Daily Kos Week in Review: Nasty Rich Boys Don’t Ever Change

Remember when conservatives didn’t like or trust Mitt Romney? Well, that’s yesterday’s news, according to one Kossack, who opined that the right is warming to Romney because of his vicious, mendacious attacks on President Obama. Moreover, the same Kossack declared that righties find lies about Obama not only politically congenial but also sexually arousing.
As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger’s name or pseudonym.

Daily Kos Week in Review will return in two weeks.
Jed Lewison: Mitt’s still a bully
…America’s right is falling in love with Mitt Romney…
…[T]hese conservatives are realizing that Mitt Romney, Cranbook’s senior bully, and Mitt Romney, 2012 Republican nominee, are one and the same—and they’d love nothing more than to see Eric Fehrnstrom pin President Obama to the floor as Willard shaves that crazy hair right off Obama’s head, lest it turn into an Afro.

They really aren’t paying attention the substance of what he says, at least when it comes to policy…But when Romney goes after Obama, it really gets them hot-and-bothered…

…[N]othing makes conservatives hornier than a brazen lie told in pursuit of the destruction of Barack Obama…

er0tikka: Our ‘heroes’ are just cogs in the ‘war machine’

…I think that there was such a backlash to [Chris Hayes’s] honest statement shows American culture’s inability to reconcile with reality…

Freedom, that nebulous term that means nothing, has no definition and lingers everywhere. Orwellian doublethink embodies itself in words like freedom, heroes, honor, American.

My questions are the same I’ve been asking for years in regards to war and American exceptionalism: Why do we feel the need to qualify anyone who dies overseas in an illegitimate war as a hero?…

Why are soliders heroes while teachers are burdens? Why are the dead and fallen engaging in foreign occupations respected and regarded with honor while the very same war machine costs us peace, lives and global stability?…

LeftOfYou: Imagine ten Bush 43s…
…Just imagine America’s political landscape if we had suffered 10 historical George W. Bushes…I’m guessing that America would by now be about as unified as the Balkans after World War I and as peaceful as modern East Africa…

Hunter: …and a president even worse than Dubya

…[I]n the cold, dead eyes of Michele Bachmann and the perpetually pissed off glare of Rick Santorum, I learned that yes, oh yes—we could indeed have a president who was considerably more dumb than George W. Bush, destroyer of budgets and economies, defender of the doctrine of preemptive, convenient war, perpetual pawn in everyone else’s long game. It would be easy. We could have an outright moron, a cold hearted sociopath, a conspiracy theorist as president Just. Like. That…

sujigu: No hatred from the lefty media

…Michelle Malkin and Anne Coulter rake in millions while using schoolyard name calling…

[T]here’s an audience for this. These are the people who watch Hannity, O’Reilly, and read the Daily Caller, etc….Decades of blaming unions, minorities, the poor, and foreigners has finally culminated in an audience that understands this world view and is willing to vote with their feet to fund the infrastructure to fuel a media that will package the world the way they want to see it…Can you picture a liberal hate monger, going on television and spewing falsehoods?  He may be neat for a week, but would summarily get kicked off the air and lose his viewership. Who do we have instead? Rachel Maddow, a super intelligent, professional, demure, sensible debater who understands decorum and history. Republicans fear her for her intelligence. Sounds like something that appeals to liberals to me. Where is Rachel’s far right equivalent? Oh that’s right, he/she doesn’t exist…

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