for some time now, so the S$ has that going
for it!

While we’re in Asia. Let’s skip to my Lou over to China
to see what’s going on there! Well, it looks like the People’s Bank of
China (PBOC) is doing a great job of continuing to push the renminbi/
yuan higher VS the dollar. The renminbi / yuan hit a 19-year high
overnight, when the currency was fixed at 6.2506.  This week’s gains add
to the previous 6 weeks of gains in the currency, thus making the
renminbi’s its longest winning streak in some time.

I believe that
the PBOC is seeing the same thing I see there all the time, and that is
Capital inflows coming into China by the boat load. And. the PBOC and
the Chinese Gov’t has to do something to keep investor’s interested
here. They need the foreign investment to further fuel their baby steps
toward a floating currency that has some percentage of Gold backing, and
eventually takes the reins from the dollar.

I saw a story on the
Bloomberg this morning, and it made me smile, for just last week, I told
the audience at the Global Currency Expo about some currencies they
should look to, for their fundamentals placed them at the head of the
list of currencies when you value them as the stock of a country.  And
then the Bloomberg story had a title of: “PIMCO favors Australia,
Canada, Scandinavian currencies to dollar”.  I don’t recall seeing him
in the crowd, but maybe he had a representative there! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
As if Bill Gross or whomever at PIMCO needs to get their currency
research from little old me! 

Speaking of Aussie dollars (A$),  and its kissin’ cousin across the Tasman, the New Zealand dollar / kiwi,
were flying high yesterday, but they flew onto too many trader’s
screens. And those traders took profits, thus leaving the two South
Pacific currencies  weaker this morning. The two are still set for
weekly gains though, so I won’t harp too much on today’s weakness.  The
key here is the optimism for China. as long as the optimism remains as
it is today, strong, A$’s and kiwi should remain well bid, and

You know. that the markets are still hanging on to
hopes of one more rate cut from the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA),
even though the recent economic data, and talk from the Central Bank are
not indicating a rate cut is coming.  Aussie PM Gillard, is seeing her
popularity slip and it looks like she’s in trouble for the upcoming
election this fall..  I’ll betcha a dollar to a Krispy Kreme that we’ll
start to hear Gillard call for rate cuts, as she thinks rate cuts could
save the election for her. I sure hope the RBA holds steady Eddie to the

The U.S. data cupboard has a Biggie report to issue
today. March U.S. Retail Sales. I told you yesterday that the BHI was
indicating to me that the report would be soft. But truthfully, I wasn’t
really home much in March, so I don’t really know what the BHI is
indicating. But I’m going to stick with the soft forecast, especially
since oil prices are cheaper.

Then There Was This. OK. the other
day, I said I would look into the report that a record amount of Gold
had been removed from the COMEX. Some readers thought that meant I would
do it right away. Shoot Rudy, there are only so many hours in a day,
minus naps that is!  But I did get a chance to look into it yesterday,
and while the reports are what they are, fact is that a total drainage
of nearly 2 million ounces of Gold ($3Billion worth) has occurred in the
past 90 days, the most during a single quarter since records began
being kept in 2001. The reason this has occurred is a mystery, except to
the companies that withdrew the Gold.

But, the conspiracy juices
are flowing for me on this story. And I immediately think that these
guys, “know something we don’t”.  And that something could be a major
market moving event or even a default of some kind jumps to the front of
my mind.   And then it could be something as minor as these holders
wanting to store their gold elsewhere and not at the COMEX.    I guess
we’ll find out as time goes on. But I find this move of the Gold to be
curious at least, given all the stories about Gold losing its luster.

recap. The currencies held their gains throughout Thursday, but have
seen some weakness led by the euro, which has a Finance Ministers
meeting today on Cyprus. Chuck goes on and on about the Commodity Bull
Markets, and Trends to make his points. And the Chinese renminbi / yuan
hits a 19-year high VS the dollar overnight.

Currencies today
4/12/13. American Style: A$ 1.0525, kiwi .86, C$ .9880, euro 1.3055,
sterling 1.5370, Swiss $1.0730, . European Style: rand 8.9385, krone
5.7280, SEK 6.3865, forint 226, zloty 3.1495, koruna 19.8075, RUB 30.99,
yen 99.25, sing 1.2375, HKD 7.7615, INR 54.52, China 6.2506, pesos
12.07, BRL 1.9755, Dollar Index 82.40, Oil $92.53, 10-year 1.76%, Silver
$27.35, and Gold. $1,546.07. and it’s been awhile, so here’s your
chance to take a peek at the U.S. debt clock, click here.

Yes, that’s right. it doesn’t seem that long ago that we hit $16 Trillion, and already we are at $16.795 Trillion.. YIKES!

it for today. Another tough night for yours truly. I’m scheduled to see
one of my doctors on Monday, but I have a HUGE presentation I have to
make on Monday, so, I’m going to see if he’ll see me today. The
Cardinals are going to honor Stan Musial tonight before their game with
the Brewers. They will have special baseballs for the game. It got cold
here again, UGH! Spring feels like it will never be Sprung! I spent the
work day in my office yesterday, getting a ton of stuff done, and it
looks like I’ll be there again today. I’m not really an “office person”,
as I prefer to spend my time on the trading desk, but sometimes you’ve
got to get the work done!  OK. here are the links that I promised.
enjoy. and I hope you have a Fantastico Friday!

Frank on Bloomberg TV.

Frank on The Street.com.

Chuck Butler


EverBank World Markets




Source Article from http://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/132379-2013-04-13-daily-pfennig-frank-on-tv-by-chuck-butler-president-everbank.htm?EdNo=001&From=RSS

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