Daily Kos Week in Review: Tea Party Klansmen Against Obamacare

This past week, Kossacks continued to attack conservatives disappointed by the Supreme Court’s upholding of the Affordable Care Act, but with an additional twist of the rhetorical knife: alleging that the real reason the right opposes the individual mandate is that a black president favors it. 
As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger’s name or pseudonym.

cynicman: The mandate’s just another law
…Our government has been telling us what to do since…since about 236 years ago yesterday. What are these right-wing dickheads flapping their lips about?

The right-wing is trying to scare America into voting for their guy. They can’t just come out and say, “Hey, do you want a Socialist *igger telling you what to do?”…

LeftHandedMan: The ACA is conservative, so shut up, you bigots

…It must be a total bitch that almost every single Movement Conservative alternative to adopting a Single Payer healthcare plan for the U.S. is already inside the ACA. Not my problem. Not any of our problems that the hated “ObamaCare” is pretty much a collection of your ideas that you only hate because the black guy you didn’t vote for put it together and Democrats passed it into law, and that’s its the law of the land now that the Supremes have John Robertsed it…

You could simply tell us that you plan to kill the ACA, and then just re-pass it exactly as it is, er was. Only with a new name. ReaganCare! FreedomCare! Oh, wait. JesusCare!…

…[Y]ou wingnut idiots better come up with something, or shut the fuck up about how the Heritage Foundation and the American Enterprise Institute have unleashed Marxism on America…I look forward to a long, hot summer of bused-in goons, yokels, and yahoos disrupting AEI “resident scholars” blathering on (and on and on and on) on C-SPAN over the next two months. Tell them to bring the costumes. Especially the tri-corner hats. I love the tri-corner hats. Vastly superior to the usual white pillow-case hoods with those never really matching-up two eye-holes crudely cut into them…

Troubadour: Are Republicans their own race?

…The closest extranational society to exhibiting the values, intentions, and mores of the Republican Party would be Saudi Arabia (100% feudal/privatized government, religious fundamentalist theocracy, draconian “justice” system, extreme wealth disparity, berserk misogyny, etc.) and they’re not white.  And while a mentality somewhat like theirs on a different level once controlled Germany for a decade, they were obliterated by the largest military alliance in human history – nearly all of which involved white people.  So if there are political characteristics associated with “whiteness,” either the GOP is a radical outlier from them or their ostensibly white members are actually a race unto themselves…

AlecMN: Only American white men are exceptional
The power brokers of the conservative movement are fighting a viscous, and dieing battle to hold onto the white, male power structure they feel is slipping away. It is almost painfully easy to illustrate that the fight from the top of the conservative movement is not about our countries greatness. In fact, movement conservative elites are trying so hard to hold onto power they would even destroy the country in the process…
What else can you possibly say about a movement that has spent the first part of this century trying to dismantle the American Century. What can you say is their goal, when they tear down everything our Greatest Generation did…
Glenn Melancon: The right is left with childish insults

As I listen to conservatives cry and whine every day now, I have come to the conclusion that their message has narrowed. Gays and guns don’t scare Americans any more. Americans have rejected the conservative gods of wealth and war. Obamacare IS constitutional and moving forward despite 30 years of packing the court with ideologues. 

The conservative message has been reduced to “Obama has cooties!!! EEEEWWWWWW!!!”…

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